ok then, sure why not?

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After 3 weeks of visiting, Derby’s time had run out her plane ticket was due back in 2 days. “But you can’t leave!” Niall said, he seemed genuinely disappointed. Derby shrugged while she started to gather her things “I still have 2 more days” Niall got up and took her by the shoulders “Two days isn’t enough,” he kissed her lips and said “Move in with me.” Derby was taken aback; she wasn’t expecting that at all! [A/N- sure Derby, sure… :)] “But I have a ticket to go back to Ireland!” she was a bit confused and flustered at his ‘demand’. “Use it to get your stuff and I’ll pay for you to come back!” Niall sounded enthusiastic and somewhat proud of himself for coming up with such a great idea. “No, you can’t pay for my stuff Niall!” He shrugged, “What’s a plane ticket when you did ‘What makes you beautiful? Hmmm?” he smiled, picked her up and kissed her.

When she returned to Ireland Niall was already texting her when she arrived.

N: How was ur flight? :) Miss u already! <3

D: Fine, a bit bumpy but other than that…yeah I miss u 2 babe! :)

N: When r u coming back? :(

D: idk! You booked the ticket :) u tell me ;)

N: 4 days… :( its too long!!!

D: love u babe g2g just saw dad and bobby

There was no reply, he was still a bit funny about Bobby and Jeff being together. “Hey Derbs!” her dad said as he kissed her on the cheek. He was a lot cleaner than last time he picked her up from the airport which was about 4 years ago! (and a lot happier). “Hi Bobby, how are you going?” Derby tried not to make it awkward between the two, since he was Niall’s dad after all. “Oh Derby, I’ve got some terrible news” her dad’s voice sounded meaningful. Bobby’s eyes widened, he seemed to know then news. He turned pale, like when they admitted they were gay but his facial expression was more wary and thoughtful. “I’ll go get the car, you two can get something to eat, I think I’ll be a while with all the traffic” Bobby looked awkward and picked up her bags and headed towards the exit. “Go take a seat, I’ll grab you a coffee.”

‘This would have to be the longest time I have waited for a coffee!’ Derby thought; it seriously felt like 2 hours. She checked her phone, 10 minutes had passed. Soon enough her dad brought two coffees to the table. She sipped it; average tasting.  He rubbed her arm (awkward) “Listen Derbs, this may come as a shock to you, but it happened a couple of days ago.” Derby nodded and said “Okay, where did you adopt from? Africa?” Jeff shook his head “What? No!” he laughed at her confusion. “No, it’s something really serious” he looked into her eyes and sighed, there was a long pause. “Your mother died of drug over dose last Thursday.”

Derby wasn’t upset, just a bit shocked and confused. Her dad was taken aback at her reaction- was she supposed to be crying, kicking and screaming or something? Because Jeff looked like he was expecting something along those lines, there was another killer awkward silence. “Is this the part where I’m supposed to be sad?” Derby asked unsure. Jeff’s eyes widened “Wait, you’re not upset?” he seemed surprised, but the surprised one was Derby. How was she expected to feel sad for her mum? And why had anyone else? Well, apart from her regular customers, which normally were old guys. “No, am I supposed to?” Derby asked; Jeff looked extremely confused, “Well she is your mother, and I thought you loved her?!” Derby almost spat her coffee laughing. “Love her? Jeez dad! Bobby was more of a mother than she was!” Jeff couldn’t help but laugh, he hated her mum, but he never said anything bad about her in front of Derby or Leila. “Sorry” he said looking at Derby for a response. Derby shrugged “it’s fine, why are you saying sorry for? And her of all people to die of drug over dose.”

It turns out that Leila was a bit more sympathetic towards the situation “C’mon Derby! She is our mother!” Leila wasn’t a big fan of her mother either but she never said anything bad about her, unlike Derby. Leila was still going to go to the funeral in Australia along with her boyfriend Cody (who had never actually met their mum anyway). “Well he can take my place, because I’m not going” Derby declared while making tea. Then World War 3 broke out “WHAT?! Derby you are so SELF CENTERED! You have NO respect!” Leila almost took out Bobby, from her hand gestures who got up and awkwardly walked out. “Oh, I’m self-centred? Ok! Sure, whatever you say Miss I’m perfect! Every single time! Just leave me be, Leila, oh my god! I swear the only people at her funeral will be pimps and hookers, and there will probably be a discounted price at her wake or something. Could you just imagine what they’ll wear? Fish net stockings, heels and fucking slutty shit! And you say I’m disrespectful?! I swear there will be a theme or something, ‘slutty whore’, in her memory! Oh god imagine the readings!” Derby started to laugh “You know what? Leila I don’t care! She never cared about us! She had no respect for us or she would have been a normal mum! Not shopping at sex stores and teenager’s clothing departments, having a real job, actually making dinner, helping us with school work, driving us to music lessons and stuff! C’mon Leila, are you serious?!” Leila was crying “I just wanted to try and be normal, Derby! Normal people go to their own mother’s funeral! And if you can’t see I want to be the better person well…” It was true what Leila was saying, like ‘being the bigger person’ Derby knew that. But she didn’t want to. She refused to go. Later on Derby approached Bobby, “Do you mind not saying anything to Niall?” she asked. He smiled and patted her back “my lips are sealed darlin’” She gave him a hug. “Thanks Bobby.”

The next day Derby started going through all her stuff; she needed to move most of her belongings to London with Niall. She opened her draw and found all her old music that she wrote, photos, chocolate bar wrappers in a box from when Niall surprised her and a CD. It was blank apart from the awkward love heart that was drawn on it. She put it in her old CD player- it was Niall’s recording of his song for her.

Before she knew it, it was time to go back to London. “Thanks for having for me,” Derby hugged each one, but Leila was still a bit reserved from their fight. “Listen Ley,” she said quietly “I’m sorry but I can’t.” Waiting at the airport Niall texted her over 12 times:

I miss you! Can’t wait until ur home!

Me too niall <3

She soon turned her phone off as she boarded the plane. While Derby was relaxing in the comfy chairs she could feel two young teenage girls staring at her. She subtly looked at them; yep, they were definitely staring at her. Before long one of them tapped her on the shoulder, “Hi! I’m Rochelle and this is Lucy. We just wanted to know, were you the girl hugging Niall?” Derby was a bit freaked out; how did they even know? “Umm, yeah I think so. I’m not too sure who you’re talking about.” The black haired girl, Lucy, rolled her eyes tiredly “Do you know Niall?” she asked, but it sounded more like a demand- similar to the way Leila asked her questions. “Yeah” Derby replied. Suddenly the girls started hyperventilating in unison. “Oh my god! Oh my god!” they continued to squeal quietly, but people around them started to stare. “So you were the one who hugged Niall?” Rochelle asked with a tomato red face. Derby chuckled a bit “I’m sorry Rochelle and Lucy, but I’m sure there would be many people who have hugged Niall before, but yes I have” she smiled at the end remembering how far they went that day in London. Lucy and Rochelle looked at each other and smiled “So you were the ‘mystery girl’ that went into Niall’s apartment?” Rochelle was smiling and leaning across the narrow section. ‘Jesus, these girls are persistent!’ Derby thought; “Um, I think so?” Derby answered. “ OH MY GOD!” the two girls screamed. Soon the air hostess came over to ask if anything was wrong. “Can we get a picture?” Lucy asked, Rochelle nodded and both girls had their phones ready. Derby was taken aback- they wanted a photo with her! “Umm, ok then, sure why not?” After a series of selfies the girls pushed came a seeming never ending list of questions about Niall and the boys. 

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