Chapter 12 - An Old Friend

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Word Count: 1228

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Faith's POV

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I woke up to someone frantically poking me. I cracked open my eyes to see the young boy Sub standing in front of me. When he noticed I was awake, he started waving his hands around in the air, and began to frantically sign stuff.

"Woah, slow down with the signing. I can only read it so fast." I chuckled. I could read a bit of sign language. I knew most of the basic commands, words, creatures and plants.

Sub let out a shaky breath, then began signing a bit more slowly, keeping it as simple as possible.

Coral. Missing.

My eyes widened. "Coral's missing?!" I fretted.

Sub nodded his head. I proceeded to wake up Major Gray. He sat up sleepily.

"Major Gray, Coral is nowhere to be found." I told him.

"What? Did he leave without us?" Major Gray asked.

"We don't know. Sub, is the tunnel finished?" Sub nodded his head, then proceeded to sign something, once again keeping it simple as possible.

We fell asleep. I woke up. Coral missing.

I told Major Gray what Sub said, considering he didn't know sign language.

"Well then, we need to leave. It's about midnight and I don't see many of Red's men." Major Gray replied, standing up.

We all looked around for Red's men, before getting up and quietly jumping into the hole. We made our way through the tunnel. When we reached the end, the exit was a bit tall. I climbed onto Major Gray's back, and sat on his shoulders while I peeked out to see if it was clear. After seeing that the coast was clear, I whispered "Clear." To Major Gray as I pushed the plank off of the hole. I got down from Major Gray's shoulders.

"Alright, I'm going to boost Faith up first, then Sub I'm going to boost you up and Esther will pull you the rest of the way up." Major Gray told us.

Major Gray crouched down, and put his hands together for a spot to put my foot. I held onto his shoulders for balance as I put one foot onto his hands and he boosted me up. Once up and out of the hole, I turned and crouched. Major Gray then boosted up Sub. I grabbed Sub's hand to help pull him the rest of the way up. Sub and I then proceeded to crouch, and both of us pulled Major Gray up.

I pushed the plank back ontop of the hole, and we raced towards the buildings for cover.

"Sub, do you know where they keep our stuff?" I asked him. He nodded his head, and beckoned us to follow him.

Sub led us past a couple houses. We kept to the walls so no one would see us. Luckly we didn't see any of Red's men anywhere, so we were good.

We snuck into one of the houses, and we split up to explore the house. I went into the kitchen and opened a chest, only to stumble backwards in horror. There was human flesh in the chest.

"Be mindful of what chests you open!" I called to Major Gray and Sub. I heard a thump, then about 30 seconds later Sub running into the room with a petrified look on his face, no doubt seen human flesh.

"There's nothing much here. I found a key, though." Major Gray announced.

"Keep it with you. We might need it. Now let's find Bobby." I announced. We left the building, and started walking to the other pens.

We came across a pen and I saw Bobby in it. I ran up to the bars. "Bobby!" I quietly hissed.

He turned to us, suprised. "Faith!" He grinned excitedly. Major Gray tried to put the key into the pen door, and with a sucessful click, the pen door swung open. Bobby exited the pen, thanking Major Gray.

"I don't believe we've met." Bobby said, looking at Sub. Sub just shrugged and waved at Bobby.

I went over to Bobby and whispered in his ear; "Sub is a mute. He had his tounge cut out."

Bobby nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm Bobby, if you don't already know." He then turned to Major Gray. "Major Gray, right? I'm Bobby. I've heard stories from Faith about you."

Major Gray nodded. "I've heard from Nick and Faith about you." He nodded his head.

"Alright, let's get out of here." I fixed the backpack on my back, and we began to walk through the buildings, sticking close to the walls.

"Does anyone recall where the entrance was?" Major Gray asked.

Sub nodded his head, and raised his hand as if saying, "I do."

"Alright then, Sub. You lead the way." Major Gray announced to everyone. We all then proceeded to follow Sub, who was now in the lead.

We walked in between houses, and passed many other cages. "Do you think Red has anyone else here?"

"I would think so. I'm sure he would have more than just 5 people in the pens." Major Gray said back. Then we heard voices. Red's men was returning.

I cursed quietly, and we all crawled into a bush and laid against the ground.

"Let me go, you bastard!" A famillar voice screamed.

I glanced out of the bush to see Red dragging Uni behind him, with a blonde haired man walking at his side, his head lowered and staring at the ground guiltily.

Red handcuffed Uni to the bars of the fence. "I'll be back in about 30 minutes." He cheered whike walking away. "You two have some fun catching up with each other!"

After Red left, the blonde haired man continued to stare at the ground guiltily.

"That's Cory. He used to be with us until he betrayed us for Red." Major Gray whispered in my ear. "He was extremely close friends with Uni." I nodded.

"Why the hell did you join him?" Uni growled at Cory.

"You... You wouldn't understand..." Cory sighed.

Uni said nothing. He looked over and saw me. When Cory wasn't looking, he flashed a small smile, before turning angry again.

Cory glanced around him, before pulling out a knife and approaching Uni. My eyes widened and I was about to interrupt them, but Major Gray stopped me.

Cory glanced around once again, before crouching beside Uni, and used the knife to cut Uni's handcuffs free. Shocked, Uni stood up.

"Get out of here. I can't stand to see you here." Cory snapped, looking away.

"But... Cory... Come with me!" Uni said, upset all hatred towards Cory forgotten. "Red will kill you if he finds out that you let me escape."

Now seeing Cory was on our side, I crawled out of the bush before Major Gray could stop me, leaving everyone else no choice but to follow. Cory looked at us, shocked.

"Cory. Come with us. It's either come with us, or stay here and Red will kill you." Major Gray announced.

Cory looked down at his feet. "A-Alright... I'll come with you..." he mumbled.

"Alright then. Now let's get out of here." I said.

"Oh and Cory? One wrong move or you threaten us in anyway and we're sending you right back to Red." Major Gray growled.

"O-okay." Cory nodded his head as we quickly made a dash for the entrance.

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