Chapter 32

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Lucas P.O.V.

Jade: We need to talk Lucas..

Lucas: About?

Ashley: About you and Trent and why be avoiding him

Lucas: Did actually went and told y'all I was avoiding him?

Jade: No. We saw you took the long way to your third block

Lucas: But how you know I am avoiding him?

Ashley: We know you Lucas. We probably know you better then yourself..

Lucas: Sure..

Jade: Now tell us why you be avoiding him? Are you mad at him?

Lucas: No but he going to be mad at me once I tell him went happened the other night

Ashley: What happened?

Lucas: It..kinda of a long story..

Jade: Just tell us. We your best friend

Lucas: I know but..

Ashley: You still don't trust us after all these years?

Lucas: No..It just going to be hard telling y'all..

Ashley: Then tell us..

Lucas: OK. But can we go somewhere more private

Jade: Sure..

Walking out the gym I start putting together how I was going to tell them about Dillyn. Still walking we came to stop right in front of my house..looking up I was confused as hell

Ashley: You did say somewhere private and what more private then your own house.

Lucas: Yeah..I guess..

Jade: Well come on..

Going up the steps I unlock the door and drop my book-bag on the floor. Going upstairs I sat on the bed while Jade and Ashley sat on the floor.

Jade: We waiting...

Lucas: This going be hard

Ashley: Why did you cheat on Trent or something?

Lucas: Yeah..I may no..I don't know

Jade: What you mean you don't know?

Lucas: I didn't want to do it..with him...It was..force..

Ashley: You was force?

Lucas: Yeah..

Jade: What you mean by that?

Lucas: I was feeling fine and then I start drinking the drink he gave me and then when I got home I start feeling light-headed and then next thing I know we were here and then...

Ashley:....He rape you..

Lucas: Yeah..pretty much..

Jade: O my god..Did you tell anyone?

Lucas: My mom..and my dad know now..

Ashley: Did you go to the hospital?

Lucas: Yeah..

Jade: So do you have anything?

Lucas: I don't know they said it usually take 2 weeks to know anything..So I have to wait

Ashley: So this why you be avoiding Trent?

Lucas: Yeah. What if he leave me? What if I got an STD or something or worst?

Jade: Don't think like that I swear you have nothing

Ashley: Jade right and Trent love you Lucas I know he will understand and will support you.

Lucas: You really think so?

Ashley: Yes..

Lucas: OK. I going to tell him tonight..

Please Vote( About 4 more chapters)


1. How was this chapter?

2. You think Lucas have an STD?

3. How is Trent going to reaction?

4. How y'all listen to Remember me ft Nicki Minaj?

Love Games: SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant