Chapter 6

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"That's all?" he said as he raised one eyebrown and stare at me.

"YES! "

With that done, he turned back to me "Good job honey now go to sleep, your body needs it. " Damien said as he pushed the cover over me and hoax me to sleep.

Is he a bypuller? I thinks so and does he thinks I'm a baby? Never mind I will let him win this round but don't think I will for the next. If he thinks I'm going down without a fight, he is wrong. The real challenge lies ahead.

With that, I feel asleep in the comfortable yet dangerous environment.


*Yawn* that the best sleep I had since that day. I opened my eyes and noticed that I'm still in the same room from yesterday. This must be Damien's room. I looked around the room and saw that there is 3 doors in this room. And the walls of this bedroom is painted dark blue matched with a cream ceiling. A weird match but it looks nice. The floor is also carpeted with dark blue carpet and the furniture is either black or brown.
He must be a evil person as he uses dark colours mostly and colours represent the nature in them.

Walking towards the door nearest to me, I opened it and got a shock of my life. It's a bathroom with a mini pond inside that could fit 4 people, a ceiling shower head and toilet bowl with many function.

Cliché much?

After seeing the toilet I guess the next door would be a closet and it would be a walk-in-closet. Opening the last door, I confirmed it to be correct. But what I didn't expect that there is another door inside the closet. Walking towards it, I held the handle and pull it open. Lights flickered and I saw that it was filled with array of shoes. It even shinned when the light shine at it.

He must be a shoe fan. Walking up closer, I even notice that there is different colour of same brand, same design shoes. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, not wanting to think of how wasteful he spend his money just on SHOES.

Walking out of his room, I remembered the day how I planned on escaping but was a complete disaster. I remembered how badly injured I am yesterday and couldn't not walk yet today I'm completely fine without a trace.


Walking along the corridor blindly, I walked passed walls and walls. But I can't seemed to find anyone. A lift came into sight and I did what everyone would did. I went into the lift and pressed the first button which was labelled 'Basement'. I pondered over that name as I thought that it might be where he store his car. His CAR!! With it I can escape!

After a few seconds, I heard a 'ting' which notified me that I had reached. And when it opened, I was greeted with a dark eerie feeling accompanied with a metallic smell in the air. Scrunching in disgust, I wanted to leave this so called 'Basement' but my curiosity forbids me from going. Gathering all my courage, I walked straight where it was lit with dim lights..

I hope that there is no jump scare here as they will definitely scare the shit out of me. And if it really pops out, I will cut off their balls. Nodding in agreement, I walked slowly towards the never-ending darkness.

Soon I was greeted by even stronger metallic smell which I identified as blood. Why would I know it is blood as I have a habit of biting my lips when I'm anxious or scared. And often I would bite till it bleeds and I could taste my own blood. Coppery if I tell you.

After the distinct metallic smell in the air, I thought that maybe this place is a torture chamber! Like the movie 50 shades of grey where it have a torture chamber lined with torture equipments. Goosebumps formed on my back as I felt a cold air blew past. I turned and saw no one. Suddenly I have the urge to vomit and I wanted to get out of this place thus I backtrace my steps. Soon shouts erupted from my back as I heard a whip smack on something. I froze in my steps as I saw someone shadow walking towards me. Goosebumps immediately pop out of my pores as my legs are glued to the floor.





The heels of the person shoes hit the cold hard ground. The shadow of the person elongate as he walked closer to me. The clicks of the shoes echoed throughout the place and my attention is still on the person who is walking towards me.

Oh my god....

No words could be formed in my mouth as I saw the guy. He was at least 6 feet tall and I'm positive that he is wearing a sneer right now even though I could not see in the dimly lighted lights.

"Well well well, look what we have here. A little lost little sheep." he said as he walked right in front of me before staring straight into my eyes. In my whole life, I have never seen someone like him so dangerous and giving off disturbing vibe around them.






A short chapter here. Sorry guys

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