Part 1

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Sakura's P.O.V

I was breathing heavily as I had been running for two hours.My vision became blurry at that moment and I knew that was because of the toxin I have got from the recent fight with unknown ninjas.
Yes....I was on a C rank mission alone but it turned into S rank.I sighed.

I fought with them and I didn't notice one of them injected this toxin into my arm.Being a medic,I was looking for the leaves that can detoxify my wound.

I must find it quick.I can't die here.There is some things I have to do in my life before I die.I waved my head to remove these thoughts.

My legs became numb gradually so I rested under a certain big tree.Unfortunately it started raining.I could not move at all and I closed my eyes.

Tsunade sama please forgive me.I think I have to die here.

My thought was interrupted as I sensed a certain chakara coming towards me.But I was too weak to identify whose chakara was this.Finally,I was knocked unconsious under the tree by the poison.

Sasuke's P.O.V

After buying everything I need from the bazaar,I came back to my house.Then I sensed a friendly chakara but I'm not sure who the person was.But this chakara became weaker and weaker.So I decided to look for that person.

There I found a girl with pink hair and....

Pink hair??No it can't be.......Sakura?

I know it is rare to see people with pink hair.I stepped closer to the girl and shocked.She is really sakura.What is she doing here?How?

But I stopped thinking and looked at her.She was in a complete mess.I guessed she had a fight and somehow she was injured from that fight as I saw a poisonous wound on her arm.She might have no time to cure that wound and finally she was unconsious.

Her hair grew longer as it reached her small waist.Her ninja uniform was as usual and I noticed she have curves at right places.She became a grown woman.

Now I have to decide what I should do.Should I leave her just here?Should I bring her to house and heal her wound?

If I leave her,She will die.But if I bring and heal her,she will know where I live and my hideout.I sighed.

There is no way I can leave her here.She was my old comrade and friend after all.Nothing more nothing less.It will be too cruel of me to leave her here alone.So I carried her in bridal style and headed to my house.

Normal's P.O.V

Sasuke placed sakura on his bed as gently as possible.If he moved carelessly,the poison would diffuse all over her body.Firstly he examined her body with his sharingans.He saw the poison reached within her internal organs.He must do quickly.Because of the rain,her clothes were soaked.So he changed her clothes with his.At that time,he didn't have time to think dirty thoughts.(just kidding😂😂)

He then made up an antitoxin suitable for her wound after looking for the requirements.

He knew what kind of poison she got as he studied it when he stayed with orochimaru.He went to sakura and injected the antitoxin into her arm.After that,he did everything needed to heal her wounds.

This poison was unbelieveably venomous like a snake's.Maybe she will get consious after four or five days.He sighed when he knew he could save her life from the poison.

And he smiled.He saved her!!
That's too ungenerous for sakura not to be seen sasuke's rare smile.^_^

Although sakura's conditions were not that bad,sasuke stayed beside her and watched her to know immediately if something bad was happened to her.

There is another reason for sasuke to stay beside her.Sakura talked in her faintness.It was really funny when she talked about naruto.

She spoke how much naruto liked raman,how much perverted kakashi and she wanted to bring sasuke no matter what.After hearing those words,sasuke regretted what he had done and what he had said to her.

Sakura,I'm sorry.......

After two days,sakura woke up.When she got consiousness,it was already night time.She is a tough one,isn't she?She felt like her head was going to explode.So she massaged her head with her fingers.She didn't even know sasuke was beside her.She was busy with herself.Sasuke wanted to laugh.But he didn't.

Somehow sakura noticed something wasn't right.So she looked at the figure that stood just beside her.

She widened her eyes.In her chest,her one and only heart was pounding crazy.Just seeing those obsidian eyes,sakura knew who the person was and amazed at her vision.

"Sasuke kun?"she only whispered.

However sasuke heard and nodded.

Suddenly sakura felt something was strange and empty on her body.Realization hit her hard and her cheeks turned pink.

"Did you change my clothes?"

"Yes"his reply was simple and his expression was blank as ever.

"D...did see......?"

Sasuke raised his eyebrows though he knew what sakura wanted to say.

"No.Nothing to see anyway"

Sakura could be only surprised at his action.He changed but was arrogant still.

Sakura looked down at her hands as she didn't dare to look at uchiha's onyx eyes.

"Why?"her voice was just above whisper.


"Why did you save me?You could just leave me there.But you didn't.Why?"

Sasuke sighed.Women are just complicated.He saved her.Right.But that doesn't matter.And the fact was that she would get better and return to leaf village.

"If I left,you would die"sasuke replied annoyingly.

"Oh....then thank you sasuke kun"she exhaled "for saving me"


Awkward silence was filled in the room.Sakura didn't talk as she didn't know what to say and didn't want to annoy him.Sasuke on the other hand,he amazed at sakura's silence.Usually she started talking to him and annoyed him being his fangirl.But this time she was different.

"You should rest.You don't recover absolutely."as being a man with few words he is,this was new for sakura.

Actually,he didn't dislike the way sakura's action.He was just not used to it.

"Why don't you come back sasuke- kun?"she asked a question without giving a reply to him.


"I know ,sasuke kun.If you don't want to tell about this,then don't.I'm just......"

Sakura could not continue what she said.She didn't know how to react when she met with sasuke.She wasn't ready yet although the time passed two years after the war.This was so sudden.She could not take it.

Sasuke is her former teamate and her first love.She loved him and she still loves.She wanted to save him from the darkness that influenced over him.

Before sasuke could speak anything,she told him.

"Goodnight sasuke- kun."

Author's note:So?How it is mina?Please comment how you felt after reading this.Let me know your feelings freely....luv u all...😘😘😘❤❤

To be continued.......✌✌✌✌

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