#11 Horror Game w/ GoM

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Part 3: Cats


Anji: Let the games begin!

Cats: Osu! *does the Sachiko charm* *disappears*

Anji: Okay! Time to watch!

Kinoshita: *turns on monitor*

Anji: Lets see... *sleeps*

Terushima: Uhmmm... I'll just be the one to take her place. *clears throat* Okay. Lets see... Base 1: Kuroo and Kenma. Base 2: Yaku, Lev and Midorima. Base 3: Inouka, Yuki and Yamamoto. Base 4: Murasakibara and Kai.

Anji: *eats popcorn* Nice pairing. This is interesting.

Bokuto: *eats popcorn beside Anji* I agree.

Akaashi: *shares popcorn with Anji* Yeah.

Iwaizumi: Eh!? Where did you get those popcorns!?

Oikawa: Do you want some, Iwa-chan? *hands Iwaizumi a bucket of popcorn*

Everybody: *eats popcorn*

Iwaizumi: *sweatdrop* Fine. *shares popcorn with Oikawa*

At Kai.

Mukkun (Murasakibara): Hey, Kai-chin, wake up. You're laying over my candy.

Kai: *wakes up* Where are we?

Mukkun: In a creepy place where my candies aren't safe.

Kai: Okay. I remember it. Lets find those tongues and get outta here. C'mon Atsushi-kun.

Mukkun: *eats candy* What?

Kai: *sweatdrop*

Mukkun: *opens a pouch* Hey, Kai-chin, I found a tongue-

Tokiko: Give it back.....

Mukkun: Huh? Do you want some candy?

Kai: Atsushi! The tongue!

Mukkun: Uh... Okay. Here! I put candy in there. *throws pouch to Tokiko*

Tokiko: *turns to a good ghost* *eats candy* Yummy! Thanks nii-chan. *disappears*

Mukkun: No problem.

Kai: *sweatdrop*

At Yaku.

Yaku walked on a hallway to find someone. Minutes passed but he saw no one. He decided to sit on the side and rest for a while.

Yaku: 'Sigh. Where will I find them? I thought that we are grouped into 4.'

???: Yaku-san?

A tall figure came into view. It was Lev.

Yaku: Lev! *hugs Lev* I thought I was the only one here.

Lev: Me too. Why the heck are we separated while Karasuno are already with each other in a classroom? Its unfair.

Yaku: *laughs*

Lev: *eyes widen*

Yaku: Lev? Is there something wrong?

Lev: *points at Yaku's back*

Yaku: *looks*

Ryo: *giggles and brings out scissors* Die!

Lev & Yaku: Ahhh!!! *runs*

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