Wednesday, December 12th

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Dear Diary,

The weirdest thing happened yesterday. We were all told we had to give up all forms of technology and live in complete darkness.

The idea sounded cool at first. Since everyone complains how our generation is addicted to technology and stuff. But then I realized that everything uses technology... like literally everything.

We wont even be able to go to the grocery store... we can't drive cars and the stores won't be open. Unless they decide to still sell things in the dark and without cash registers. And they won't be able to ship food! How are we supposed to eat!

And what about school? Are they ever going to start school back up again? I really miss it. I think it was stupid  of them to shut it down because each school uses "too much air" or some stupid reason like that. You think it would be every child's dream if they found out their school got shut down. Not for me. It's my only place I can escape. It's the only place I don't feel lonely.

Speaking of lonely, my parent's jobs! what will happen to them? They are factory workers! The factories will probably be the first thing to shut down! How are we supposed to get finances?

Is money going to exist though? Just think about it. How are we supposed to buy things if there is nothing to buy?

All of our lives are going to be ruined, I guarantee it.


"Mom, what are we even supposed to do? How are we supposed to live?" I asked my mom when she woke me up.

"I would love to stay and chat about this... but your father and I have to go. Duty calls."

"But I-"

"I'm so sorry sweetie. We'll talk later, I promise. Now make sure your brother behaves and make sure he does his chores."

"I will mommy."

"Now there's my amazing daughter. I love you."

"Love you too mom."

My mom never came home that day, nor did my father.

My brother and I spend the whole day thinking and talking about how life is going to be so much different.

We found one positive side to it though, my family will get time to be together. Like a lot of time.

So my brother and I were fantasising practically all day about it until we looked at the clock and realized it was way past our bed time.

"Why do you think Mom and dad aren't home yet?"

"Dunno. They should be home soon. Let's go to bed. Hopefully they will come in and kiss is goodnight when they get home."

I tried staying up to see them come home. But as the clock ticked on and on, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

I heard Fredrick snoring from the room next door. That made me smile for some reason. He's so calm and treating everything that's happening as if its no big deal.

It made me wonder if it was a 15 year old thing. Because I'm almost 15, only four years away, and I'm really scared. I hope im as brave as him when I'm 15.

I gave in at midnight with the whole staying up thing. I quickly prayed my parents would come home while I was sleeping and fell asleep.

And my parents? They never came home while I was sleeping.

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