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This chapter focusus on 2 subjects. You can skip the Len X Flower parts if you wish to, They're not that important to the fanfiction but i didn't feel like making a seperate story based on they're relationship, Maybe one day i'll change my mind and write a seperate story but for now it'll be in the yandere story.

Kaito drove home as he felt terrible, Hatsune Miku just got into the hospital.

Kaito went home and saw that Luka was already there a bit confused,Probebly because he stayed away for so long.

''Hey Kaito, What took you so long? If you don't mind i let Len and his friend stay to practice for the event and...''

Luka looked at Kaito's eyes seeing he wanted to scream but tried not to.

''Sweetheart what's wrong? Why are you tearing up?'' She said giving him a hug causing him to shed a couple tears

''Miku...'' He said

''Miku?! huh? What happend!"

"She stopped loading... It was my own fault I.. I called her a ..." Kaito said not being able to complete the sentence.

"She stopped loading! Oh my life what happend!?"" What did you call her!"


Luka gasped, Miku was her friend and like a daughter to her, Of course she didn't know the

While Miku was at the hospital...

"N..Nyah How long have i been here..." Miku said tiredly of course loaded up for an hour.

"Stay calm miss but you were in a coma, Turns out you weren't loading up, But we've got it all under control." A docter said.

"Oh yeah... I remember again..."

" What do you remember miss?"

"It's personal i'm afraid" She told the doctor

Kaito and Luka went to bed trying to get the stress out of them from what happend to Miku.

As Luka put her tubes in her back and silently fell asleep Kaito was still struggling with his for some reason, The tubes didn't load him up, Then he noticed something... These weren't his tubes after all, No wonder Miku didn't load up... These tubes were Miku's... the tubes were swapped out!

Kaito woke up Luka and told her the tubes were swapped and that he'd get his tomorrow, Since he couldn't charge he had to us a duo tube instead which is a tube that connects a loaded up Vocaloid and an unloaded Vocaloid and uses the tube to give the charge from the loaded Vocaloid to the unloaded one.

Upstairs while Len and Flower were there.

While practicing for the big event Len decided that he'd let Flower stay the night to save the time.
It was also just an exuse to hang out since they faded away from singing and just played games together on they're VAC.

"Oh, what!"  Len said.

"Haha, Beaten once again, i told you i was the greatest player at Magoïn Quest"  Flower responded

"Oh shush you! I'm not getting beaten by a girl!" Len said as he jumped on Flower into a playfight

"Maybe we should stop playing for a second"  She said laughing

"Yeah... Hey there's something i wanted to tell you"

"Oh, I'm listening"

Well uhm... I ... Wait i uhm... I ... Wait i forgot, hold on... Oh i remember again! I lo... Oh nevermind!" ( Totaly didn't get this from a Rin song ;-) )

Len said being pissed at himself, Over the past year he's been hanging out with Flower, Ever since she started going to the same school , sharing the the same interests he slowly started to develop a crush on her and though'd this could be a good moment to say it, But couldn't say the 3 easy words.

Len blushed embarred at the awkward silence he just created.

"Huh...What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Flower said a bit worried.

"No it's just i Uh... Yes... There is a problem to be honest..."

"Did i do something wrong? You can tell me anything, you know that right?"  She said

"Yes but... I can't" Len said.

Loving a lie : a Yandere Hatsune Miku X Kaito  FanficWhere stories live. Discover now