Part 5

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The path is now dusty and dry as we march up and around rocky switchbacks. My old pack is digging into my hips and my legs ache as we continue uphill. It's been 5 miles since we've been able to get water, and many of us have drank most of ours. We've trekked about 8 miles now. I'm not sure how many more we have to go, but I heard we're not going to stop until the sun sets. Ethan's shiny young eyes dim as he looks over his shoulder at me, "Come on Eth, you got this, keep on trekking." He smirks, "I'm really thirsty." Without hesitation I unclip the water at my side and hand it to him as we walk. He looks at it eagerly, but reaches out hesitantly. I push it into his hands, grey from the dust, "Go ahead, you need it more than I do." He nods. His green eyes fill with gratitude as he gulps down the precious liquid, it's warm from the sun, but it's better than nothing. I've always been able to get through the day without much intake of water at home, so I was happy I was able to help. Ethan hands the water bottle back with a little less than a cup left.

Jordan's up ahead carrying two packs; his, and then Krista's around his front. I'm surprised that, with his thin, stocky stature, he's leading the way as if the extra weight doesn't faze him one bit. I glance behind for a second and notice Krista is treading with our trek mom in the back, along with Kendra who also doesn't seem to be doing very good. Up ahead I spot a walkway shaded by trees and we all decide it would be a good place to rest for a bit. We all pick up the pace in order to get there faster, but someone behind me releases a heart jolting shriek and we all freeze and turn around. I gasp, our trek Ma is standing in front of Kendra; who's lying on the ground breathing shallowly. I rush over, my pack painfully pounding against my back as I race to my Ma's and Kendra's side. Our Pa comes down the trail as well. We all gather around as Kendra struggles for breaths.

Our Ma paces nervously, "She told me that she has asthma but that it's not too bad so, so she didn't think to bring her inhaler and then she just, collapsed." Pa pulls Ma into his side to comfort her.

"Hey honey it's okay she's gunna be alright. Guys! Help me carry her to the shade please, we all need to get out of the sun. Kendra, Kendra can you talk?" Pa gives Ma one last squeeze before kneeling down beside Kendra as she coughs and heaves. I'm screaming in my head, What can I do? Somebody help her! Do something! I've always been wary about a divine being watching over us and have never really believed in such a person, but I recall the pleading words of my mother in the car before dropping me off this morning, 'Make some friends, and find your faith.' I uncertainly offer a prayer through my thoughts, hoping Kendra will be alright. I try to grasp onto the little faith I have before doubt start to well up in my mind. We are hours away from a hospital, from care, we don't know where our trail guide is, we have no walkie talkie or cell phone, what's going to happen to her? The guys have all rushed past me by now, they've undone Kendra's pack the Pa now straps onto himself as Josh and Connor arrange in a two person arm carry for Kendra, her arms wrapped around both their shoulders as she sits on the support they made with their arms, and carry her to shade as quickly as possible. I hear rustling in the brush ahead and see bushes and plants wavering as the trail guide speedily dashes down to meet with us, already analyzing the situation. Kendra now rests on a rock with her head between her knees and we all stand by helplessly as the trail guide makes an effort to talk to Kendra, who still struggles to breathe, her face grows paler as sweat wells up on her forehead. The trail guide turns to our Pa and they nod their heads in an agreement. I look around at everyone's concerned faces as Pa gathers us in a circle around Kendra. "By Kendra's consent, we are going to give her a priesthood blessing." The trail guide and our Pa stand above Kendra's heaving body and lay their hands on her head, one on top of the other, and bow their heads. I glance around as everyone reverently folds their arms as I do the same. I take a deep breath as they begin the blessing with Kendra's full name, and proceed to ask God to give her the strength she needs to continue on and that she will be alright and that we will know how to help further. This is the first priesthood blessing I've witnessed in a long time. The last one I can remember is the confirmation from my own baptism. I start to feel awkward with all these saintly people surrounding me. I haven't been active in the church lately. I never really was 'anxiously engaged' because I was quick to doubt, and quick to walk another path, feeling like I was inadequate among so many people who showed a lot more faith then I did. I couldn't take feeling so uncomfortable and out of place, so I had stopped coming to church.

We all remain silent for a moment after the blessing ends. I sit next to Rebecca as everyone else takes a seat on the ground to rest. Kendra's breathing has begun to regain more steady breaths and after only a few minutes, there seems to have no evidence of any previous panic or ill. Rebecca and I walk up to Kendra to see how she's doing.

"Hey, how are you feelin'? You doin' alright?" I sit next to the rock she occupies in the leafy brush.

She clears her throat with a glow surrounding her and eyes full of humble tears, "Yeah, I'm doing a lot better thank you, it's really a miracle how I've recovered so fast. Truly, asthma attacks are serious business and I shouldn't have left my inhaler at home, guys..." she whispers tentatively, "I shouldn't have survived this as well as I did, which is kinda scary to think's a miracle to me." A small smile forms upon her tired, but enduring face as she blinks back more tears.

Touched and stunned at the realization that I might have been a witness of such a wonder I almost don't know what to say, "You've definitely been blessed, and I'm glad you are doing better, do you want us to get anything for you?" I offer.

"Like water or something?" Rebecca suggests, ready for the task.

Kendra nods, "That would be really great of you guys, thanks. I have a little left on the right side of my pack, our Pa still has it on I think."

"No problem, we shall return shortly!" Rebecca states as we salute her, off to fulfill our mission of water retrieval.

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