Chapter 31: Everyday and Forever

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      The entire ride home, my hands were shaking. I hated to do this, because the last thing I wanted to do was hurt Rico. I loved him so much, but I needed to get my revenge! I noticed a few familiar cars when I pulled up to the raggedy apartments. I looked around making sure no one was watching me before getting out and heading upstairs. As soon as I opened the door the sound of laughter filled my ears. I put my bag down on the end table by the door and took off my boots. "Jamie, that's you," I rolled my eyes at hearing my uncle's voice. This was partly his fault for blabbing when he had no right too. "Yeah," I said walking into the living room. It was the usual gang sitting around eating snacks and drinking beers. Rico sat next to Royce on the love seat, my Uncle sat in the recliner, and Clint, Leo, and Mario, sat on my sofa. These niggas was getting too comfortable. 

     "Hey sis, when were you going to tell us, you and Rico got married on Butchers terms," Leo asked as the laughter died down. I cocked my head and looked at Rico, who put his hands up in surrender. Damn, I shouldn't have looked at him. He looked good in a denim button up, and khaki cargo pant, with a pair of Timb's on his feet. "We handled some business today. Terry had some information for us," My Uncle started before running down everything Terry had said. I never would have thought Brian was a rape baby, or that Butcher was that sick. It was terrifying to know things like that actually happened. I just knew I was going to be an over-protective mother, after that story. I was hoping it was a girl, but I shouldn't be thinking this. I had to convince myself before I could convince Rico.

         I took a seat on the arm of the couch near Leo. "So why did you agree," Leo continued with his questioning? "Does it matter? We're together now...," I got interrupted by Rico. "And we're having a baby!" The guys all said congratulations and Leo just moved away from me, which was a good decision. "Well, were going to try to have one after this..." "What," Leo interrupted me? Everyone looked at me then Rico who stood up. "Let me talk to you in the kitchen," he said walking past me and out of the room. I sat there and didn't move. I knew he was talking to me but, I don't know if I'm ready to do this. I ignored the stares and slowly got up, taking my sweet time walking into the kitchen. When I walked in Rico had already gotten my purse and was looking at the paper I'd gotten from the doctor. I'm so glad I left my prenatal vitamins downstairs in the car. 

       "Sure just go through my purse, I don't fucking mind you going through my personal business," I hissed sarcastically. 

        "What's your's is mine, sweetheart," Rico replied using the same tone.

       I rolled my eyes at him and leaned against a counter watching his expression. He must have read it about five times, because it was silent for along time. "Mmm," was all he said. "I guess it wasn't meant to be right now," I shrugged , looking down at my feet. He still wasn't convinced. "What did you do to get this," he asked tearing the papers up over the sink. "What!? Rico what are you doing," I barked trying to stop him but he moved me back and opened a drawer next to the sink and pulled out some matches. "Rico are you fucking crazy," I asked pushing his back as he lit the match and dropped it in the sink. My mouth dropped as the fire started and he just let it go until nothing existed but ash. "I told your ass not to play with me," he turned and grabbed my arm. "Rico, let me go," I snapped pushing his hand, but to no avail.

              Rico grabbed a bag off the top of the fridge before continuing out of the kitchen. My uncle was standing in the hallway, with a concerned look. "What are you two doing," he asked? "Nothing," we said in unison. Rico dragged me into our bedroom and closed the door. I looked at the bag in his hand it was like my breathing stopped. It was a Walgreen's bag, and I could already guess what he'd bought. "Rico you have lost your fucking mind," I yelled trying to leave out the door he was blocking. "No, what I have lost is all trust in you! Your ass couldn't keep it real with a nigga, and over something as important as my seed! JAMIE, YOU'RE ACTING TO FUCKING SELFISH RIGHT NOW," he continued yelling and trying to grab me!

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