Lost and Found

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Her lips trembled. She may have awakened her Byakugan, but she was still lost. "S-stupid Dozu..." she whispered as the tears streaked down her cheeks. "Momma... Daddy..." she sobbed as she settled into the cave of roots beneath the tree. She rubbed at her eyes and sobbed into her knees. She'd been out here all day... she wanted to go home. She kept an eye out with her Byakugan, but she stayed within the tree. She heard footsteps, four sets of footsteps. Her breath hitched in her throat and she dug deeper into the tree roots as she searched for the people with her Byakugan.

"Ivara!" her father's voice echoed around her and she began crying once more. He sounded scared. "D-Daddy!" she sobbed as she crawled out from under the tree roots. She ran to where she saw the blue lights. She figured that the blue lights were what her father called tenketsu. She tripped and hit the ground hard. She struggled to her feet and searched for the blue lights once more. She scanned all around her, but she couldn't see the ones she had seen before.

A chill fell down her spine and she slowly turned to face behind her.

Her eyes drifted up to the tree and her lips trembled as she stared at the person in the tree in fear. In a flash of light they were in front of her. "Please don't scream. Are you Ivara?" he asked and she stared at him, the tremble in her lip slowed as she looked at him. He had a kind face and pretty blue eyes. "I'm I-Ivara..." she whispered and he sighed. "Good, I was so worried we had more missing five year olds." He said and held out a hand to her. "My name is Minato. I'm a friend of your father's..." he said and she extended her hand to him. "Where's my daddy?" she asked and he smiled. "I can take you to him if you would like..." he offered and she looked around.

"Will you walk with me to my daddy?" she asked and he nodded. "Sure. Can you spot him with those eyes of yours?" he asked and she scanned the area once more. "I think I see my daddy." She said and he smiled at her. "Well, lead the way little miss." He said and she smiled at him slightly. She began walking towards what she thought was her father's chakra, seeing as there were others around him and all of them had the chakra focused heavily in their eyes. They took to the trees and when they dropped down they blinked in confusion.

"Mikoto, Fugaku, Itachi, and Izumi." Minato greeted and Ivara looked at them with a blush on her cheeks. "I thought my daddy was here..." she whispered and Fugaku chuckled. "You awakened the Byakugan I see." He said and she nodded. Itachi and Izumi looked at her eyes in awe. "Ivara! You too?!" Izumi asked and blinked, her eyes going from black to red and then back. Ivara smiled at her friend brightly. "How'd you a-awaken yours Izumi-chan?" Ivara asked and Izumi frowned. "I was scared..." she whispered and Minato set Ivara down. "I was so scared because I couldn't find you." She whispered and Ivara hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry I scared you Izumi-chan..." she whispered and stepped back. "Why were you out here Ivara?" Fugaku asked and Ivara fumbled with her fingers. "Dozu and his friends chased me out here... they were going to light me on fire because when uncle said for Dozu to fight me I blew fire on him. He was talking bad about me and my family so I told him to fight me..." she whispered softly and Fugaku frowned. "How many of them were there other than Dozu?" Minato asked and Ivara looked up at him.

"Four." She said and Minato exchanged looks with Mikoto and Fugaku. Their lips were all pursed and they had the same look in each of their eyes. "Ivara..." Itachi called and she blinked and looked over at him. "Itachi-san?" she began but he hugged her tightly. She bit her lip and her face when bright red. "I'm glad you're ok, Ivara-chan." He whispered and she stammered out an incoherent reply. He stepped back from her and she stumbled to walk. He tossed her arm over his shoulder and he tried to hold her up, but she turned and looked him in the eye and her eyes rolled up and she took him to the ground with her.

Itachi sat up and stared at the unconscious girl. Izumi looked at Ivara in confusion then she looked over at Itachi. "Uh... Itachi-kun... why does she always faint when you get that close to her?" Izumi asked and Mikoto giggled as she patted her son on the head. "Don't worry Itachi dear... it's not you... it's her and being in close proximity of boys I think." Mikoto said as Minato lifted Ivara off the ground. "Alright, let's get out of here. I think we have spent enough time in the woods today, don't you think?" He asked and the group nodded.

They made their way out of the woods and the first person they came in contact with was Hizashi. He was sitting on the ground with his face buried in his hands which were laying on his knees. "Daddy?" Ivara called and Hizashi didn't stir. Minato put the groggy girl on the ground and she walked over to her dad. She reached up and patted him on the top of the head, only stopping her gentle pats and smoothing of his hair to place a kiss on the top of his head. She crouched and patted him on the knees. "Daddy..." she whispered and he slowly lifted his head to look at her.

"I'm sorry daddy..." she said and used her sleeves to wipe at his tears. "I'm sorry I made you cry..." she said softly, not wanting anyone to hear her. Her daddy was strong, her daddy never cried... but... Her daddy was crying and it was her fault. "I didn't mean to make you sad daddy..." she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him the best she could. He crossed his legs and pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. "You didn't make me sad, dear. I was worried..." he whispered and she sobbed lightly. "I'm sorry daddy..." she whispered and he hugged her tighter.

"It's not your fault dear. I promise. Daddy was just so scared that something was going to happen to you..." he whispered and she pulled away from him to wipe away his tears. "Daddy look..." she whispered and closed her eyes. "Look what I did." She said as she opened her eyes, only for the veins around her eyes to bulge and pulsate. "Did I do good daddy?" she asked and he nodded. "You did very good. Is that how you stayed away from whatever happened out there?" he asked and she tilted her head to the side.

"What happened?" she asked and he frowned. "Ivara why were you out there?" he asked and she frowned. "Dozu and his friends chased me out there... they were going to light me on fire..." she said and Hizashi frowned, his brows furrowed in anger. "Who hurt Dozu's friends?" Hizashi asked and Ivara shook her head. "I don't know daddy... I don't know... are they ok?" she asked and Hizashi frowned, his eyes softening slightly.

"No Ivara, they are not." He said and she frowned. "They won't be coming back, will they?" she asked and her father shook his head. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt daddy... I just didn't want them to set me on fire..." she whispered and he frowned. "I know Ivara, I know." He said as he stood, lifting his daughter with him. "I'm going to go talk to my brother... thank you all for your help." Hizashi said and Fugaku and Mikoto nodded. "Don't worry about it Hizashi... we would have helped had you asked us or not. Itachi and Izumi were worried about their friend..." Mikoto said and Fugaku nodded.

"Goodnight you all..." Ivara yawned and they smiled at her. "Goodnight, Ivara-chan." Itachi and Izumi called and she waved at them with a small smile. "Daddy..." Ivara whispered and her father looked at her. "Hm?" "Will you or momma walk me to the training grounds from now on? I don't want to get lost again..." she whispered and Hizashi nodded. "Of course, my little Ivara." He said and she smiled. "Thank you daddy." She said with a yawn. "Daddy... I have another question..." she whispered and he looked over his shoulder at her once more.


"How did you tell mommy that you liked her?" she asked and he blinked in confusion. "Well... I didn't tell her that I liked her until we were nineteen." He said and Ivara blinked at him slowly. "But how did you tell her?" she asked and he raised a brow. "I bought her that tri color Dango... she really liked that Dango." He said and Ivara listened quietly. "I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere to eat and we got Dango... I think she could tell I liked her because I was panicky and stumbled over my words..." he chuckled and Ivara smiled.

"Thank you daddy..." she said and he looked at her oddly. "You aren't planning on telling a boy you like them, are you?" he asked and she blinked at him slowly once more. He could tell she was tired. "Yes, daddy... I plan on telling him that I like him..." she said but her sentence was cut off by another yawn. "I thought we agreed that no boys until you're about twenty." He said and she smiled sleepily at him.

"Don't worry... I don't plan on telling him until we are older. I want to be happy like you and momma... and if being happy like you and momma means waiting until I'm a lot older then I can handle it..." she managed even though her cheek was pressed against his shoulder and she was drifting off while talking. "I love you, my little Ivara..." he said and she snuggled into his shoulder more.

Alright! I hope you enjoy this! I'm hoping to make this one really, really, really, really long. I watched a video on youtube about Itachi and Izumi and I was dying inside. So I hope you very much enjoy this even though it is nothing like my other stories. I love you all, I have been writing from eight at night until six thirty in the morning on this. That means editing and whatnot too.

The name Kitai means hope, while as explained early in the chapter Ivara means bow of the hunter.

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