Chapter 6

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It had been a week since the incident where I was half naked in front of Reds friends and I still couldn't believe that he didn't even say anything about it was like he didn't even care something wasn't right and I have been feeling well lately so I decided to give myself a little break away from him and go stay with my aunt.

A week had gone by and I didn't know what was wrong I was still wasnt feeling well so i decided i will go to the doctor Red hadnt  hit me up and I had a feeling he was messing with that bitch August .

Me and my Aunt Nancy had went to the health department to see what was wrong I had a feeling what was going on because I had missed my period .

When the doctor walked in all he could say was exactly what I did not want to hear

" Mrs. Martin your 4 weeks pregnant "

my heart sanked to the bottom of my chest and i couldnt breath how in the world could i be pregnant !? Red and i had only had sex twice since we been together and we used condoms . i dont think they busted .... * did they ??

Did he even put them on ?? it was dark and i didn't think about that at the moment in time . life was about to get so hard seeing how my 17th birthday was only a week away .

Wtf was i gonna do . ??

( a month later )

Red **

Man its been a month and i havent talked to jelly , idk she was tripping word on the street she found out ( or at least thought she found out ) about that bitch August to have gave me head all the time , i wasnt about to lose my relationship over no hoe . i called jelly at least 500 time in the last week this wasnt like her not even when she was mad something else was up . My homeboy ace had seen her by her aunt so i decided to go over there and see her and see wtf was up i know she better not be fucking around on me .

As i drove down her road all i seen was little kids. Her sister jada was out side playing school with her friends in the yard 

i walked up to her cause that was my little dawg . she was a gorgeous 7 year old she looks almost exactly like jelly and her mother .

Jada " what you want !?

damn that was harsh she never talked like that before .

Hey Jay your sister here ??


yeah she here but she sick i dont think she wanna talk to you . she said you made her sick and that's why she cant play with me right now .

" sick !?? " what the hell she meant by that . i hope she doesn't have an std or something . i walked in the house letting my self in . and as soon as i walked in her two brothers jumped  up and went to swinging on me off rip . Wtf ! why everybody hate me

i knew i had missed her birthday but i didnt find that that serious .

Tee **

Dis niggah had nerve to walk in my house after he got my sister pregnant is he serious she two and a half months pregnant and he aint been here at all I gotta whoop this niggah  ass


I'm usually not the Fighting type but this dude just walked in my house and then I see my brother jump up so you know I had to jump up I guess this is the dude who had got my sister pregnant because Tee was so mad . We  jumped him for a while but then my sister came running the room so we stopped . I could see the hurting her eyes I didn't know what else to say but I had to kick him one last time in the face .  my sister was all I had seen how my mom just left me and the fact that she was going to have a baby made feel like my moms coming back .

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