Part 1

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Youth ranging from the ages of twelve to eighteen swarm into groups as they criss-cross over the early sun dried asphalt of the church parking lot. Their backpacks and sleeping bags being hauled behind eager bodies as their chatter overwhelms the morning air. Cars are lined in the parking lot with groups of various sizes and colors standing next to them. I look back to see my mom shuffling through her ragged black purse for my ID as I step up to the three smiling ladies seated behind a long white foldable table draped in a flowery cloth. I gaze upwards and take a deep breath to calm any nerves. It's only three days. Three days with strangers, in the mountains, with 35 pound bags on our backs, no problem. One lady behind the table cheerily asked which ward I was in. "Bridgeside," I smile. When she asked if I was excited I proclaim with optimism, "How could I not be? Can't wait to meet my group!" She corrects me, "You mean you're family." and slides me a wink. "Oh, of course, my family indeed." I like meeting new people, but it's a little uncomfortable not knowing anyone, where do I even start? I just moved to here barely a month ago. One lady hands me a red bandanna and points to those who would be my 'family' for next few days, standing by a midnight blue minivan. I immediately notice that there are all guys so far, a younger chubby one with shaggy light brown hair, and the other two probably around my age messing around with each other's stuff. My mom officially signs me up and pulls me in for a tight hug goodbye, "Make it a great few days okay?" Sending me off with a smile and the bounce of her dark curly hair as she waves back my way before scooting into her car.

This is it, here I go. I walk up to my group and the guys pause to take me in. Breathe. The chubby one strides up to me with a sweet smile. "Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 13. You put your backpacking bag in the trunk for now." Still grinning I decide to pat him on the head in a playful manner.

"Thank you Ethan, that's very helpful of you. I'm Payton, I'm 17." I gather up my bags, pulling out my sketchbook for the car ride, and walk between the two other guys managing a friendly, "Hey." in both of their directions. The taller one walks up behind me and whispers, "Hey," he clears his throat, "Do you need any help Miss?"

"Hm, well seeing that I'm already to the trunk I think I can handle it, but you can hold my sketchbook while I put this stuff in here." I nod towards the trunk.

He leans against the car facing me, "Ah, I see how it's gunna be, Miss Independent."

I glance his way with a smirk, "I was already to the trunk is all." I fit my bags in between the others, eyeing brown boxes of food I assume to be for the trek.

"You're not a bad drawer, actually, you're really good!" I see him flipping through my sketchbook. I release an annoyed groan. Right as I'm about to snatch it away he lifts it above my reach "Joshie come here! Meet our sister, she's an artist!"

"No I'm not, they're just doodles!" I hop up to reach it, but he maneuvers away. I roll my eyes as he grins at my failed attempt to get back my sketches.

"Joshie!" He yells teasingly, and I see the other guy in my group jog up to us, tan, dark hair and hazel eyes, this must be...Joshie?

"Hey sis, hope it's alright if I call you that since we're family now. I hear you're an artist, it's a good thing too 'cause we'll need a creative mind for our banner." Joshie sticks his hand in my direction and I shake it. "My name is Josh, don't let Connor over here fool you, but a word of warning, he has attachment issues. Lucky for him, we are in the same family." Josh winks at me before punching Connor in the arm, "Isn't that right Connie?" Conner looks up from my sketchbook and rolls his eyes before glancing up at me.

"What's your name anyways? Sorry we didn't ask before." Josh looks at me apologetically and as I open my mouth to speak Conner interrupts, "Payton." I tilt my head confused at how he already knew my name.

"Yes, that's, how did you-?"

He smiles flipping to the inside cover of my sketchbook, pointing to my name in cursive ink.

"It's says, 'Payton', right there so I just assumed." Connor shrugs. "Unless, you stole this and it isn't even yours!" He gasps dramatically and Josh and I exchange amused glances. I spot Ethan toddle from around the corner of the car and Connor's head turns towards him. Josh salutes Connor and Ethan before turning to bow my way then jogs out of sight. Huh, seems like I got some interesting brothers, but I'm not complaining. "Hey Eth, how's it going bro?" Connor questions handing me my sketchbook.

"I'm doing alright, we should make our banner as we wait for the rest of our family to get here."

"Good thinking Eth, let's get to it, come on Payton. We'll need those wonderful doodling skills of yours!"

"Elise!" I wave down the beautiful brunette from my ward. I haven't gotten to know her very well yet, but this trek will give me the chance to, now that she's in my family. I smile as she walks over. I tell her the same instructions Ethan told me when I first came up and she heads to the trunk. So far my family consists of four guys; Jordan (tall, smart looking with glasses and light mousy brown spiked hair and freckles), Josh, Connor, Ethan, and four girls besides myself; Elise, Marissa (long blond hair, baby blue eyes), Kendra (light brown hair and green eyes), Krista (slightly chubby, beautiful light golden hair and eyes), Rebecca (long amber hair, hazel eyes and freckles). I start to feel my self-esteem lessen as I glance around at the girls in my group. "Hey, Rebecca can you hand me that black marker? It's right by your arm." She glances my way and tosses the maker to me, "Here you go!" "Thanks." I lean over the thin cotton square cloth that's supposed to be our banner. As a group we came up with the saying, 'feed the positive wolf'. There's a story about two wolves who are constantly fighting, one is black and full of negativity and pessimism, and a white one full of positivity and optimism. Which one wins? The one you feed, so if you feed the positive wolf, you can overcome the negative. Right now I'm working on the black wolf. When the banner is done it'll have the two wolves circled, kinda in a yin and yang type of way, and 'Feed the Positive Wolf' in bold red letters. Krista and Marissa are working on filling the letters I previously stenciled in red. It's looking pretty great. Kendra nudges me, "Great job! Hey, we should all sign our names on it too when it's done." I look up at her and smile, "That's a great idea! Can you make sure everyone does?" She nods and goes back to chatting with Jordan, who she seems to already know from previous church activities.

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