Chapter 6 Training: Day 1

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   *So sorry for the third person to first person past tense change then the first person present change! (did that make sense?) I am writing another hunger games fanfic (check it out!) and that is in first person present tense and I am now used to writing that way. So sorry again! Plus I know I skipped the parade, but I was having writer's block and needed to skip to keep going :(*

   I roll over to the sound of an obnoxious alarm blaring through out my room. My eyes adjust to the bright light that is shining through my window and I almost think I am back home in my hard bed, my brothers across the hall and pa waiting downstairs for us to wake up. The day after Reaping is no working in order for the families to mourn or celebrate. Or the way for the Capitol to only focus on the fact that it is likely that their child is never coming home. That I am never coming home. But Bern will and he will protect my family from being broken even more by the Capitol. 

   I let myself relish the few moments of peace before my stylist and her assistants enter and throw into motion the beginning of the rest of my life. The rest of my short life. One single knock communicates that they are here before the door swings open and Lavia, Aurum, and Agenta crowd into the room. Lavia smiles brightly and motions to Aurum to get something.

    "Hello Snappy. It's Training Day! Ryle and Zea want to go over plans with you and Bern after this then off to the training center!" Aurum comes back with a bag which he hands to Lavia. "Perfect! Put this on!" She unzips the bag and hands me loose pants and a t-shirt that are completely black with a red 9 between my shoulder blades and one on the left side of my pants. "Go!" She shoos me into the small but lavish bathroom connected to my room. When I come, back out, Anada is sitting neatly on my bed in deep conversation with Agenta. "Wonderful! It fits! Now go out to your mentors dear." I pull my hair back into a high tight bun and go to meet Ryle and Zea. Bern sits stiffly in the chair as they speak about survival skills.

    "Grena. Sit down and listen." Ryle crossed his arms and scowled. "This is the first day of three training days. The Careers will try to psych everyone out. This is the day where you see if you want them as allies, but do it quickly. The first day is also the day they decide who they want as allies. If you decide against them, learn every survival skill you can. 50-60% of the victors survived because of those skills. Do NOT rely only on brute force. When it comes down to it, like I think I said: it is a waiting game. The game makers will give you beasts and other awful things to make the Games interesting and that is when talent with a weapon is important. Self Defense. Do not over do yourself. Absolutely no weight lifting or the blocks. Learn to climb, make fires, traps, how to sharpen sticks into spears and anything you can learn about water." He freezes as a Peacekeeper appears in the elevator. "Anything else Zea?" She shakes her head before giving a weak but encouraging smile. "Good luck guys. Probably not, but May the odds be ever in your favor." I frown as he says that. 

   I stand and follow Bern to the elevator. Anada appears from my room just as the door closes and I catch the beginning of her smile. I can feel the tension rolling off of the peacekeeper and Bern as he stands behind us. The elevator passes the first floor, District 1, and continues to Level UW. Underground Warehouse.

    "The original training room is under construction and will not be in use for any tributes." The gruff voice of the peacekeeper answers my unspoken question. "Walk down the corridor and the gate will open for you." The metal door opens to a long hallway that is absolutely black with the exception of the square of light the is coming from the gate. I step out first and Bern follows me; just as promised, the gate rises and I can take in the full view. 

   Huge blocks are staggered in height at the far left along with a huge net for climbing. I skip over the weapons training and move straight to the survival skills. I notice a little makeshift woods scene with a tablet that displays instructions on how to make traps and fires. I look around for Bern, but I find him at a knot tying station with the male tribute from 4. He seems very young, but his hands competently weave the rope in and out until he has a perfect knot. Very different compared to Bern's tangled mess. I bite my lip to keep from bursting out with laughter but a smile finds it way onto my face. 

    "Excuse me." I turn to face a short boy with wire rimmed glasses. "You're from nine, right?" I nod and he sighs in relief. "I'm Setten, from eight. I-Trill and I-allies?" He finally manages. I smile and he looks at me hopeful. "I know that we probably will be of no use and dead weight, but I feel better with allies who-" He pauses and thinks of his next word. "are trustworthy and know what they are doing. Or, well, can pretend at least. Trill is twelve and I'm fifteen. There is no possibility that we can survive the Games, but if we are with you and your district partner, our families will know that we tried." 

    "I have to talk to Bern, but I promise that you will be okay. Allies or not, if we cross paths with you and Trill we will not hurt you as long as you don't hurt us." He sighs in relief and returns to were his district partner is trying to learn how to shoot an arrow. 

    "Grena? Who were they?" I look back at the boy and girl before answering.

    "The kids from eight. I want them as allies." He rolls his eyes and I immediately become defensive. "Bern, they are young and innocent. They have families and friends like us, but they know they won't return to them. Why can't they be our allies."

    "Grena. We can't help each young innocent kid here. We are in the Hunger Games. A deadly game to the death and only one lives. Could you honestly kill them or any ally you make if-when it comes down to it? Just think about it. It's a kill or be killed situation and allies can change everything."

    "They are twelve and fifteen. Too young. Too gentle. They don't deserve this. No one does Bern." He shakes his head.

    "Grena." He says sternly in his brotherly voice.

    "I'm going to weapon training. Don't follow me." I push past him and pick up a sword that was hanging on the wall. A sparring partner takes a weapon similar to mine and we launch into hand to hand fighting. Many times I land on my back or stomach, but I manage a few good hits to his face and chest. 

    "Hey Nine!" To the mat on my right stand a tall, handsome boy and a pretty but fierce looking girl with a bright 1 on their backs. Octavian and Gossamer. Both volunteers. I pause which gives my sparer a chance to attack. I look away for one moment and knock his feet causing him to fall. A rush of excitement flows through before I realize the silence. Bern watches me with an expression of amazement and disappointment while the Careers just look impressed. "How'd you do that?" I shrug and Octavian laughs. "Judas, I think I found a possible ally! What's your name?" He leans back as the district partner for Judas, Lyna-I think, tells him. Grena Larn. Hmm. Let's go Gossamer." I watch as they walk away before stepping off of the mat. Bern is the first to meet me.

    "Grena! What the heck was that! How did you know what to do!" I shake my head and he sighs. "Natural talent, of course. Let's go back to the things Ryis told us to do. Like stay low and learn survival skills." He puts his hand on my shoulder and guides me away from the fight training but I can only think of the one question: How did I suddenly become a good fighter after being beat to a pulp?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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