Where Did You Go?

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Ivara woke up and rushed to pull her shoes on. For the past three weeks she had been going to the academy and training with her chakra control and throwing knives. She took off out of the house and hurried straight down the street towards the little road that broke off towards the academy. She turned the corner, but a group of kids landed in front of her. She looked up to see that the one in front was none other than Dozu. Her fingers began to tremble and her heart began to race. "What happened, Branch family brat?" Dozu asked with a smirk.

"Not so brave now are you?" Dozu asked and she took a step backwards. "Of course not, daddy and uncle aren't here to save you are they?" he sneered and his friends laughed as he shoved her to the ground. "Let's see how well you like fire, you little shit." He said and she struggled to get him away from her. She managed to slip from his grasp when he reached for his lighter. She took off running into the woods nearby and they followed. "I have Byakugan, or did you forget? You little idiot." He sneered as he activated it and chased her down, his friends close behind.


Izumi frowned as she looked around. "Ivara? Is that you?" she called out, hearing soft footsteps nearby. Itachi dropped from the top of a tree and she frowned at him. "Ivara didn't show today?" he asked and Izumi frowned and shook her head. "How long have you been here waiting for her?" he asked and she looked up at the sky. "It's about five right?" she asked and he nodded. "I've been here since eight this morning... I trained for a while without her, but I just feel like something isn't right, Itachi-kun..." she said and he frowned. "Did you stop by her house and see if she was there? She may not have been able to make it today." Itachi said and Izumi blushed and scratched her cheek.

"I didn't check..." she said and her head and shoulders dropped in embarrassment. "Well, if you'd like we can go see." He offered and she jumped up and looked at him. "You would really go with me?" she asked and he nodded. She grinned and grabbed his hand. "Alright! Lets go make sure Ivara-chan is ok." She said and he smiled softly and followed her. "Izumi."he began and she looked at him with a smile as she continued to walk.

"The Hyuuga compound is that way." He said and pointed the opposite direction, which made her stop mid step. Her head dropped once more and she turned around and smiled. "I know that. I was just testing you." She said, trying to cover for her mistake in direction. He chuckled softly and shook his head. He followed her to the gates of the compound, but that was about where she lost her confidence. She hid behind him and urged him forwards. One of the guards opened the gate and stepped out. "Can I help you two?" he asked and Itachi nodded. "We are looking for Ivara, have you seen her?" he asked and the guard furrowed his brows. "Ivara left out to train with her friend Izumi this morning, she's not back yet but I can take a message for her if you'd like me to." The guard said with a small smile, but Itachi did not reciprocate this smile.

"This is Izumi... she hasn't seen Ivara all day, sir..." Itachi said and Izumi stepped out from behind Itachi the slightest bit. A brown haired boy slipped into the gates past the guard and the guard sighed. "Go meet up with your father, Dozu. He's been looking for you all day." The guard said and the brown haired boy stopped walking. He looked Itachi and Izumi up and down then rolled his eyes and walked off. Itachi's brow furrowed. He didn't like this guy. There wasn't a single part of that guy that he had seen that he liked. Not one molecule of him was likable. "Izumi Uchiha right?" the guard asked, snapping Itachi out of his glaring contest with the back of the spiky brown haired Hyuuga.

"Yes sir..." Izumi said softly and the guard frowned. "Hey, Yato... I need you to go get Hiashi and Hizashi for me." the guard said and the darker haired male stood from his place in the small guard keeper's box within the gates. Itachi could tell he wasn't a Hyuuga, and if he was he wasn't full Hyuuga. He had blue eyes that glowed like those of the Uzumaki woman married to the fourth Hokage. He nodded and made his way towards the compound. "You two come in here, alright?" the guard asked and Izumi clung to Itachi's back. "What is your name sir?" Itachi asked politely and the man offered a concerned smile to him.

"My name is Issun." He said and Itachi nodded. "Thank your for your assistance, sir." Itachi said politely. "How old are you two?" Issun asked and Itachi looked up at the man once he tore his eyes away from the four approaching adults. "All of us are five..." he said and Issun nodded. "You met Ivara at the academy, right?" he asked and the two children before him nodded. "Issun, you sent for us?" Hiashi asked and the black haired male nodded as Yato sat back down. "I think we have an issue." He said and the clan head furrowed his brow and glanced to the two children before him. Before Hiashi could say anything to the two children, Hinori stepped from around him.

"Izumi, Itachi..." she began and they looked up at her. "What's wrong?" she asked and Itachi looked over his shoulder at Izumi who was still cowering from the intense gaze the Hyuuga leader had planted on them. "Have you seen Ivara-chan?" Izumi managed and Hinori's eyes widened the slightest bit. "She went to train with you this morning." Hinori said and Hizashi stepped around his twin and crouched in front of the two children. "Did she not show up to the training grounds this morning?" he asked and Izumi shook her head, hiding behind Itachi a bit more.

Hizashi stood and made his way back to the branch house. He didn't seem to be in any sort of a hurry, but when he returned, he was no longer in the formal Hyuuga attire. His wife, Kitai, following close behind him. "What is happening, Hiashi, Hizashi?" she asked and her husband grasped her hand gently. "I need you to go in and rest. I'm going to go find Ivara..." he said and KItai stared at him in fear. "Hizashi. Where is she?" she asked frantically. "I don't know, dear. But I will find her and bring her home, alright?"

"Hinori, will you sit with Kitai while we go search the village for Ivara?" Hiashi asked and Hinori nodded. "Come, Kitai, you need to stay calm and not just for Ivara." Hinori said and Kitai took a deep breath and nodded. The women made their way to the branch house and Hiashi turned to the children. "Would you two do me a favor?" Hiashi asked and Itachi nodded. "Yes sir..." Hiashi forced a small smile at the Uchiha child. "Will you promise to keep this under wraps until we figure out what has happened to Ivara?" he asked and Izumi looked at him in confusion.

"Yes sir, we will." Itachi said and Hiashi ruffled his hair softly. "Thank you." Hiashi said and stood. He made his way to his home and changed as well. He and his twin wore jonin vests and the typical jonin attire. "Sir..." Itachi called and Hiashi turned to look at him. "May I help search for her?" he asked and Hiashi furrowed his brows. "I'm afraid I can't allow that. I'm sorry." He said and Izumi opened her mouth to say something but Hiashi spoke first. "I would, but your parents wouldn't like the face that you're searching the woods with the Hyuuga without permission. I think that you should stay within the village at your training grounds in case she comes back." Hiashi said and Itachi frowned, but nodded.

"I understand sir." He said and Izumi looked at him in confusion. "Come Izumi-chan... we have to wait for Ivara-chan." He said and she nodded, grabbed his hand, and followed him out of the Hyuuga compound. "I have to shake that young man's father's hand. That is the most polite five year old I have ever met." Issun said and Hiashi nodded. "I agree with you on that. However, I believe his father is Fugaku. That boy has his mother's eyes. I will shake his hand once we find Ivara." Hiashi said and Hizashi nodded. "Which way do we look first, brother?" Hiashi asked and Hizashi frowned.

"We search the inner areas of the village first, but I would much rather have someone also searching the outer sectors as well." Hizashi said and Hiashi nodded. "Issun. Yato. Call in your replacements from the village gates, you two are coming with us. We need your eyes." Hiashi said and Issun nodded. "Hizashi and I will search the outer sectors as soon as you two get your replacements in. When they arrive send message via clone. Until then... until then we will be searching within the village." Hiashi said and the two nodded.

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