Chapter 1 -Two Kinds of Surprises

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"Ma'am," The doctor with sleek glasses walks into the room where Mr. and Mrs. Summers wait to hear the results, "You are not sick." Mrs. Summers sighs in relief, Mr. Summers stands and comforts his wife.

"If she isn't sick, why has she been showing signs of an illness?" He asks as Mrs. Summers stares at the floor, the bags under her eyes clearly screaming the lack of sleep.

"Unless you consider a child an illness then, sure, your wife is 2 months ill." The doctor slipped his glasses off his narrow nose and hinged them into the pocket of his coat. He smiled.

Mrs. Summers, overwhelmed with joy, wanted to cry her heart out, she remained seated on the bench --hands folded on her lap-- and glanced at her husband, searching his eyes for approval. His face broke into a smile as well and he nodded her way.

"You may be overjoyed my dear," He said lifting his frail wife by the shoulders.

"I am, I truly am," As she stood she held her gut gently, "But I--I might vomit if I get any happier."

"We cannot have that happen." He replied sitting his wife back down.

"Mr. Summers," The doctor quickly interrupted, "I need blood prints of both you and your wife as proof that this is your first child together."

"Yes, of course." The doctor handed Mr. Summers a small surgical blade and he pricked his index finger. "Place it here," the doctor held out a clipboard, on it a paper with two boxes one labeled 'One' the other 'Two.' Without hesitation he placed his finger against the pale page and pulled his finger away leaving his code in blood. His wife did the same.
"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Summers, you have placed another One into our civilization's existence." The doctor said as he slightly bowed and left the room.

Mr. Summers sat beside his wife and spoke softly, "Are you truly overjoyed?"

She grabbed his hand and held it tightly, "Yes."

"Kiss me." She leaned and her lips met with his. He pulled away, with his lips still slightly in reach of hers, "Say it."

She knew exactly what he meant, she hated when he made her say it, but when she said it, she wasn't lying. She just didn't want to be obligated to say it. She was a Two and he a One--he was in control. Her lips trembled a little against his and she whispered, "I love you."

He kissed her again, let out a laugh of satisfaction, "Again."

She pulled away and brought her mouth to his ear, "I love you."

His mouth now nipped behind her ear, "I love you too, my lovely Two."

-7 months later-

The Summers were brought back to the hospital in bright siren panic. Mr. Summers sat with his hands holding his face, his legs trembled. In mere moments he was to be a father, the thoughts haunted him, was he ready? The hour that followed felt like a decade, his heart was climbing his throat, hitting every vital organ on the way up.

"Mr. Summers," A nurse in a white robe that covered her feet with sleeves that were her hands, and a mask that covered the rest of her. He stood; the room was spinning.

"This way, please," She led him down a series of hallways to a room with a glass wall. The room had cases and cases of newborn infants. The cry of 24 babies was heard even through the thickness of the glass wall.

"The baby in #7 is your new son." The nurse says as she focused on the inside of the newborn room.

He went ecstatic; having a first born son meant luck and strength for the family. He couldn't stop smiling. The baby cried and screamed at the top of his little lungs.

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