A Girl With Secrets (1)

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Mary is the type of girl who gets all the guys. Mary isn't popular but she's not a nerd either.Mary has long brown hair with beautiful blue eyes. Me,Sue on the other hand I'm a athlete. I have Long red hair with green eyes,and I don't get the guys. ;)


Sitting there just looking at her dead body gives me goosebumps. Her Mom,Dianna is crying with her head in her hands. I feel bad for Dianna.Mary and I have been best friends since second grade. Jay was Mary's crush. Jay and Mary always used to flirt, That made me sick.Jay's little brother,Chris was my crush. Chris is so cute.

"Hey Sue" Chris said.

I didn't even see him walk over here.His perfect brown eyes looking right into mine.we had our first kiss at the movies. Right when the movie was over my dad and my little brother, Sammy walked to the car while I was walking to the bathroom. I ran into someone and it was Chris. Chris and I talked for a little and then he kissed me.He apologize for the kiss and I said its fine.when got home that night I turned my phone back on from the movies and I had a missed call from Mary and a couple of text messages.

"Hey Chris" I said awkwardly.

Then Dianna said a few words and Chris sat beside me.More and more people talked about the fun things they did with Mary.

"Sue,would u Like to say anything?" Asked Dianna.

"N-no thanks" I said.

Dianne looked upset after I said no.A few more people went and then it was time to leave.

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