INSaNiTY Like floating on air.

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The show ended and people cleaned up the stage, On a great note: Kagamine Len and Flower were chosen for the competition!! They both hugged eachother and jumped around for a bit. It was like a dream...

Hatsune Miku walked to her house, during the walk back she spotted Megurine Luka and Kaito hugging the young couple ( Len and Flower) ,They looked so ... PErfeCt1() Like TheyD bE PERFECT PAreNTs. Luka saw her looking over and runnng back home with a pissed expression.

"Why am i so obsessed over you..?''

"Tell me why you wanna hurt me this way" Miku said on the edge of crying and sitting against the front door.

Miku then cried for hours on end wanting a way to have Kaito, Even if it ment losing Luka forever, she didn't care, She felt sanity drain out of her.

She then started laughing uncontrollably she didn't know why but it felt better than anything.

"Oh Kaito, my love we will be reunited HAHAHAHah!" She said,sounding very well... Psycothic.

From then untill night she though'd about ways to get Kaito and Luka to break up, some things worked out, while others they were too PeRFecT...

She also though'd of ways to seperate them, which had a better tone to it...(insert evil giggle here)

That night she took the best weapon she could find that wouldn't kill Kaito, energy... Vocaloids need they're energy tubes to reload everyday or they"ll stay in a coma untill reloaded again.

Before the clock hit 02:30 AM ,the regular time Kaito would go to bed,Miku disconnected Kaito's tubes and put them inside a bag she took with a her. As Kaito looked for them for about half an hour he passed out, Right onto the floor.

Miku ( somehow ) took Kaito back home and into the attic, She then took the tubes and put them in with hers so it would be long enough to reach for her and put them onto him. Kaito woke up seeing Miku laughing in a corner like a maniac. "Whaah! Where am i... Miku that you?" He asked. "Of course it is, darling!" She replied. "Now let's make a deal, Okay my love?" She said as Kaito looked at her confusingly. "Wait, your... LOVE...Miku please explain this, why am i tied up, why were my tubes  not at home and Why are YOU calling me Your Love!" He said, being mad at Miku.

"Well because i love you,Darling"
"I live for you, i'd die for you, and kill every other person for you!"

It all became clear to Kaito from then, " Miku stop that! Your turning into a psycothic yandere, an obsessive beast! A .. A GLITCH!!" He yelled at Miku.

"A ...a ... a glit..." Miku couldn't get the words out her mouth before bursting out in tears.

"My own love, The one i've always wanted... Hates me..." She said quetly.

Kaito feeling bad for his friend tried comforting her, even if he was kidnapped, Miku was one of his bestest friends, he couldn't just leave her there crying in front of him.

As Miku cried her energy went down quicker, leaving her not much energy left.

The amount of hours she was awake counted with waiting untill after midnight,dragging Kaito to her attic,waiting for him to charge for an hour And crying uncontrollably left her not much energy.

She slowly started feeling loomy and after a while and passed out.
Since Kaito was tied up charging with his AND Miku's tubes at once Miku left her own well-being for Kaito.

As Kaito fought against the tight rope he was tied with he finaly got free and picked Miku up, he put her on the bed in her room and took the tubes apart, he proceeded to put the tubes inside Miku's upper back and waited...and waited some more...

He then checked onto the tubes that said "0% This Android Need to Load Up" for a whole hour. After about 2 hours the android should've loaded up completely, meaning 50% per hour, So why wasn't it loading up Miku...?

Kaito started losing hope and gave up. He called an ambulance and went home after they came. Miku was found in the hospital.

This ending is so sad though... I guess i gotta live with it. Sorry for leaving you ( probebly) very horrified.XD OH GOD THIS IS DEEP

Loving a lie : a Yandere Hatsune Miku X Kaito  FanficWhere stories live. Discover now