Chapter 29: Uncomfortable

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         I let out a slow moan as Rico entered me slowly. We'd been making out, while watching 'Love Jones' and somehow he'd ended up on top of me, and now my panties were missing. I'd been so nervous around him tonight, and he kept saying I was acting strange. I couldn't possibly tell him I was pregnant, because the first thing he'd do is try to send me to New York. I'd decided to wait and tell him later, when everything was over and done. Now all I have to do is call Yolanda and tell her to keep her damn mouth shut. Rico, bit down on my ear lobe before whispering in my ear, "What's wrong?" He  pushed in deeper, before lifting up his upper body on his strong arms and looking into my eyes. "It's just, I'm worried about my Uncle and this... big mess Brian made. I'm nervous, for everybody," I said halfway true,before turning my head. That was part of the reason I was riled up...

                                            *                      *                    *                    *                   * 

                                                                           Earlier That Day

           When I turned to see Leo, my mind was still foggy from the news, so I was speechless. "Jamie, are you pregnant," he asked again in a low tone? I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. I wasn't sure, but that's what the doctor said, and it could have easily been the reason for my nausea and headaches. "Yes, No, I don't know," I said shaking my head. "Does Rico know," Leo asked? My head immediately snapped up at him. "Why?" 

          Leonardo looked at me like I had grown two heads, before he started to walk out of the room. I ran after him and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. I pushed him back as much as I could before he moved my hands. "He has a right to know! This is dangerous..." he started to yell. I quickly put my hand over his mouth and shushed him. "I'm going to tell him just not now! It's bad timing," I whisper/yelled! "For who, you? Damn Jamie this shit is bad enough as it is..."

   "I know, I know which is why we don't need to worry anyone with this. It's not like I'm huge and disabled yet. I can still look down and see my feet, see!"

    Leo looked at me with annoyance. "This is not a joking matter. If Rico finds out I knew and didn't tell him, then something happens to you or the baby he'll kill me. And I'm going to feel so bad I'd let him. He has to know..."

      "And he will, I promise I'll tell him. You're right okay, he has the right to know. But it's also my right as his wife to tell him. You have to promise not to say anything to Ricardo, Leo! Promise," I interrupted him. He looked away and shook his head before letting it fall. I grabbed his hands and squeezed making him look up at me. "I'll tell him, please! Nothing is going to happen to me okay?" I whispered, as he sighed. I bit my bottom lip and waited for an answer. "There you are, you ready to go," my Uncle Will said walking into the hallway.

         I took a step away from an aggravated looking Leonardo, as my Uncle gave us a funny look. "Yeah," Leo said looking at me and then my Uncle. He was answering both of us at the same time. Sighing out in relief I hugged him then my Uncle. "I'll be back over here later, Jay. You and Rico be safe," my Uncle said before leaving with Leo and his partner. Mario, Roselita, and Miguel left around seven o'clock and Rico, against my wishes, walked them downstairs. That gave me the chance to call Yolanda back and make sure she was a hundred percent positive. I was so caught up I'd forgotten to tell her to keep it on the 'D.L'. When Rico came back in, we made pizza together and ate before retiring to the bedroom. I'd been reluctant on having sex with him, because recently the shit had gotten painful. We'd tried having sex once when we got back and most of my favorite positions hurt like hell. I never thought I'd say this, but maybe Rico's ass was a little too big. He'd be trying to go deep, and it'd feel like he was trynna break my shit in.  Anyway...

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