Prolouge: Tuesday, December 11th

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"Cassy! Wake up! The president has started his speech!"

I opened my eyes to see my brother standing in front of me with a panicked look on his face.

I suddenly realized that today was Tuesday, December 11. The day our lives were all about to change.

The president was about to give his speech on the major problem taking place in the world today, pollution.

All the junk being put in the air is causing us all to breathe unhealthy air. In fact, they just announced two weeks ago that we only have 45% of clean air left. Thats why the president and the UN are working together, they're trying to solve the problem before all our clean air is gone.

I stumbled out of my bed, wrapped my robe around my body, grabbed my phone, and walked down the stairs.

I looked at my phone and realized I had a Snapchat notification. I opened up the app and clicked the message. On my screen popped up a picture of my best friend Myalee with a gas mask on. The caption read:

"Look what my parents just bought me... #goals"

I responded to her with a picture of me sticking out my tongue, with a caption:

"So goals #whathasthisworldbecome"

"Cassie! Stop Snapchatting and pay attention!" My brother yelled from across the room.

"Fredrick, where's mom and dad?"

"They left for work two hours ago."

"But it's six O'clock right now! They must have left at... FOUR IN THE MORNING!"

"The factory won't wait for them, they have to be on time or they will get fired."

"Thats not fair. They should be able to spend time with their family..."

Suddenly the President came on the TV screen.

"Hello Americans! The United Nations and I have discussed the problem of air pollution over the past couple months. We have come up with a solution that will one day make America great again!"

"I hate it when he says that." I mumbled to myself.

"Shhhh" my brother gave me the death glare.

"As you all know, the pollution levels in the air are steadily increasing. As of this morning, only 40% Of all the earth's air supply is clean. So that means the other 60% is all pollution..."

"The percentage has raised 5% in the past week!" I yelled.


I listened in once again.

"So America, our action plan. It's going to be a major sacrifice, but it is our only option, our only hope, our only way to redemption. We are going to..."

Suddenly the TV screen turned off. I cursed under my breath

"Stupid TV."

I ran up to the TV, smacked it a few times, unplugged and replugged it in, and finally it turned back on.

"Alright America, you've got two weeks to prepare. I hope you guys have a great day. Goodbye for now." And the president walked off stage.

I ran as fast as I could to Fredrick in the other room.

"Fredrick! The stupid TV turned off right as the president was revealing his plan. What was it????"

"Well. You know, the usual. In two weeks we just have to give up every peice of electricity in the whole world and live in complete darkness until we hear from them again we are clear to start living."

"How long will they say that will last? A day? A week? Oh I hope it's not longer than a couple weeks, I couldn't live without my phone."

"Uh, Cassy, he said a year. We will be living in complete darkness for a year."

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