nopreparing for the journey part 2

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Zyan' s POV

I'm pretty much done packing except for my mirror. I find do a year without a mirror. Suddenly I herd a knock on the door. I went to open it and to my surprise I saw Harry. "Hey buddy, what brings you hire ?"I asked him.

"Louis is having a party at his house, at 7 To celebrate our birthdays and because it's our last day in palalet town" he said as he took a seat in my kitchen.

"Great, do you want something to drink ?" I asked trying to be polite.

" No thanks" he said. "So are you ready for tomorrow ?" he asked.

"Well I still need to find my mirror which I can't find anywhere" I told him.

" you want me to help you look " Harry asked me.

"Sure if you have time" I said.

We probably looked for the mirror for about 35 minutes. Than we found it behind the TV, my little sister was probably playing with it yesterday.

"Thanks for helping me find it" I said.

"No problem" he said heading to the door.

"See you at the party" I said.

"Yeah see you" he said as he left.

Liam POV

I finished packing yesterday. Since I am the smart one I packed a first aid kit, my seeping bag, my clothes, some food, and a bit of pokemon food.

I was really excited about starting the journey tomorrow with my friends. I was watching TV when I heard a knock on my door.

I opened the door it was Niall.

"Hi, happy birthday" I said as he came in.

" Thanks Louis is throwing a party at his house at 7, to celebrate our birthdays and to have some fun at are last day in palalet town" Niall said.

"Great but lets not do anything stupid this time" I said.

"Well tell that to Louis, I bet he already has prepared a prank for each of us" he said.

I signed, I knew Niall was right.

"You ready for tomorrow ?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be"he answered.

His answer didn't surprise me at all Niall was always very adventurous.

" Well bye" he said as he left my house'

"Yeah see you at the party" I said.

I feel like I forgot to pack something...


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