True colours

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Niall skipped up the stairs to his next audition, he was more confident than last time. There had been a lot of publicity about him since then, being ‘Ireland’s Justin Beiber.’ All of it had made him really popular in Mullingar, (Well all of Ireland, for that fact) and they were never as close since the audition, he had only kissed her twice since that day. Although they did spend a lot of time together he never seemed ‘all there’- he was too busy replying to messages all the time. He had been asked on a date 8 times by other girls, to which he all declined. Niall had changed.

Derby could hear girls scream as he walked on stage. Simon Cowell was on the judging panel- that was the only thing he was worried about. He came off the stage with the biggest smile Derby had ever seen, “I’m in!” he said quickly glancing at him. Derby smiled and tried to congratulate him but he quickly pecked her on the lips before the interviewer saw. As soon as they did see him he said “Niall Horan, Ireland’s Justin Bieber! Congratulations!” Niall chuckled in return and the interviewer asked some more questions. Derby was so nervous for her performance, after the girl on stage she was next. She heard in the distance the interviewers annoying voice “And the question on every girl’s mind, do you currently have someone special?” In her head Derby was smiling, she knew that answer. Niall chuckled again and replied “No, not at the moment.”

Those words killed Derby. She slowly turned around; Niall’s back was facing her. She was so hurt; she could already feel the tears gushing down her face. The one she had truly, madly and deeply been in love with, whom she thought the feelings where mutual had just crushed her heart instantly. Derby picked her guitar off and rushed out of the stage room. 

Bobby had apologised to Derby on Niall’s behalf, but she wasn’t remotely interested- he was an asshole.  As the weeks progressed at school everyone had felt bad for her, but she didn’t pay attention to it; most days she just practiced guitar behind the library. As she was doing her homework one night she heard the XFactor theme music playing-she felt like plugging her ears. She shut the door and put her iPod on.

Derby later went downstairs to get some food. Bobby and Jeff were sitting in the kitchen together. “Niall didn’t make it through boot camp” Bobby’s voice was disappointed. Derby nodded, she couldn’t care less actually. After she had served herself a massive bowl of spaghetti she returned to her room. She kicked the door open as one hand was holding the bowl and the other was putting it in her mouth. She heard her text message alert and checked it- unknown number. It said-

?: Hi

D: Who is this?

N: Niall :)

Derby didn’t reply

N: Derby, I am so sorry, I have been such a dick I shouldn’t have said that- I was being really up myself. I know I have a lot to make up for and I will but please give me another chance?

She didn’t reply to that either.

N: Derbs, please. One more chance. My life sucks without you. Seriously, it feels like I’m not even living. I love you. Please please please please please please please

D: no niall, you had ur chance. I really liked you and you completely crushed me. Do u know how that felt? To hear u tell that interviewer that u weren’t even with anyone? No. 

N: Im so sorry derby! Just please forgive me! I don’t deserve it but I need you but you don’t need me. I can’t even concentrate without you- I was elimainted

D: oh yeah. Ur eliminated that’s y ur coming back to me

N: No not at all! Derby please!!!! Im sorry so sorry! I don’t know how to show how sorry I actually am

D: ok

N: ?

D: bye

N: ??

D: Stop texting me

After that she started to cry. She missed Niall so much deep inside- she was dying.  She went into the bathroom and turned the water on- at least no one would hear her cry now. 

The next day Derby actually watched XFactor for once and Niall had cried when he was eliminated.  “I miss my girl” he said while sobbing; he walked away from the cameras. Derby felt like she was about to cry but then the announcer said “But, your favourites- Liam,” it flashed a picture of a cute guy “…Louis…” another cute guy was on the screen “…Zayn…” cute guy, again “…Harry…” curly haired cute guy, “and Niall from Ireland…” seeing Niall’s face on TV was weird for Derby, he was smiling though, and that was something she hadn’t seen in a while “are all coming back, stay tuned for the most surprising episode of XFactor.” Derby cursed loudly, she hated when TV shows did that, “Bloody advertisements!” she stomped.

What seemed like forever, the show came back on. It turns out that all the guys were being joined into a boy band. Derby smiled and started chuckling for some reason. Her phone vibrated

Niall: I’m in a boy band! :) Cmon derbs, one more chance? Pls?

D: I don’t care if ur in a boy band or not…niall, u tore me to pieces

She couldn’t let him back in so easily, after all he had really hurt her. 

N:Derby what can I do?

D: if u want me back so badly u should know,

N: ??? how ???

D: think niall, don’t text me unless u know

Derby knew she sounded a bit like a brat; but he should have the feelings inside to tell him what to do. What she really wanted was for him to hold her, feel her love; she wanted to feel his heart beat against her face as he embraced her. She wanted him to be with her, to sing her songs, to laugh and to kiss. But she knew it would never be the same. Never. It was roughly 11:15 pm when her phone vibrated

N: Derbs, I want to be there with u but I can’t leave here. I will fly u to Britain. Pls, just give me this chance derby, if you don’t want to be with me after a day here I’ll fly you home, just pls Derby. I love you.

Derby really wanted to give Niall his chance but couldn’t. She just couldn’t text ok, or sure or even yes. Half an hour passed and she still couldn’t do it- she was crying again. Derby looked at her laptop, there was a Skype call about to ring out Niall Horan is calling it read. She answered it, Niall’s eyes were tinged red, it looked like he had been crying. His hair looked like it was dyed blonde and cut. “Derby! Thank god you answered! Please! Just give me one last chance?” he looked like he really wanted this. The tears on Derby’s face ran faster “No, Niall I can’t” she said, she hated herself immediately. He put his head in his hands, when he looked up there were tears on his face “Derby…” he started but he couldn’t continue. She looked at him and more tears ran down her face, she walked away from the laptop and out of view- she couldn’t bear this any longer. Sitting on her bed she felt like her whole world was tumbling down, brick by brick. Every emotional wall she had made, felt as if they had been blown into a million pieces. Her heart was annihilated. “Derby,” Niall started, it sounded as if he was trying to get himself together “Am I hurting you?” Derby knew the answer, but no words were coming out of her mouth. “Derby?” Niall asked, he sounded really worried “Please answer me.” She knew she had to conjure up some type of answer “Yes, you are Niall. Every day.” He nodded, holding back tears. He bit his lip, thinking and stared straight into her eyes.

“Derby, come to Britain. After XFactor, one day is all I’m asking. If you don’t love me, it kills you, you hate me, it’s not mutual, and everything turns out shit I will fly you home. I will never bother you again; it kills me that I’m hurting you. I seriously hate myself right now. Derby you are my world- my one and only.” His voice sounded sincere, caring and hurt all at the same time. Derby loved Niall; as soon as she would see him everything would be better. But was that a chance she was willing to make? She might see him and it would break her even more. She didn’t know for sure. “Okay” she said between her sobs “But only after XFactor”. 

The adventures of Derby Scott ( A Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now