Ch. 5 (PG): The Dwarven-Elven Banquet Requires Diplomacy

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“Thorin’s Dream of Love”, Ch. 5 (PG):  The Dwarven-Elven Banquet Requires Diplomacy,  October 8, 2013  Gratiana Lovelace

(This is an original fan fiction story by Gratiana Lovelace; All rights reserved;  The characters from “The Hobbit:  An Unexpected Journey” are owned by Warner Brothers, no copyright infringement is intended)

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story with my dream cast of:  Richard Armitage as Prince Thorin Oakenshield, Lucy Griffiths as Lady Kiralin, Jeffrey Thomas as King Thror, Mike Mizrahi as Prince Thrain, Lee Pace as King Thranduil, Graham McTavish as Lord Dwalin, Orlando Bloom as Prince Legolas, Evangeline Lilly as Captain Tauriel, Ken Stott as Lord Balin, and Hugo Weaving as Lord Elrond, etc.]

Author’s Mature Content Note:  “Thorin’s Dream of Love” is a story of romance and intrigue set amidst the backdrop of Middle Earth.  As such there will be some passages in this story involving heartfelt love scenes (R rated) and some passages involving highly dramatic moments.  I will label the maturity rating of those chapters accordingly.  Otherwise, the general rating for this story is PG or PG-13 due to some mature situations and topics.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read the chapters with those labels.  This is my disclaimer.

Author’s Recap from the previous installment:  After seeing Tauriel into Lady Helga’s healing hands, Prince Thorin and Lord Dwalin had a frank talk about Lady Kiralin’s future--and the suitors her family has lined up for her already.  Prince Thorin knows that he must give up Lady Kiralin, with him not being allowed to choose the wife that his heart wants.  But he cannot let her go so easily and they make love again before the Dwarven-Elven banquet. But Thorin is remorseful, feeling that he is leading her on. So he says things to turn her away from him.   And though Prince Thorin tries to get Lady Kiralin to hate him--to make their parting easier on her--he only succeeds in breaking her heart.

“Thorin’s Dream of Love”, Ch. 5 (PG):  The Dwarven-Elven Banquet Requires Diplomacy

After tending to the Elven Captain Tauriel and sending her off to bed, Lady Helga returns to their family apartment in the Erebor fortress so that she may get ready for tonight’s Dwarven-Elven banquet-- --only to find her daughter Lady Kiralin sitting despondently on her bed in her gown for this evening, with tears clearly drying on her fuzz covered face.

Lady Helga:  Trying to lighten her daughter’s mood, she praises her.  “You are all ready for tonight, my dear.  Good, good.”

Lady Kiralin:  Looking up at her Mama, wiping away her tears, she nods. “Yes, Mama.  I will be there.  But I grow weary of court.  I plan to slip out just after the banquet, before the Handmaidens of Durin Processional.”

Lady Helga: “You will do no such thing!”  She counters, hands on her hips again in consternation.

Lady Helga’s raised voice alerts her husband, Lord Balin [(2) right], and he saunters in quietly from the adjoining room.

Lady Kiralin: “But I was told that Uncle Lord Dwalin has lined up suitors for me already and that we leave for our country estates for me to be courted.  So what does it matter if I am on display tonight or not?”

Lord Balin:  “Ah Lassie, it matters. We would not want you to make the wrong choice of suitors to be your husband.  Marriage is forever.”   He looks kindly over at his dear wife, Lady Helga and she smiles back at him.  “So tonight, you will meet more eligible men--and they will meet you, expanding your options.”

Lady Kiralin: “But Papa, I do not want them.”  Then Lady Kiralin [(3) right] thinks sadly about Prince Thorin.  “Or maybe, they do not want me.”

"Thorin's Dream of Love", a short story by Gratiana Lovelace, Sept. 14, 2013Where stories live. Discover now