Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I think I hear something. What if the balcony is breaking? Don't look down. MADELYN KATE JONES! don't you dare look down. I looked down. Why did I do that? What,huh? I look back down realizing the sound I heard was in fact not the balcony breaking, but a boy.

And he was staring right at me.


He stared.


He stared.

"can I help you?"

He stared.

Ok this is weird. Dad came in with my sticky note and said I was good to go. I head outside for my first of many trips back upstairs to my room. I got outside and saw that boy again. Searching for something?

"hey." I said to him.

He smiled.


"sorry. You know..about that.." he said pointing up to my balcony, "you're just really really pretty."

I shyly look down at my feet realizing what I am wearing. My blue and green Nike shorts, a neon yellow oversized tanktop, and one sock. Not to mention my hair was in the messiest of all messy buns and I'm not wearing an ounce of makeup.

"you're kidding, right?"

"huh? What do you mean?" asked the still unknown boy.

"do you see me right now? You must be crazy!"

"no no! You really are. I mean it! I do!"

I blushed severely.

"yellow is my favorite color by the way."

"that's cool.."

"yeah? So when did you move here? I've never seen you.."

" 2 seconds ago.." I said motioning to the moving trucks in the driveway.

"oh. Right.."

"Yeah ive gotta go unpack and stuff."

"need some help?"


"oh wait! What's you're name? That's probably important for a neighbor to know.." the blonde boy asked.

"Madelyn. Well..Maddy Kate.

"well hello Maddy Kate. I'm Ryan. Ryan Greys, that is."

"I have an Uncle named Ryan"

"that's awesome!"


"ok let's get unpacking." Ryan said.

"ok so each box has either a name written on it or it says kitchen or family room or whatever on it. And all of our bedrooms are labeled with sticky notes thanks to my organized Daddy. So really just grab a box, find the room, and just put it in there somewhere. Got it?"

"got it!" Ryan said looking around.

"that's a pretty big house! You sure you won't get lost? What if you like forgot which room was yours or something?" He laughed.

"oh believe me one of my siblings would gladly show me the way out and I would be lost yet again." I say stretching a smile.

He laughed. "how many siblings do you have?"

"ummmm... A lot."

"Me too!"

"no I'm serious. Like a lot."

"I bet I have more."

"I bet not."



"how many?"

"how many do you have?"

"you first."

"no you first."

"fine. I have 4. Now you..beat that."

"easily. I have 9 siblings. And 2 on the way."

Ryan's jaw dropped to the green grass.

"you're kidding."

"nope. I'm dead serious."


"yuh huh. Now help me with these boxes."

We each grabbed a box and headed inside. We talked about stupid stuff and I introduced him to some of my family. Later his family came over to help. I met his parents, David and April. And his brothers, Preston, Josh, and Blaine. And his sister, Lacey. They all chimed in on the moving in of boxes and we were done by noon. Then we all headed over to the Greys' house for lunch! Sandwiches and rainbow goldfish! My favorite!

We ate outside since obviously there isn't enough table room for 18kids and 6 adults. Haha!

I kept asking Ryan random questions and asked another before he could even answer. What can I say? I'm a pretty talkative person. I guess he got annoyed happens. And he stood up and said to follow him. I did as told and we went to throw our trash away. He whispered something to his parents and they nodded their heads. He dragged me away.

"hey Maddy Kate we're going somewhere."


"it's a secret. Just go home and find a swimsuit. Then meet me here in 10 minutes."

" told me to get a swimsuit and we live in California. Its not that hard to figure out."

"oh hush and act surprised."

I giggled and walked up to my room. I couldn't find the box with my swimsuits in it. I'll steal one of Rivers'. After a few minutes of digging I actually found mine that she borrowed a few weeks ago. Ha! Theif! I put on my white strapless bikini along with my pink volleyball tank and some shorts. Then ran back to Ryan's house, where I found him already in his truck.

"ready to go?" he asks.

"yep!" I said popping the 'p'.

He started his loud truck.


"I told you it's a secret and you have to act surprised." he said.

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