Chapter 24: Take A Little Time

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    It's been two days since the Machetes graduation and when I left my room the day after me and Rico's fight he was gone. He hadn't been home since, and I didn't know where he'd gone off to. So when I got back from running errands, I was surprised to see Rico's car when I drove through the gate but there it was. I didn't know how I'd react when seeing him, did I wanna cut his ass or kiss him? I don't know but it had to be faced sooner or later. Grabbing my Gucci purse off the passenger seat and turning off my car I got out putting my shades on. I didn't want him to see my red puffy eyes. Millers still weren't supposed to cry. So when I cried that night and the day after that, I promised I'd never cry for the same thing twice. As soon as I opened the door the smell of southern cooking hit my face, shit today was Sunday too!

     I sighed and closed the door behind me setting the alarm before heading to the kitchen. "Hey Ms.Yolanda," I said weakly kissing her cheek. I looked out the corner of my eyes at Rico, Royce, and my Uncle all playing a card game in the dining room. "Damn, girl did the world kick your ass this morning or what? I told your ass to go to sleep last night..." "I did!" "For  what an hour," Ms.Yolanda added giving me a look that dared me to lie to her. I sighed knowing she was right and started to leave the kitchen and go up stairs. "Jamie come here," I heard Rico shout. "I'm not in the mood," I growled back. "It wasn't a fucking request, I need to holla' at you about business," he barked back. I stopped dead in my tracks. Who the fuck does this nigga think he's talking too.?

     Pulling my gun out my bag I stormed into the dining room and hooked my bag up on my shoulder. "Excuse me," I ask more calmly than I felt. Rico just sets down a card as if we weren't just yelling at each other. Royce and my Uncle Will were looking between the two of us hard as hell. "You come in here with that shit you best be using it, ay Will you just re-niged," he said coldly, only glancing up at me. I cocked my gun, my thoughts running back to the night of the celebration, and how he'd admitted to fucking that loose old ass bitch. As soon as my arm started to raise Rico got out his chair and grabbed my arm, with a deadly grip. "Let me the fuck go," I snarled letting my purse fall before slapping him across his face. We struggled with the gun but he got the upper hand and threw it to the floor.

    Before I could start swinging on him again my feet left the floor and he threw me over his shoulder roughly, knocking the wind out of my chest. "Y'all better not touch my cards neither," he said smartly before walking off and carrying me like I was a back-pack. "Put me down! Don't fucking touch me," I said punching him in his back as hard as possible! Funny part is if I wanted to get down I could because I was trained to do so, but there was no way I'd paralyze Rico just because I was mad at his stupid ass. Ignoring me he took the steps two at a time, making me lean forward in fear my head would hit a step. He then barged into my room and threw me on the bed.

       "Don't you get your ass up. I ain't come back to deal with your ass trying to kill me for something that happened before me and you got together," he warned me. "Oh really, and which together would that be? When we started fucking around, or when we actually got engaged huh?" I picked up a pillow and threw it at him, which he caught of course. He sighed heavily and put his face in his hands. It was quite for a moment, as I starred him down through my shades. Neither of us knew what to say to make each other feel better. Yeah he said sorry but it was more then my heart that was hurt it was also my pride. Wasn't I good enough for him? I mean damn here I was thinking the la-la was great at least, that's what the fuck he told me!

      "Look I don't know what the fuck you want me to say aight..." I interrupted him before he could even start with the lies and other bullshit. "Don't say shit to me just get the fuck out. As soon as you spoke, I said I wasn't in the fucking mood to be bothered," I said honestly. I'd gone to the doctor this morning because I could swear I have the flu. My  sickness was getting worse and worse. I'd be throwing up right after eating and coming down with the worst migraines. Unfortunately my doctor had an appointment right after me, and would have to call me with the results. So getting butterflies in my tummy every time I saw Rico was not helping out with my nausea. "Cool, I don't have time for the attitude anyway. Pack some shit though, Butcher is sending us on our first mission tonight, so be ready to go by six," he said before walking out and slamming my door. It felt like time crept up on me as I watched that door, I wanted to go after him and make shit right, but he's the one that fucked up right? All while i'm sitting around really catching feelings for him. 

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