Chapter 22

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Trent P.O.V.

Leaning down in my bed I scroll though my songs list trying to pick a song to listen to. I was about to tap on Anaconda when India call..

Trent: Hello

India: Hi. What you doing?

Trent: Chilling..

India: got something to show you

Trent: What is it?

India: It

Trent: What about him?

India: I send you the video

Trent: Alright.

Clicking the video I watch as Lucas was with this other dude and he try to hide behind some clothes...watching the video zoom in on the other dude I saw him smile..

Ending the video I was kinda of mad but more confuse...calling India back I heard the worry  in her voice.

Trent: What was the point of that video?

India: I not trying of as jealous but I think Lucas is cheating on you

Trent: Cause he was in a store with other dude?

India: No. They both come into the store together and I not for sure but I think he was holding his hand

Trent: This is pissing me off...

India: I sorry

Trent: But you was the same one who told me he was at the movies with other dude..

India: I know.

Trent: Was that same nigga?

India: I don't know. But he was in the mall today with Dillyn

Trent: Who?

India: The nigga in our 2nd block

Trent: Why the fuck will Lucas be hanging out with him for?!

India: I don't know! He was with him today and it seem like Dillyn was holding his hand or have him out on a date or something..

Trent: Whatever India DON'T call with your bullshit again

Hanging up on her I block her number and put in my earbuds...Lucas can't be cheating on me..

Lucas P.O.V. 

Getting out the car I walk in the house and ran up to my room..sitting on my bed I try to think of a way to stop my parents to come to the school tomorrow.  Sitting up my mom walk in the room with of those look that I know she going to be talking to me about 3 hours

LM: Why do you go out with him Lucas? He not.

Lucas: Mom! He didn't do it...

LM: I didn't say that did I?

Lucas: You was..

LM: Lucas..stop defending him! You can do better

Lucas: Mom! Stop why are you keep saying that?

LM: Cause it true..what his GPA?

Lucas: I don't know! What do it matter?!

LM: Watch your level of voice with me. Me and your father coming to the school tomorrow and we going make sure that little boy don't come anyway near you...and he going to pay for your phone

Lucas: He didn't do it!

LM: Who then?

Lucas: Dillyn! He be forcing me to go out with him and If i say no he going to get Trent kick out of school and

LM: Why are you lying on that poor boy?

Lucas: WHAT?! Mom I telling you the truth! 

LM: So you telling me that..Dillyn is forcing you to go out with him?

Lucas: Yes..

LM: I don't know what this boy doing to you but we told you about lying..

Lucas: I not lying..

LM: We going to school tomorrow Lucas..

walking out the my room I lean down on the bed...Trent is going to kick my ass tomorrow

The Next Day

Getting up extra earlier I got dress and sneak to my my parents bedroom and grab they car keys. Putting them into my pocket I open my bedroom window and jump out the house ...landing on the ground I slip almost hitting the grass..standing up I quietly walk to the garage..walking in I slash my mom and dad tires...OK I think I over did it Lucas...fuck..they going to whoop my ass..

Walking back in the house I place the car keys on the living room table. Going upstairs I grab my stuff and start walking to school. Walking up the steps to school I walk in the hallway to my locker. Going to my locker I enter my lock combination...exchanging my textbooks...closing my locker I saw Trent walking down the hallway toward me. 

Walking toward him I hug him almost knocking him down. 

Lucas: Trent..I got something to tell you

Trent: I Know. And I got something to ask you..

Lucas: OK. What is it?

Trent: *Deep Breath* Are you cheating on me?

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1. Is Lucas going tell the truth?

2. Did Lucas go to far?

3. Is Lucas parents REALLY coming to the school?

4. Is Trent and India friendship over?

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