Chapter 1: X-men

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Charles' POV:

I woke up in my bed, covered in sweat. I knew that nightmare was real. I could feel it. I slowly moved my legs to allow me to sit up on the edge of my bed. I looked over at the clock .6:45am. Perfect. I carefully moved myself onto my wheel chair and wheeled out my bedroom door. There weren't many kids around, just a few early birds whom I greeted as I wheeled down the hall. I rolled into the Danger Room viewing box and saw Logan training fiercely. I smiled and moved closer to the console that controlled what happened to the trainees in the Danger Room. I leaned to the microphone and held down the button on it.

"I think this one might be a bit easy for you, don't ya think Logan?" I asked as he whipped around to look up at me. He smirked.

"Yeah I guess so," He called. "Why don't ya crank up the heat a bit?"

I smiled and looked down at my options on the console. I pushed the button that would release mechanical dogs into the room. Small doors that were built into the wall opened up and in ran the dogs. Logan nodded approvingly as he began slashing wildly at the dogs and dodging all their attacks. One dog got him on the shoulder but he just threw off the dog and his wound began to heal instantly. I then pushed the button which would make pits of fire appear randomly on the ground. As Logan was slashing at a dog coming towards him a pit opened up behind him and he nearly fell in but caught his balance and gave me the thumbs up.

xX After Training and Breakfast Xx

After breakfast I asked Hank and Logan to accompany me in my office so I could tell them about what I saw last night. Once we had gotten into my office I wheeled behind the desk as Hank and Logan sat down in the seats in front of me.

"So, what's up professor?" Asked Logan. I sighed and looked at them both.

"Last night I had a vision. Magneto is building another army of mutants." I said grimly. Hank's eyes widened and Logan groaned.

"Another one? Geez, that guy just doesn't give up." He mumbled in annoyance. I smiled sadly.

"He always was stubborn." I responded.

"Well, what do we do?" Asked Hank. I heard a few yelps and books being dropped, but I figured it was just someone pulling a little prank so I ignored it.

"I guess we'll have to get a few people together to help us take him down, won't we?" I suggested. Suddenly, I felt a rush of wind go past me and the papers on my desk went flying. I looked around in confusion. Logan sighed and shook his head.

"Fucking Peter." He muttered. Then the bookshelves rattled as though something (or someone) had bumped into it. "He's just being a little shit." Logan assured us. I nodded as a few leftover papers on my desk flew around again.

"Peter would you cut it out?" I asked. There was another rush of wind and there was the little speed demon himself, standing in the corner of my office, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. 

"Hey Peter." Said Hank with a sigh. Peter took off his goggles.

"Hey guys, long time no see. So what's this about Magneto and stuff?" He asked, talking so quickly it was hard to keep up with him, as usual.

"Don't worry Peter, it doesn't concern you." Logan said.

"No, maybe he can help. I mean, he helped us with breaking into the Pentagon why can't he help us with this?" Hank pointed out. I nodded thoughtfully and turned to Peter who was now just boredly looking around my office.

"Peter, would you like to help us take down the man you helped us break out not too long ago?" I asked. Peter froze.

"Take down like, kill?" He asked slowly. I shook my head and I could swear he sighed slightly in relief.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing." Peter responded casually. "Just wondering. And yes, I would indeed like to help you take down Magneto."

I nodded slowly, but I got the feeling there was something that Peter wasn't telling us.

"So, who else?" Asked Hank. "Raven? Alex? There aren't really many choices."

"Well, maybe we can use Cerebro to track down some potential X-men." I said thoughtfully. "And while we're there we can also see what kind of mutants have joined Magneto's forces."

They all nodded except for Peter who was just staring at the ground with a distracted look on his face.

"Peter?" I asked. He looked up.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Let's go." He said before zipping out the door. I looked at the others.

"There's something he's not telling us." I said, feeling slightly concerned. Logan just stood up and stretched.

"I will admit Peter's not the kind of guy who keeps secrets. I mean, he showed us his powers as soon as he met us. I'm sure he'll tell us when he's ready, he is a teenager (A/N: I think) you know how they are." He said as he walked towards the door. I shrugged at Hank and wheeled myself out from behind the desk and followed him and Logan down to the secret elevator. When we got there Peter was already waiting by the door once again just staring at the ground.

"Peter!" Logan called sharply. Peter jumped and looked at us before putting his usual smirk back on his face and nodding towards the door. I wheeled up to it and scanned my eyes. 

'Welcome, Professor X' Said the usual robotic female voice as the doors opened. We all went in and I rolled right up to Cerebro and put on the helmet. Hank pushed a few buttons on the console and the room transformed into a galaxy-themed area with red and blue figures wandering around. I located Raven and Alex and asked Hank to call them up which he did and soon said that Raven was coming as soon as she could and Alex was going to be bringing his younger brother who they'd recently found out was also a mutant. Some of the students had volunteered as well. We then decided to try and see if we could figure out what kind of mutants Erik had found. 

I searched for Erik's mind, but he was wearing the helmet as usual so instead I looked into the minds of any mutants that were around him. I found out that he had around 70 mutants on his side, all of them very powerful. Then, I felt something strange. I froze.

"Professor?" Asked Hank from behind me. I straightened up a bit.

"There's something... different." I murmured. "There's a young, female mutant who seems more... powerful than the others."

Hank looked slightly concerned.

"Do you think she'll be a problem?" He asked. I nodded.

"If we run into her then yes." I responded.

"What info can you get about her?" Asked Logan. I searched around for a moment.

"Well, it seems that Erik has done everything in his power to stop me from getting into her mind so I've just had to get information from the mutants around her. But they don't know that much about her either so I've only been able to learn that she's 16." I murmured slowly. Logan smirked and nudged Peter when I said the girl's age, Peter just rolled his eyes.

There was a small buzzing noise and Hank pulled out his phone and looked at it.

"Raven and the others are here." He said. I nodded and pulled off the helmet. Then we all left the room and went up to greet the others.



Yay second part! ........................... yay..


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