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"You'll find out soon," those words replayed in my mind I was thinking why? why me and my bestfriend?? I got her into this mess??? its all my fault...

Liam takes my hand and intertwines our fingers together, I blushed wait? why am I blushing at this monster??? I new they were going to do horrible things to me and my beloved best friend..

niall did the same with bobbie usually bobbie would be flipping shit but no. she was talking to niall and he was flirting with her... I glared at him, he had her under some sort of spell that, I knew that they were something not human....

"what are you? " I whisperd to Liam. he looks into nh eyes and said "you'll see." "um no I want to know now!" Harry looks at me and walks torward Liam and me and Liam lets go of my hand and Harry wraps his arms around my waist bringing us closer and he looks me In the eyes and says "vampires babe and guess what you and your friend will be ours forever." he smiles and I saw fangs... oh shit I thought this mutherfucker is going to bite me hell naw!!! so I somehow slip out of his grip and I ran as fast as I could.. but not fast enough....

I hit into something hard..... and I fell backwards on my head and then I just remember Harry saying something "darling trying to run away will make it worse.." then blackness I passed out I guess from the blow to the head...

I remember waking up thinking that was a dream I was about to get up but something kept me... I feel around my waist a very toned arm and I say " um I gotta go pee," "okay, you got 2 minutes," that husky brittish accent I knew it was Harry I was scared because bobbie Wasint there and I was in my bra and panties with only a white t- shirt on I go into the bathroom I pee then I look in the mirror and I just felt so dizzy I washed my hands and as I was about to open the door it flew open "SHIT!" I screamed and I fell to the floor sadly again and hart crawls on top of me and whispers "I'm not done with you," and he starts taking my shirt off, tears rolling down my face "no Harry please no!" he looks up and smiles and continues until we heard a blood curdling scream and soon as I heard that the only thing I thought was "oh no, bobbie!....."

≈ tell me how you like it!!! I know this is the part were it gets intresting and I will update as much as I can....≈ -comment vote!!!-≈

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