Magic And Mother-Daughter Talk

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"Well dearie, I came to check on you. See how you were doing since the curse was broken." I raised my eyebrow, "Wait, how did you get into my house?" I asked and he did his infamous imp giggle, "Why magic of course." I glared at the smirk on his face, "There's magic here now?" He sat in the chair by my window, "Indeed. Have you noticed anything different within yourself?" I tilted my head in confusion, "What do mean?" He stared at me as if I was supposed to know what he meant. "You have magic. You didn't know that?" My mouth dropped in awe, "I have what?! Hold on, how?" He got up and walked toward me, staring me in my eyes, "Yes, your magic is powerful. True love's magic in fact. Seems like Ms. Swan has a rival." I still couldn't believe what was going on, "True love? You mean my parents? You know who my parents are, don't you?" He sighed, "Sadly, yes. I know everything about you. I've been watching you since the day you were born." I began to get angry, "Well then why didn't you save me from that wretched tower?! And if you know everything about me, who are my parents?" "I didn't save you because you wouldn't have learned how to cope by yourself. And to answer your last question, I believe you already know the answer to it." And with that, he disappeared. I huffed in agitation, I finally knew who my parents were but now I know I have magic. This is just great, something else to add on to my list of questions. I went in my kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, "How on earth am I supposed to learn how to control my magic?" I thought out loud. I sat my glass down on the counter and stared at it. I wanted it to levitate. I calmed myself down, took a deep breath and pictured it levitating, when I opened my eyes, the glass was levitating so high it met me at eye level. I smiled at my accomplishment, it may have been small, but it was a step in the right direction. With that, I began trying to move things with my magic. I spent the night moving stuff around and making things appear and disappear. I fell asleep on the couch with music playing.

There was a knock at the door but I couldn't hear it because the music was too loud. I just grunted and rolled over on the couch. The knocks grew louder and I was able to hear it finally. I grumbled as I got up to answer it only to see Regina standing behind it. I rubbed my eyes, still groggy, "Yeah?" Regina slightly smiled, "Wow, you must be a really bad sleeper." I sighed, "Are we going to stand here and chit chat about my sleeping habits, which I probably inherited from you, or are we going to talk about something important, like why you are at my door?" She was taken back by my statement, "I'm here to tell you everything. May I enter?" I stood aside, signaling her to come in and she turned my music off and sat down at my table. "Hey!" I said, "Why'd you turn my music off?" She narrowed her eyes, "So you could hear me." I glared at her and crossed my arms as I sat across from her, "Fine." I huffed. She shook her heard with a smirk, "That attitude. Wow. Anyway, as I see you've figured out, yes, you're my daughter. I'm your birth mother. Your father was killed a few months before you were born." She stopped and looked down, "Your grandmother made me give you away when you were only a couple of months old, to King Midas. She kept you a secret from everyone. She killed your father. I know this is a lot to take in but I want you to know I never stopped loving you. I always made sure you stayed out of harms way. Once I heard that Midas had stuck you in a tower, I went to Rumplestiltskin for help to get you out, but he told me you had to stay there for your own benefit." She sighed, "So you mean to tell me, all this time, you've known about me. That's why you were so nice to me that night before the curse! Why didn't you tell me then?" A tear strolled down my left cheek and she looked at me with regret in her eyes. "It wouldn't have mattered, the curse was about to take place and you would have forgotten anyway. Fiona, please, I do love you, always have and always will. You're my baby girl, you have your father's eyes and my attitude." She chuckled a bit, trying to fight the tears.

I stood up, "And we're just supposed to immediately have some kind of mother daughter relationship?" I threw my arms up in the air and my ring must have caught her attention because she grabbed my hand. "The ring your father gave me." She tilted her head, "I gave that to you before I gave you to Midas. It was the only thing I could give you to remind you of us. Your father made that ring with his bare hands." And after that she began crying softly, trying to hide it from me and I felt bad. I crouched down beside her and grabbed her hand as I sighed, "Okay. Why don't we work on our relationship? I'd love to get to know my mom." I cracked a half smile and she looked at me, "Sure." She said as she nodded. I stood to my feet, bringing her with me, "I do have a question for you though. Why did Midas send you to that tower?" She asked and I looked down. She picked my head up by my chin, "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I shook my head, "No, it's okay. From what I remember, I was sent to that tower because I was bad. Like really rebellious as a kid. Whatever they said do, I did the complete opposite. And he felt like some solitude would do me some good." She studied my face, "Are you serious? Midas better be glad he's dead. Wait, if you had the ring all this time, how did you not think you had other parents?" My newfound mother raised her eyebrow. "I did question Midas but he told me that the peoples' names in the ring were my godparents who lived far away and that I wasn't allowed to see them. I don't remember the full answer because I eventually just stopped asking." I covered my mouth with my hand because I could feel the tears coming. She grabbed me and pulled me toward her in an embrace, I couldn't fight the tears anymore and I just laid my head on her shoulder as she caressed my head. "Godparents my ass. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that darling." I just nodded as I kept my head on her shoulder and we stood there for a few minutes in silence but our hearts were speaking. I forgave her for everything and she was just happy to have her child back. Finally, I could actually be happy. I may be 19 but I still need my mom in my life.

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