Part 3

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No one's P.O.V

Sakura was eating slowly those over nutrient foods while sasuke was doing something outside the house.She could not eat anymore.But she have to eat because she made a deal with sasuke.


Sasuke knew how sakura would react so he prepared a perfect plan that sakura could not resist.

And that is..................

If she ate all of the foods and recovered fully,he would tour her around the village that was only a mile far from his house.

This actually did work.Sakura really could not resist.And that is a reason why sakura was eating but slowly because she made a deal with Uchiha and she didn't want this chance to waste.

Flashback ends######

Sakura sighed,looking sasuke who was about to go outside...maybe somewhere she didn't know.But her curiosity insisted so she asked him.

"Where are you going?Do you leave me alone?"

Sasuke stopped and turned back to her,annoying by her questions
of course.

"Training."he replied with a very short answer which didn't affect sakura though.

Then he went out leaving sakura behind....alone.

Training?He really is strong and went to train.

Then an idea popped up from her head.She grinned.

After walking about 15 minutes,she saw the place where sasuke was training.Sasuke really became more powerful than she thought,just by seeing those unique fighting stances.She was impressed.She knew sasuke was strong since the 4th ninja war.Even when he was hiding from naruto,sakura and others,he was always ready for fights.She couldn't help but admired him.

She breathed steadily as she moved closer to sasuke without being unnoticed by him.Then she run so fast like the wind to sasuke. Sasuke who was really concentrated on the training didn't avoid sakura's sudden hit to his chest so he leaned backward.Sakura planned not to hurt him too much.So she put only a little strength on him.

"Sakura,what did you-"he was cut off by sakura.

"Listen to me sasuke kun.I have something to tell you."Her face held determination and sasuke nodded though he was upset because of her hit.

"Why didn't you come back?!You and naruto saved the world together.And you said you wanted to be Hokage.You fought enemies with us even protected us.I thought team 7 was reunion again.I thought you would come back to konoha.But you didn't come back.You even hid from us....stayed unknown.Why sasuke kun?Why?!"sakura became angry while telling these to sasuke.

It was true she did expect sasuke to come back to konoha.No.....she believed him.But he didn't.However she didn't give up.She really didn't want to.So instead of tight lipping,she thought frankness was better for both of them.

On the other hand,sasuke also lost his patience.She annoyed him so much.Maybe more than that.....

"Why is that so important to you?Coming back or not is my decision.That's my life and none of your business.You aren't even my family."sasuke raised his voice.

"Oh shut up sasuke!You know what I mean and also this is not the answer I want.Your house is really pretty and everyone may like it.But I don't understand you.You didn't want to come back because you like this house?You are happy here?Alone?I can't understand!Tell me sasuke kun."

Then she felt hot on her face.

Oh....I'm crying again.I am weak.He will look down to me again.

But she didn't care anymore.Sasuke stayed quiet.His eyes filled with unknown emotions.Nobody could read them.Not even naruto.....not even sakura....She then continued.

"Sasuke kun,we were waiting for your return and we still are.Why can't you see that?Past is past.You can't change anything what happened in the past.You should begin your life again.Also you already killed Itachi-sa...."

Before finishing her sentence,sasuke jumped upon sakura.She widened her eyes.She didn't hurt because of the pain from falling to the ground but because of sasuke's look wanting to kill her at once.His sharingan also activated.More tears rolled down to her face as sadness filled into her mind completely.

"Don't speak his name again or I will-"

"What?Kill me?"she bitterly laughed.Sasuke narrowed his eyes for sakura's strange behaviour.

"Then just do it already.You should have killed me already when you found me.So I died with the hope that you would come back to konoha one day.But now your painful past chased after you.You have fulfilled your wish by taking revenge on your brother.What do you need now?I know you suffered so much since your child-"

"No, sakura.You don't know and you will never do.You just pity me.You saw me as a lonely guy,having nowhere to go.You think you can save my life.Don't worry sakura.I'm not the guy needing a girl's help for his life."

"That's not what you-"she was cut off again.Seem like sasuke was really angry with her.Yes...her words were like a knife stabbed his heart deeply and sharply.

"Don't think like you are a hero just  having strength to destory one or two mountains.You are only a useless toy for leaf village.You are always weak and you can't deny that.You can never become strong.Never!"

Sakura closed her mouth with her hand so that sasuke could not hear her sob again.Her emaralds eyes stared at onyx orbs confusingly.

No words came out from her mouth.No she couldn't.She didn't hope sasuke would say that to her.He was too cruel.But he was right.She was not even his bestfriend,just an old teamate.

Sasuke stood up.He wanted to scoff sakura but didn't know why.

So he told her,"Tell me again sakura.Huh?Why did you close your mouth?Tell me about coming back home again."

Sakura was just staring at him with lifeless eyes and didn't move an inch.

But sasuke's vision became blurry although he resisted by rubbing his eyes roughly.Then he realized something.
He widenen his eyes.


"Sakura,what did you......."was all coming from sasuke and he collapsed.

Author's note:Yo guys,I'm happy with this chapter thought it doesn't include good things.But next time,you will see something unbelievable in this story.Then ja- ne.....✌✌✌✌


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