Crash (Clara)

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Ok so guys the first chapter is basically just explaining what happened and stuff. This one is just me at the moment, my friend Caitlin will help write soon (Childofthegods123). This chapter pretty much just explains how it all began. Kinda boring but essential to the story. Also I'm Australian, and in Australia our dates go day/month/year so that might different to yours. Sorry if it is. 

I never knew I could a human could cry this much. I never knew a person could create so many tears, and I never knew a person could have this much salty liquid in their body. My face was plastered with a permanent frown, and my eyes swollen and bloodshot. Being alive hurt. And it hurt a lot. And all because one person, just one of the billions on earth and trillions more throughout the galaxy, died. But it was someone who meant so much to me, who the world and the universe to me.

An awful sensation bubbled through my body, and I started bawling again, probably the fiftieth time today. The Doctor rubbed my back awkwardly. He had never been very affectionate or comforting. It wasn't like him. He didn't really care about much, so he never had anything to feel sad about. The floor of my bedroom was scattered with used tissues and I held a picture of my Dad before he died in my hand.

He died yesterday. We were going on a family holiday to Denmark. Of course, I had been many times before with the Doctor, but I didn't want Dad to feel bad, so I went. I considered taking the TARDIS, because it would be faster, safer, and free, but I hadn't been in a normal plane in a good while so I decided to go with the plane. Apparently that was the worst idea I had ever made. We rode an Airbus A380 which held around 800 people, so it was massive, but still tight. And because of all the people, it was even more awful when we nose dived into the water.

We had been travelling over the North Sea when a thunderstorm  began forming. The pilot told everyone to stay calm...


"We will have to keep travelling, because we're in the center of the sea between England and Denmark at the moment, but the storm should clean up hopefully after half an hour." the pilot booms of the loudspeaker. I smile at Dad and give him a hug. He smiles back, but it's an uncertain smile and I can see worry in his eyes. Suddenly, a flash of white light engulfs the plane and everyone can hear a sharp CRACK throughout the plane, then the sound of something exploding.

"Everyone stay calm!" announces the pilot again. "Their are safety instructions on the back of the seat in front of you. It appears that the fuel tank has exploded due to a struck of lightning" - he sounds calm, but their is a waviness of worry in his voice that is impossible to hide - "so I need everyone to put on their life jacket, we are going to hit the water. Everyone brace themselves."

I look over to see my father is struggling with the jacket, because apparently it was made for people with much smaller heads than his. I try to pull it on for him when the pilot shouts "BRACE" and we go into the water. I feel my head bang into the seat in front of me and the world goes black.

*Flashback over*

After that, I woke up in hospital with a broken nose, but that was all. They plastered it and sent me home. When I arrived, I noticed a neatly scripted letter that had been pushed out of my mailbox by the build up of junk mail. I called the Doctor before opening it, absolutely petrified of what was inside. And my suspicions were correct. The Doctor arrived and I look at him and just started streaming tears.


Dear Clara Oswald,

We regret to inform you that your father, Dave Oswald, was killed in the plane crash the day prior. We offer you our deepest sadness. Their will a tribute to his death along with the other 35 that died in the crash on the 17th of June, a week from now, held at Highgate Cemetery. Remain home in London during that time, and stay safe.

Kind regards, Doctor Sam Dubay

I handed him the letter and saw his face frown with pity. "I'm sorry, Clara," he whispered to me, and I ran to my room and sat on my bed, just letting the tears flow and flow. The Doctor came in with a box of tissues, and I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. I know he felt uncomfortable - the doctor didn't like hugs - but I held him tight anyway, hoping that if I focused on hugging the Doctor and feeling his warmth, maybe all the pain from the day before and that day would go away.

Thank you for reading everyone! I hope you like the new fanfiction! Remember to go follow Childofthegods123 because she is helping me write this! Thank you!

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