Part 2

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Everyone in the minivan is napping, except the driver of course, probably because of waking up so early. Conner, Josh, and Ethan are all leaning on each other in the back. Marissa and Elise are in the seats next to mine and the rest of our crew is in another car being driven up to the start of our backpacking trail. In the silence I stare out the big windows, and doodle in my sketch book as we drive along the wilderness, circling the mountains full of pines and boulders. I'm not even sure where we are going to be trekking, but so far the sights have grown even more stunning as we gain altitude. As I'm gazing out, I notice my eyes growing heavy and I decide I might as well take a short nap along with the others. I close up my sketches and put them away for the time being, then nestle more comfortably in my seat. I release a content sigh before closing my droopy eyes. In less than a moment I feel myself drift off elsewhere.

"Should I wake Payton up? She looks uncomfortable." a muffled voice questions. I hear shuffling in the backseat and begin to ease back into consciousness.

"She must have a terrible kink in her neck by now..." Josh whispers.

"How long has she been like that?" Ethan wonders. I picture him gawking at my awkward resting position.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Should I wake her?" Connor states.

"Yeah, wake her up, careful." Though I'm already conscious I'm curious in what Connor's tactic will be. He rubs my arm before gently squeezing my shoulder a few times, "Hey P.," He whispers. I slowly open my eyes and look over into Connor's bright blue ones. "Sorry to wake you, but we didn't think you looked very comfortable and wanted to wake you before you got sore or something." He seems apologetic as he looks back at the other guys. I glance to the girls beside me still asleep in upright positions, how do they do that? "You can fall back asleep if you want." Connor rubs my arm once more before reclining back. I put a hand to my neck and massage the area. I'm glad I did wake up, any longer and I would've been sore. I rub my eyes to clear my grogginess.

"How long have you guys been awake?" I wonder, glancing at the clock in the car and realizing I've only been out for about 30 minutes.

Conner shrugs, "Not sure, a few minutes maybe?" Josh and Ethan nod in agreement seeming slightly out of it still. "Maybe even a few seconds ago, this car ride is going unbelievably slow. So booooring."

I decide to get smart with him as I answer with a smile, "Well that all depends on how you spend your time doesn't it? There's no such thing as boring unless you are a boring person."

"Ooooh she told you!" Josh playfully whacks Connor's shoulder. "Nice one sis."

Connor grins. "Well you ain't wrong, what do you suggest we do as we wait to reach our destination oh wise one?"

"MASH!" Josh fist bumps the air. "We should play MASH! I call firsties!"

I raise an eyebrow, "I didn't know guys even knew about MASH, but you seem quite excited about it so if you insist. MASH it is."

"Firsties? Really Joshie? I thought you had a more sophisticated vocabulary."

Josh shoots Connor a teasing glare before crossing his arms, "There's no problem in being enthusiastic about going first." I set up the game in a blank page in my sketchbook and ready my pencil for Josh's reply to the questions.

"Okay, name four girls." This ending category is always the most interesting and most vital part to the whole MASH game ordeal. As Josh pretends to ponder, Connor lists some girls' names. Josh seems to consider some and disregard others with a single change in expression, "What about Taylor? Oooh, or Megan?"

"No way," Josh waves the names away, "I wouldn't take your girl from you. Megan is yours."

"Dang right she's mine, now come on, you only have to pick four."

"Okay okay, um...Jessica, Taylor, Rachel and...Rebecca."

"Our trek family Rebecca?"

"Yeah, she seems cool."

"Alright," I grin, "tell me when to stop and then I'll start marking things off." I draw a curl in the center of the page until he tells me to stop. I count the rings, 6, then begin from the M in MASH and make my way around the categories, marking off every 6th item I come across each time around. Josh shrugs as Connor teases him about Rebecca and what results he might get. As I circle the last item I smirk at the outcome. "Josh? You ready for me to reveal your future?" With open arms he exclaims, "Fortune tell away!" listening eagerly.

"You will marry Taylor, and have 27 beautiful children and a pet walrus as you live in your lovely shack and drive a Mercedes to your job as a plumber in Utah." I pause to let it all sink in. "Wow, sounds like a great future, I have no idea where you're going to put that walrus though unless your shack has a pool around or something." Connor laughs as Josh seems to be less then satisfied with his results.

"Oh yeah? You think it's funny? Alright, you're next Connie, let's see what your future holds, I bet it's not half as good as mine! I have 27 beautiful children, how many you got?"

"You're on Joshie. Set me up P., let's see what my life shall look like, at least I'm not married to Taylor." He snickers.

"Ah whatever." I set up another round for Connor. We go around again to all the other categories. Guys don't take the MASH games seriously. They pick the silliest answers. Compared to us girls who pick practical replies. I can't imagine what would happen if Connor really had 106 kids and drove a cardboard box, I mean come on, how unrealistic.

"Alright Connor, now you have your choice of girls, but remember, your limit is four."

"Only four? Man you make this so difficult, P."

"Ah we all know who you're going to pick anyways."

"Megan will be one, Macey, uh, Charlotte, and...Payton." He winks.

Josh points to me, "Our sis Payton? Connor you scandalous boy!"

"Hey you picked our sis Rebecca!"


I blush as I draw a swirl, grateful they are in the back and can't see my face. Connor tells me to stop as I reach 4 and then I start marking things off. It's just a silly fun game, the guys won't think anything of it, but I feel my face grow even redder as Connor asks for his results. "Um, well you are going to marry me, Payton, and have 5 athletic kids and a pet dolphin as you live on a yacht and drive a jeep to your job as a fireman."

Connor puts his hands behind his head and leans back, "Looks like I made a good choice marrying you am I right?" he teases.

"Can't believe you said yes Payton!" Joshes shakes his head in mock disbelief.

"Ah hey, you gotta admit my future is pretty sweet, or should I say our future?" and he rests his head on the shoulder of my seat and bats his eyelashes at me.

"Forgot about Megan that quickly huh?" Josh rolls his eyes.

Connor doesn't even look back at him as he says, "Life sometimes leads you in another direction." He smiles right at me. He's one cheesy dude, but a really handsome one at that. "I haven't seen you around at events or dances before. You new or have I just been too narrow minded to notice you around?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah I'm new, moved in month ago from Cali."

"No way! I hope you brought sweaters, it gets cold up here."

"Oh no worries, I love sweaters, now that I'm living here I'll actually be able to enjoy wear them." I smile at both of them and they exchange grins.

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