Chapter 5 In the Capitol

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*First of all, 50 reads!! Thank you so much! I really love writing this for you!!!!! Please vote or Comment! I would be so happy! Thank you again!*

  (still the second day)

   I looked out of the train window as we neared the District 9 platform. Anada began to shuffle around, her orange high heels clapping against the floor. Ryis and Zea sat together on the couch talking while Bern laughed at Anada's anxiousness. I turned back toward the window when Anada screamed in glee and rushed to the largest window. Hundreds of Capitol citizens squeezed themselves into the small section meant for us and screamed until my head throbbed. 

    "Now you two. I have a few tips." Zea rose from the velvet couch and folded her hands. "Be confident but not cocky. Smile at everyone; they could be possible sponsors and every sponsor no matter how little money they will give could mean the difference between life and death. Trust me in this."

    "Zea is right, you know." Ryis rose as well and moved next to Zea. I realized that she probably mentored him and that was  why he always folowed her around. "Bern, people will love you. By how you act, it seems you are a charming boy but protective of Grena. They will think it is sweet and so they will give you supplies to keep you alive so the final three battle is interesting. That is the downside of being protective of your district partner. If you both survive to the final few, which is very unlikely, you must decide who will live if it does come to it. But don't dwell on that now. Become a name in the Capitol while you are here. Now Grena. You are something that the Capitol doesn't see often from our district. Mysterious and beautiful. You also seem like a very loyal and trustworthy people who are on your good side. That is why I think most of the tributes will want you as a ally just because they don't know what will happen to them if they go against you." Bern laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

    "People!" We looked to Anada who had her gloved hands on her hips. "We are here! Grena, stop looking so tired! Makeup only goes so far! You look beautiful now smile!" She made her way to the door and threw it open and the sounds of Capitol citizens filled the room. Hundreds of people pushed their way forward and I looked to Ryis and  Zea. He gave a heart melting smile that made many of the female citizens swoon, but I could tell that it was fake. Zea set her hand on my shoulder and led me down the ramp that was set out.  Peacekeepers lined the path and kept the crazed Capitol people from overwhelming us, but each one seemed to want to touch us and the victors.

    "Keep walking." Ryis spoke just over the crowd so I could hear him. Anada led us to a huge building of stone. The black Capitol logo stood prominently out against smooth white stone and eight peacekeepers stood at the huge wooden door. "District 9. Grenadine Larn and Bern Hallow with mentors Zea Sunio and Ryis Arle."

    "You are on Level 9." One of the Peacekeepers left his spot and followed us to the glass elevator with a card in his hand. The doors opened and he entered the code before stepping out. I hid my hands behind my back as the doors shut and we went up. The games have begun.


Sorry for a short chapter and super late update! I am losing inspiration but I still working on it! I hope you enjoy!

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