New Additions To The Family

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After breakfast, we were all sitting on the couch watching tv when there was a knock at the door. I already knew who it was and I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts so I would know the right way to address the situation we were in. I opened the door and Hook was behind it. "Hook?" I raised my eyebrow and Aaron jumped up, "Dad?" Hook gave a warm smile, "Hello loves. I came to talk to you three. Your mother told me about last night. May I come in?" I stepped aside and he went over to where his son and Henry were sitting. "So she told you everything huh?" I asked as I sat down. He nodded, "Yes. I'm okay with the relationship but she's a bit skeptical. Your mother feels as if this may become weird..." Aaron's mouth dropped, "You're dating her aren't you?! You got her pregnant. Oh God! Oh man!" Hook's eyes widened, "What!? Mate no!! I am not in a relationship with Regina. Have you lost it?" Aaron stopped and stared at his father, "You're not?" Hook started laughing, "No. She's with that other chap. She thought it would be weird for Henry because you're his uncle. Remember?" We all gave a sigh of relief, "Well that clears up part one of our mystery. Wait. You know who she's dating?" I asked. He stepped back, "I'm afraid I can't tell you who he is. She wants to tell you in her own time." I could feel my eye twitch from the stress my dear mother was causing me, I took a deep breath, "Okay. Fine. I think it's time for me to take Henry home so we can talk to our sweet mother. I'll see you guys later. Talk to you later Aaron." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before they left and Henry and I soon left as well. As we walked home I glanced down at him, "So how do you feel about being a big brother?" I smirked. He gave me the death stare, "Very funny. You know those things cry all the time. And she's gonna want our help. Meaning you'll have to temporarilly move in." I stopped walking as my eyes widened, "Oh you have got to be kidding me. This is just great. She could've asked us before making a decision like this..." Henry laughed, "It'll be okay. Just hope that it doesn't get magic. And judging by the fact that it's the youngest, it will automatically be spoiled and more than likely, a snitch." I shook my head and laughed, "If it is a snitch, we'll get him or her." I pulled him close as we kept walking. Once we reached the house, we both noticed a car in the driveway. We both looked at each other before dashing up to the door and bursting inside, both thinking that it must be the mystery man's car. "What!?" I yelled as I stood in complete shock and I felt Henry clutch onto me.

Her attention quickly moved from the mystery man to us when she heard my yell, "Fiona? Henry? What are you two doing here?" She stood up but the man still stayed with his back to us. "I think the better question is who is he." I pointed to him and she sighed as she grabbed his hand, pulling him up and turning him to face us, "Your father dear." I could feel my knees buckle under me, "My what?" And before I knew it, the room turned black and I fainted. "Fiona!" I heard as someone shook me, "Come on, wake up!" I opened my eyes to see Henry, "Wha- What happened?" Henry smirked, "You fainted." I raised my eyebrow, "Really? Why? The last thing I remember is walking to the house with you." He covered his grin, "Oh this is going to be funny then. Mom! She's awake." I looked around and realized I was in my room at my mom's house when the door opened and she walked in, "Honey are you okay now?" I tilted my head, "Okay with what? What's going on?" Henry turned to her, "She doesn't remember." She sighed and turned to the door, a man came in, the first thing I noticed were his eyes, "Sweetie this is your father." As my jaw dropped, I couldn't manage to do anything but scream, "But you told me he was dead!" She quickly sat next to me and placed my hands in hers, "There was a miracle. I don't want to get into too much detail because we don't fully understand ourselves but he's alive, in his right mind, and healthy." She smiled and tears fell from her eyes and mine. "Daddy?" I looked up at him and he stepped closer and kneeled down by my bed, "My baby girl. You're as beautiful as I imagined." He brushed my hair behind my ear and I flung my arms around his neck, "Daddy!" I began sobbing as my head rested on his shoulder, "Sshh. It's okay. Mommy and daddy are here." He rubbed up and down on my back as he held me close. My mom grabbed Henry and joined in on the hug, "We can finally be happy." Henry said with a smile. I chuckled as the tears continued falling, "Yeah buddy. We can finally be happy." I ruffled his hair. "So when were you going to tell us you were pregnant?" I looked at my mom with a smirk as she stood wrapped in my father's arms. She blushed, "How did you know about that?" My dad smiled, "Sneaky just like her mother of course." She playfully pushed him, "Well your father came back to me about three months ago and we were trying to keep him a secret until we could find the right way to tell you, and then this happened and well, we figured now would be a better time than any." I slowly nodded, "Right. Spare me any details, I don't care to know that mom and dad were getting their freak on." Henry burst into laughter and she glared at me, "How do you think you got here?" I quickly covered my ears, "La la la! Can't hear you! The stork brought me! La la la!" Which only made Henry laugh more and my parents just stood laughing as they looked into each other's eyes. She rested her head on his should and he leaned his head down and rested it upon hers, as they looked at us, their kids, realizing we were a family now, complete.

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