12. The Distraction, Zayn Malik.

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Lauren's Pov:

"You ready to leave?" I ask Y/N, "Yeah, all my stuff is packed." Y/N then smiled and took my hand, "Let's go." I then put the luggage over me and teleported to where we were suppose to meet Ruby and Justin.

"Ah, you made it!" Ruby said as she motioned for her body guards to put the luggage on the plane, "Justin's already in there, the kid won't stop taking selfies." I then laughed.

As we got into the Jet, we took our seats and the plane took off.


"So you're saying, you want me to use my mind control dance... So that you can sneak into backstage to kidnap Zayn Malik?" Ruby then nodded, "You know there is an easier way to do it right? I have powers, Remember?" Ruby then sighed. "I want to do it my way, I don't want you to have all the fun." Ruby then winked at me, "Fine, but... A few months ago, I thought Justin the dance moves. Let him join me, so we both can take the stage." Ruby then nodded. "Wait, why are we kidnapping Zayn?" I asked, "He broke my bestfriend's heart, so now... I'll literally break his." I then smiled. "Awe, you're becoming really evil." Ruby then rolled her eyes, "Bitch fight me." I then laughed.

"Remeber, you only have one minute and fourty seconds to get in there and kidnap Zayn." Ruby then scoffed, "I can do it in thirty seconds!" I then rolled my eyes. "Wanna bet?" I said smirking, "Go on." Ruby said as she started rubbing her chin. "I bet you a hundread million dollars that you won't make it out when the minute point strikes." Ruby then nodded, "You have a deal." I then smirked.

"Now wake those two up, we're here."


"Wow! This hotel is amazing!" Justin squeeled, "Well, of course. My cousin doesn't just check into those cheap small ones, does she?" Justin then smiled.

I then looked over to Y/N and she was yawning, "Babe, I'm gonna sleep some more. Cuddle with me?" I then smiled. "Get in bed, I'll be there." Y/N then turned around to walk to bed, "Justin, I need to talk to you." Justin then nodded and walked over to me.

"I need you to help me distract the crowd of three hundread thousand people at a concert, while Ruby sneaks in to kidnap Zayn." Justin then squeeled, "Zayn is my all time crush!" I then rolled my eyes playfully.

"Do you still remember the dance I thought you a few months ago?" Justin nodded, "Good, we dance it tonight." I then walked away before Justin could say another word.

"Finally, I need your cuddle's" Y/N said as she tapped the spot next to her, I then smiled and walked over to her.

Moments later, she was wrapped around my body with her head burried into my neck.

I then kissed her forehead, "Cutie" I whispered.


"You guys already know the plan right? Justin, Lauren, distracts the crowd. Y/N, you distract the guard near backstage and I go and kidnap Zayn. Bring him back to the hotel, then we're done for the day." Ruby said, "Let's go then."

We all then nodded and walked to our positions.

Minutes later, the song 'trndsttr' played and I was already on the stage distracting the crowd.

Half way through the dance, Justin showed up and started to dance with me.

As we danced, I could feel the adrenaline rush through my body. It felt amazing, I actually loved to dance.


Your Pov:

As Lauren and Justin started to dance, I quickly ran backstage to distract the guard.

"What are you doing here!?" the guard shouted, "I'm lost." I said as I put my finger on his arms rubbing it. "You have big muscles." I said smirking, the guard then instantly turned red. "Can you please help me find a way out?" I said in a seductive tone of voice, I then pretened to drop a pen. Then picked it up, with my ass slightly rubbing on his member.

"T-this w-way ma'am." the guard stuttered as he took my hand and lead me to some place,

"GD Go." I whispered into my ear piece.

As I was walking, I got to see the stage from the back. I then smiled and decided to sneak away from the guard and watch.

Lauren and Justin were amazing, they never missed a beat. It was like the dance was made for them, they moved so beautifully. There body looked so light, the crowd were even cheering.

I never knew Lauren was an amazing dancer.


Ruby's Pov:

As Y/N and the guard walked away, I quickly rushed into the back and walked to Zayn's dressing room. I then hacked into the password control and sneaked in, since Zayn was the only one inside, I decided to show myself.

"Nice to finally see you again." I said as I pointed my gun at him, "Oh my god, R-ruby? P-p-put the gun-" I then cut him off by grabbing him. "Let go of me!" he yelled, "Okay, I won't." I then got my hanky and put it over his nose.

"Nighty night, Malik." I then grabbed him and walked back out, as I was walking I spotted the guard.

Should I just kill him? Yeah.

"Hey, wh-" I then cut him off by shooting him right through the eye, "Bulls eye?" I then laughed.

Moments later, I found myself back in my van.


"Pay up, you barely made it out in time." I then rolled my eyes and handed Lauren the check, "Thank you." Lauren said as she grabbed it from my hand.

"What are we gonna do with Malik?" Lauren asked, "Oh! Can we strip him!" Justin said. "Uh... What?" Justin then turned red, "We'll bring him back to the hotel, then we'll see what happens" I said.

They all then nodded, It was fun kidnapping Mr. Malik.

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