Revenge In Neverland

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Weeks passed and things seemed to be running smoothly until one afternoon. "You mean to tell me that you have no clue how chocolate syrup got all over the kitchen?" My mom asked Henry. There was chocolate all over the counters, floor, and Henry. He just shrugged with an innocent smile but she wasn't having it. With her hands firmly on her hips, she instructed him to go upstairs and get cleaned up, then come clean the mess he made. I was quietly sitting in the living room when I decided to go follow him, "Hey bro, be serious. Why'd you make that mess?" He let out a deep sigh, "You just wouldn't understand." I looked in his eyes, I could see the vulnerability, the jealousy, but most of all the feeling of abandonment, "You wanted attention, didn't you?" Frustration fell upon his face, "Why does it matter? The twins mean more to her and dad than we do. I just need some time to think." He started walking away but I grabbed him by his chocolate covered arm, "Come here." I pulled him into a hug, "Don't you ever think for one second that they don't love us. You know as well as I do that babies need attention. And if she forgets stuff that you need, you just have to understand that her mind is constantly busy because of the twins. Be patient and next time, talk to someone before you go spilling chocolate everywhere." I laughed but his expression didn't change. "Yeah okay. Thanks Fiona." He went in his room and slammed the door. I wanted to know what the root of the problem was, why he was being so distant because knowing Henry, he's going to do something we all will regret. I let him be, went back downstairs and started reading. Lately I was reading spell books Rumple had given me, I had the power, might as well put it to good use. "Is he okay?" My mom asked. I placed my thumb in the book I was reading and saw the concern on her face. "He will be." I gave a reassuring smile before continuing to read. She patted me on the head before going upstairs to check on the babies. I glanced down at my watch, using it to see what Henry was doing. He was rummaging through the closet for clothes I presumed but instead he pulled out a box and sat it on his bed, then started packing clothes into his backpack. I wasted no time and poofed myself into his room, crossing my arms, "And where do you think you are going?" He jumped and turned to me, "None of your business." He opened the box that was sitting on his bed and pulled out the vial of pixie dust, "No Henry, not this again." My eyes widened, I knew exactly what was running through his mind. He put the vial around his neck and went back in the box, grabbing his wand that Rumple gave him. "Don't concern yourself with what I'm doing, I'll eventually be back." I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Henry please, think about what you're doing, the mistake you're about to make. Mom and dad aren't going to be happy when they find out their son traveled off in search for revenge." He shook my hand off him, "They have another son, one who is actually related to them. With me out of the picture, you guys can actually be a family and I can have my revenge. It's a win-win situation." I shook my head, "No you're wrong-" But before I could finish my sentence he waved the wand over himself and was gone. "Henry!?!" I shouted with wide eyes. My mom must have heard me because she rushed in the room and saw water in my eyes, "What happened? Where's Henry?!" I buried my face in my hands, "Gone." She looked around confused, "Gone where?!" Fear trembling in her voice. "Mom, don't worry. I'll go get him and bring him home. Just take care of the twins." I said before dashing past her, heading toward my room to grab the few items I needed. She followed me, "Fiona where on earth are you going? Tell me this instant!" Now she was furious. I grabbed my wand and kissed her on the cheek, "All I can tell you is Pixie Dust." And I waved the wand over my head, slowly fading away until I found myself standing in the jungle of Neverland. "Great, this is going to be one hell of an adventure." I thought out loud.

I tried to use my watch to find Henry but because we were in the jungle, it really didn't matter because I had no clue where to look to find him. I took a deep breath, "Henry where are you?" I asked myself as I began walking. I heard leaves rustling but I knew it wasn't me, I stopped walking and listened, trying to stay as quiet as possible. Someone coughed, "Who's there?" I called out, turning around to try and spot where the sound came from. "She knows we're here thanks to you, idiot." someone else whispered. I made a fireball in my hand, "If you don't show yourself now, you will be roasted." Two boys stepped out from the bushes, holding their hands up in surrender, "Please don't hurt us miss." The little one said. He looked about 5 and the other looked my age, "Didn't I tell you not to talk." The older one popped his young friend upside the head. "Hey! Don't do that to him!" I frowned and so did he, "He's MY little brother so I can do as I please! Devon do not speak!" I looked down at Devon, the fear in his eyes as they began to water. I'm sure that pop hurt, more so his feelings than his nerves. "Okay then big brother, who are you?" I narrowed my eyes, still holding my fireball. He began laughing, "That's for me to know and you to find out." I stepped closer, "Or I could just roast your ass right now and adopt your little brother." He waved his finger in front of my face, "Ooh temper, temper. But then I'd expect that from the daughter of the Evil Queen. Well one of her daughters. How are your new brother and sister." I grit my teeth, "How the hell do you know all this?!" I could see out of the corner of my eye Devon's terrified expression so I put out my fireball and sighed, "Pan knows all and let us know that you would be coming in search of the boy." My frown quickly faded when I remembered why I was here, "Henry! Where is he?!" I grabbed him by the neck only to hear Devon's crying, "You'll soon find out. When Pan is ready for you to know." He didn't struggle to get out of my grip, "Please let Alex go! My brother is mean but don't hurt him, please." Devon's soft voice was trembling, I released Alex from my grip, "Alex huh? So that's your name. Well Alex, you and Devon are going to help me get my brother back." Alex laughed as he rubbed where my hand wrapped around his neck, "And why would we do that?" I kneeled down to Devon's eye level and smiled, "Because I'll take you home with me, where you can have a happy life." His face lit up, "I want to go with her. I'm tired of living on this island." Alex sighed and kneeled next to me as he took his little brother's hands in his, "Are you sure Devon? You know, we only came to this island because you wanted to." With a smile on his face, Devon nodded, "Pan is scary but she's nice. And I want real food." I could hear his little stomach growling, "Ok Devon, we'll get off this island." Alex stood up and ruffled Devon's hair, "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. I just had to do that because if we don't follow Pan's orders, our lives are put on the line." I grinned, "It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry for threatening you. And sorry Devon for scaring you." Alex looked around, making sure no one was listening, "So you'll really take us with you? Get us off this wretched island?" I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Yes. You help me get Henry and I'll take you home with us." I studied his features, soft green eyes, sandy blonde hair, the length was down to his ears, and his voice was deep but soothing. He gave me a smile, "This isn't going to be easy, but thank you." "Don't thank me yet." We started walking to an area where we could make a campsite, Alex led as Devon was in between us, "Do you guys have any family?" Alex shook his head, "Our mom disappeared when Devon was 2, and since then I've been taking care of him." I felt bad for them, knowing exactly what they were feeling, "I'm so sorry. I was given up as a baby because my grandmother didn't want me, so I had to grow up in a family that didn't want me as well. Which resulted in me being locked in a tower for most of my life. What are their names? They might be back in Storybrooke." Alex kept walking, "Her name is Elphaba. All I remember is her saying our grandmother needed her and she would be back soon but she never came back. What's your grandmother's name?" I raised my eyebrow, "I've heard that name before, somewhere...Um Cora, why?" He stopped and turned around with his mouth agape, "Our grandmother's name is Cora. Cora Mills." My eyes widened, "So that means our mothers are sisters....And we're cousins. Oh my God! Why didn't my mom tell me this!?" Devon turned and hugged me, "Cousin!" He smiled and I just laughed, "I knew this would be one hell of an adventure." Alex shook his head laughing, "Guess we don't have a choice but to help you since we're family." He looked down at the ground, "We can sleep here, the ground is level." He and Devon got comfortable on the ground, he wrapped his arm around Devon as he snuggled close, holding him tight. I propped myself up against a tree, knowing I wasn't going to be able to sleep, plus I needed to keep an eye out. You never know who is lurking around.

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