➳ undetriginta

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Love me,
and I'll let the purity of your love
bleed into poetry.

Love me,
and I'll immortalize the beauty of
your face onto a canvas.

Love me,
and I'll lie under the sky of stars and
listen to your heartbeat.

Love me,
and I'll pretend to sleep a little more,
just so you can watch me sleep.

Love me,
and I'll stop what I'm doing just to
smile at you.

Love me,
and we'll go on long road trips, and
get lost on the way.

Love me,
and I'll let you steal kisses down the road when no one's seeing.

Love me,
and we'll stay up all night and listen
to nocturnal songs.

Love me,
and I'll let you hold my hand, and
take me home.

Love me,
and I'll give you my soul, and my
undying loyalty.

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