Ch. 5

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"So are you going to tell me why I can't leave the room for an extra night?" I asked, pulling the hair tie out of my hair. I looked into my room, from the bathroom, where Wilford lay on my bed.

"No, but let me tell you. The reason is quite getting on my nerves." He sighed.

"Wilford, this reason you speak of is keeping me in my room. I think I deserve to know." I said, stomping my foot a little to get his attention.

He sat up, leaning against his forearms, to keep from falling. He had an amused smirk on his face. "You are rather cute, my darling." He said before falling back onto the bed and clasping his hands together on top of his stomach. "I think that's the reason I'm keeping you in here."

I huffed and looked back at the mirror. I bent down and pulled off my jeans, so I could wear my nightgown comfortably. I walked out and stopped right next to Wilford, setting my knee on the edge of the bed and crossing my arms. I glared down at him.

He only smiled up at me. "Come now, darling. You can't possibly be pouting about the fact that I won't tell you why you're stuck in here."

"I wasn't last night. But now I'm stuck in here for another night, and I'm getting antsy!" I said.

He chuckled. "Children..." He muttered jokingly.

"You chose me..." I said, leaning down, putting my weight on my folded arms.

"And I don't regret one part of it." He whispered in that tone that makes my heart skip a beat. He came closer, as if asking if he could kiss me.

I pulled away only a little, making sure to keep my face close to his. I smirked at his closed eyes, and ready lips. "If you don't tell me, Wilford, I'll just have to figure it out for myself..." I said quietly.

His eyes shot open, and his head fell back onto the bed. "No, you promised me." He said.

"For last night." I stood up.

He sat up and moved over to me, setting his hand gently on the knee that was still on the bed. "No, darling, you can't. If he finds out-..." He stopped himself and looked away.

"He?" I asked. "Someone is staying with us?" I asked.


"Don't lie to me, Wilford. You're just being silly. Why can't I meet our guest. This is, after all... my factory, too..." I said.

He flinched.

"What?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to get hurt." He said, rubbing his thumb on my skin. His other hand, that was placed on my hip, squeezed gently.

"I won't, Wilford. I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl, y'know... and if you seriously think I can't, then I do have you... don't I?" I set my hand on his cheek and looked him in the eyes.

He avoided eye contact. "I'm sorry, dear..." He whispered.

"I'm still can't go meet him?" I asked, dropping my hand from his cheek.

"No... you don't know what he's capable of." He said quickly, looking back into my eyes.

"That's b.s., Wilford..." I hissed, jerking away from him and grabbing my jeans from the bathroom. I pulled them on.

"W-what are you doing, Charlie?" Wilford asked, his eyes full of fear, and worry.

"If you're not going to introduce me to your friend, I'm going to introduce myself!" I said, walking into my closet to change my shirt.

"What!? No! You can't!" He scrambled to the foot of the bed and tried to reach for my arm as I walked by. "He'll try to take you away from me!" He sounded like a lost, broken puppy.

"Don't be ridiculous, Wilford. He won't be able to. I won't let him." I gave Wilford a reassuring smile.

"But you're not understanding me, Charlotte! He will take you! Whether you want him to, or not!"

"You're being over dramatic, Wilford darling. Just you watch..." I turned and walked out of the room, heading down the hall. I bumped into someone on the way.

"Oops, sorry." The deep voice said.

"Its quite alright... it was mostly-." I stopped myself when I looked up into the black eyes.

"Hello, miss." The stranger said, stepping back to take a full look of me.

"Oh, you must be Wilford's friend!" I said, smiling politely at him. He looked like Wilford, only pale, almost gray, skin, black eyes, and spiked, unruly hair.

"Friend...?" The stranger asked. He chuckled. "Of course he wouldn't tell you about me..."

I was about to ask him what he meant by that, when...

"Charlotte!" Wilford called, catching up to the stranger and I. "Oh, great! You've already met him..." He said sarcastically.

"Charlotte?" The stranger asked. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl..." the stranger bowed slightly, smiling at me. "Allow me to introduce myself... my name is Darkiplier. But you can call me Dark." He straightened up before looking over at Wilford. "You haven't told her about us?" He asked.

"Us?" I butted in.

"Yes. I am Wilford's brother. One of many, actually. But it's mainly Mark and I who try and stay in touch with him."

"You have brothers!?" I turned to Wilford.

"Yes... and I am not really fond of any of them." Wilford said, pulling me behind him. "Especially Dark." He glared Dark in the eyes. "You leave her alone, Dark!" He threatened.

"Or you'll what? Go back to-...?"

"That enough!" Wilford said. "You've said enough."

"What is he talking about?" I asked Wilford.

"Nothing, my darling..." Wilford looked at me. "Dark and I are talking, now if you'll please step into the dining hall..." He turned back to his brother.

I stomped my foot in annoyance, turning both of their attention onto me.

"She's a feisty one..." Dark chuckled.

"Dark, please just leave this between us." Wilford begged. "Mark doesn't need to know!"

"But he already does..." Dark said. "You know about that little connection between all of us..." Dark smirked.

"He'll take her away from me. And if he doesn't, I know for sure that you'll try..." Wilford's gaze narrowed at his brother.

His brother feigned hurt. "Oh, brother! I'm hurt... I truly am wounded, about how you can think that I would try and take your little source of happiness..." Dark bent down next to me and ran a hand along the side of my jaw.

Wilford smacked his hand and I pulled my head away. "You always do that." Wilford hissed.

"Wilford, what is this about?" I asked.

"I'll explain later. Please go back to your room. And stay there..." Wilford pleaded.

"No! I want to-!"

"Charlotte, you've done enough. Go back to your room." Wilford said sternly.

I glared at him as I turned, and then walked back to my room, slamming my door closed. I fell onto the bed, and just gave up.

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