One - I Fall Out of Heaven (Part Two)

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Taylor and I hopped in the back of the '67 Impala, Sam and Dean occupying the front seats. Cas seemed to disappear; Taylor said he does that sometimes.

I recently changed my Facebook relationship status to: 'It's complicated.' It's true. Taylor obviously said yes when I proposed to her, but the week after that was the hard part. She said to me that she was doubting the decision, but I thought she was just kidding me at the time.

She wasn't.

She said that we had to be busy saving the world and that kind of thing, not planning on what type of flowers to buy! I was incredulous at first, but then I understood. She didn't want to be with me, or anyone else. She is becoming independent, petty, and annoying, like one certain Shadowhunter I know.

Then I told her that we could be a crime-fighting duo like Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter, but she said she had never watched the movies or read the books. Now I'm starting to feel like she's turning into Harry near the 6th or 7th book; independent, annoying, and reluctant to hang out with Ron and Hermoine, who used to be his friends. I'm one of them, including Rachel and Amanda and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise. Anyway, we planned a marathon of Harry Potter this weekend, if we're back and still alive; it's only Wednesday, but I have a feeling that we may take a while.

I look at her, holding her hand in the backseat. Whenever I am touching her, I feel complete; like a missing puzzle piece just snapped in perfectly. Whenever I lay my eyes on her delicate, beautiful face, I feel like I'm completely rediscovering her. And every time, I enjoy it with happiness beyond measure.

But today, something's different.

"Taylor. You need to tell me what's wrong." I let go of her hand, turn and look at her with no hint of a smile on my face.

"It's just, it seems that none of the people I have relationships with seem to think that they have that relationship with me."

"You just pretty much voiced my pain. Something seems tense with you. I'm your fiance, you can tell me anything." I take her hand again.

"I don't feel like we should be doing this, saving my dad. I- it just doesn't feel right. Like I might get punished more for it."

"Taylor, over that last five years, I think as many demons as is possible to round up at one time ambushed you more than once. You've been through the worst, and I'm sure you'll be fine."

She cracks a wry smile. "That's usually the queue line in movies for the character to get killed, and the person who said that to die saving them, isn't it?"

"I could give a tribble's furry ass."

Let me catch you up.

Taylor and I return to the shore of the beach, as Taylor's transimtter was ringing, and she was still really worried about her dad. Of course, he was on the other line. When she hung up the phone call, a look of worry took over any happiness we had just created.

"It's my dad. He's hurt. Bad."

"It's okay, Taylor. I can help you get there." The voice was not mine or Kirk's, or even Dean or Sam. Castiel.

"How do you- nevermind. I don't really care. Can you really get us there?"

"Well, you can fly, so I was just going to really tell you that. i have more important tasks to get done, such as ruling the sky. God sents us here to walk among humans for a reason."

"Always nice talkin' to ya, Cas, but we have to go now. Also saving the world. Catch you later!" She punches him playfully in the chest, but he is undetered, looking at me as if I have a solution to this unsolvable problem.

We fly off as Taylor's wings spread. We land on one of the entrances of the Enterprise, and Taylor draws an opening rune on the circular door. She then uses sheer force to close it, running as fast as she can through the hallways, with me running after her, saying sorry to anyone if we knocked them over. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go back and help them up or check their medical status.

"Where. Is. He?" She is red like a friggin' tomato when she reaches the bridge and sees Spock sitting in the captain's chair, with the ship on autopilot.

"Medical bay, Taylor. My condolences."

"Thanks. Knuckles?" She holds out her fist. He looks extremely perplexed and confused. "Nevermind." She starts to sprint to the med bay, and I take off after her.

"You know, Taylor, I'm a mermaid, not a track star!"

"You've never even met Bones, how do you know that bit?" She turns around, and she doesn't look tired at all. Maybe the red on her face was anger.


"Nevermind, come on!" She takes my wrist and drags me along with her.

We reach the med bay, and I see Bones looking down at Jim with concern for his best friend since before the academy with worry taking over his face and the rest of his body; he was shaking like a nervous wreck - which he probably was.

"Taylor, there's really nothing to say. He's- dead. I- I don't know why, I don't know how, he just appeared on the floor like this. I found him, checked his pulse, he was completely normal." He stands up. "I turned my back for literally a half-second to grab a syringe, and he was dead. There's utterly nothing I can do. I- really- really wish t-there was, but he-he's dead. I-I can't do anything, I can't stop it- I can't-"

"You son of a bitch!" Taylor screams as her wings come out and she tackles Bones, the poor guy, right down to the ground.

"TAYLOR! It's not his fault!" I yell as I peel her off of him.

She finally lets go of him, and I see him dust himself off and reset his shoulder, going to an adjacent room, returning with his arm in a cast and sling.

"I need to make a phone call." She says as she pulls out her iPhone, dialing a number and walking into the hallway to take the call.

"Hey, man. You know, I know this is hard for you, and um, well, here's my phone number if you ever need me or Taylor. Ever. Okay?"


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