Chapter 12

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When I woke up in the hospital, I was still in Gabriel's arms. I bet the hospital staff thought we were the wierdest pair of brothers they had ever seen. Gabriel kissed me on the forehead.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning handsome," I replied.

"How do you feel?" Asked Gabriel.

"Amazing," I said with a smile.

Gabriel stayed with me until my parents came to pick me up from the hospital. I told him he should go to school, but he told me that he wasn't going back until I did, so we could face everything together. He seemed to care so much and it made me feel like the luckiest person in the world. Gabriel had shared so much of himself with me and taken an extremely huge step in his life, because of me.

When we finally went back to school we knew everything would be different. Even though Gabriel put on a tough act, I knew that this was still hard for him. I knew the gossip and ridicule was inevitable, but I was prepared. I had to show Gabriel that he had made the right decision. He walked me to chemistry without a care in the world. He didn't pay attention to the kids whispering around us. I was proud of him. I just hoped he could last the whole day.

"So Gabriel Covarrubias was the guy you couldn't tell me about?" Zenan asked as soon as I sat down.

"Yes sir. But now you know." I smiled.

"Everyone is talking about what happened. I'm really glad you're okay, man. You know that Travis got expelled and might be charged with assault? Along with all of the guys that beat you up."

"Seriously? How did they catch everyone?"

"Someone put a video of the whole thing on Facebook. Even the part where Gabriel said he loved you. I almost shit my pants, dude!"

I cracked up at Zenan's reaction and we laughed the rest of the class period. The rest of the day there were still people talking, but it didn't get to me. I saw Gabriel in the hall between classes and instead of just smiling and passing me by, he turned around and put his arm around me. His touch sent chills through my body. As we walked he told me how a couple of people had commended him on his bravery. He seemed to be dealing with everything a lot better than I thought he would.

In Art, Aurora and Brooke would not get off of my back.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" Aurora exclaimed.

"So you're in love with Gabriel?" Asked Brooke.

"I saw the video on Facebook. I almost cried," said Aurora.

"I need all the details," said Brooke.

I answered all of their questions and cleared up everything that needed to be cleared up. It felt good to finally be able to talk to them and be open about my relationship with Gabriel.

"So are you like boyfriends now?" Asked Aurora.

"I honestly don't know. We've never really talked about it. So much has happened."

"Well he said he loves you so I'll just assume that means you're a couple," said Brooke.

The period went by just like any other day. Not much work getting done, just us talking. That's actually how my whole day went. I ended up answering questions and explaining things to people all day, in every class.

"Is Gabriel a good kisser?", asked one girl.

"Great," I replied, proud.

At lunch Gabriel sat with me and my friends, who bombarded him with questions, which was expected. But he didn't seem to mind. He actually seemed to really like them. Marcus from the football team came over to our table during lunch. He shook Gabriel's hand and told him how much he respected him. Then he reached out his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you," he said with a smile.

Marcus introduced himself to the rest of my friends and sat down with us to eat. He was pretty easy to talk to. Him and Aurora seemed to hit it off. They both were really into Indie music.

Gabriel and I walked into seventh period together. The kids in the class started to clap as we made our way in. Gabriel and I were both confused.

"What's this about?" Gabriel asked.

"You guys are awesome," replied one of the girls in class.

"No one else would have the balls to do what you did," added a guy sitting next to her.

Gabriel looked at me and smiled. He actually looked really proud of himself and who he was, which made me proud. Mrs. Cooper walked over to us.

"Great job, Mr. Covarrubias. I commend you," she said.

"Thanks Mrs. C," replied Gabriel.

Mrs. Cooper looked at me and gave me an "I-told-you-he-cared-about-you-and-everything-would-work-out" smile.

I felt like everything would finally be okay. Looking into Gabriel's eyes assured me of that.

At home I called Lauren and updated her on what was going on. After I told her what had happened with Travis she really wanted to castrate him.

"Nobody fucks with my Clay," she said.

I lightened up her mood when I started talking about Gabriel and how brave he had been. I tried to explain my feelings for him, but I literally couldn't put it into words. I just told her it was a feeling I had never felt before and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. She made fun of me for being corny, but then told me how happy she was for me. I went to bed that night and dreamt about Gabriel.

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