Rain washes away

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Harry's P.O.V

''OMG DUDE DID YOU SEE THAT GIRL THAT JUST WALKED OUT?'' Zayn, one of my other friends asked.

''No Zayn, she was invisible earlier!'' I reply sarcastically.

''Oh ok...I hope you got her number!'' Zayn said smirking.

''Yep.'' i said.

His face lit up.

''But it's mine and i'm not giving it to anyone!'' I said.

He just made a puppy face and looked down at his shoes, then after moments of awkward silence, he finally spoke up.

''You know, it's actually her number...'' he said then walked out sad.

I packed my stuff and walked out of the door.It was late and I had to get back home before dark.


**At home**

I threw myself on the couch and turned on the TV.

News-nah, sports-not really in the mood, cooking channel...-maybe...

Then moments later I hear a loud knock on my door.

I walked over to it and opened it to reveal Louis, my neighbour but also one of my friends, walking past me and throwing himself on the couch.

''Hey bud!'' he said.

''Well,don't stay outside, come in Louis...'' i said sarcastically.

''Whatever.'' He rolled his eyes.

''So what are we watching?'' he asked.

''We?We are not watching anything.You're going back to your flat and I'll stay here to study, in peace and quiet.'' I said.

''No, down't kwick me out Hazzabwear!'' he said in a baby tone and making a puppy face.

''Oh ok!'' i said. 

''Yes!'' he yelled in excitement.

''But don't turn the tv too loud; I'm trying to study.'' I said,walking over to my desk.

''Ok ok I got it!'' he said.

Mary's P.O.V

I cannot belive that I just met a random boy at the bakery and gave him my number...What was on my mind!! I tell you-nothing.

''OPEN THE DOOR!'' Someone yelled outside my flat. I guess my friend, Brianna, knocked on the door.

''I'm coming!!'' I yelled as loud as I could to annoy her.

''You really didn't have to make me deaf, I used my ears!'' she said sarcastically.

''I know I know, you don't have to thank me!''

''So what are you doing?'' she asked.

''Well I was watching tv in peace and quiet until you came!'' I said.

''Thanks, thanks, I'll be here all week-scratch that-all the time!'' she said.

I just rolled my eyes.

''So listen, I walked to a bakery today and there was a cute boy and-''

''WOWOWOWOW-Hold on...how cute would you say?'' she asked curiously.

''Brianna focus!'' I said.

''Ok ok...'' she said making a guilty face.

''So a cute boy and I gave him my number but I think it was totally wrong!'' I said.

''Well it was...'' she said.

''Excuse me?'' I asked frustrated.

''What?I thought you wanted the truth...And here it goes!'' she said.

''Well you were supposed to make me feel better, tell me that it wasn't that stupid!'' I said.

''Oh ok let me remake it- It wasn't your fault you just went there to get a muffin probably, but you also met a nice boy, who you happened to give your number to!'' she said.

My face lit up.

''But you still made a stupid mistake.'' she said getting up.

''Wow thanks...you didn't have to be that nice!'' I replied sarcastically.

''I wasn't and I won't probably be.'' she smirked.

Did I really do such a...bad mistake?

Sure...I mean he didn't seem that weird with those curls and dimples and green eyes...

Wow! I am thinking too much!

Maybe I should just relax and see how it turns out tommorow.

Hopefully he is just a random bakery boy and not dangerous at all.


A/N: Soooo did you like it?I hope so!!Ok bye! :D

The Bakery Boy (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now