Chapter 2 - Introduction

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"Just do it already!!!" You heard a male yell. You turned to see the grumpy troll by the name of Karkat yelling at Sollux, his face yellow.
"Okay, okay!" He gave up. He got up and walked over to your table.
"H-hi...I'm S-sollux..." he stuttered in his lisp. You looked up at him seeing two different colored eyes. "M-my friend told me I s-should talk t-toriel you and ask you on a date...would you like t-that?"
You looked at Aradia, noticing a glare she was forwarding at Sollux. He stood there, head down, waiting for rejection.
"I'd love to! Tomorrow, here about....ten-ish?" You saw him perk up.
"R-really? O-okay! I'll be here." He smiled, running back to his table.
"Why did you take up that offer? Hes been sucking on fish lips for the past year!" She yelled quietly.
"It never hurts to give someone a chance. He could have changed, Aradia." She stood up.
"Okay." Grabbing her coffee, you watched your best friend walk away.

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