Chapter 4-Watchful Eyes

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                                                                                        -(Monday To Friday)-

There is always a good side to everything, or so I have read in one of the cast off books of the library. Friday gets it's own little phrase that everyone knows, TGIF. Interpret that as 'The Good in Friday' or 'Thank God it's Friday' the only silver lining I see of Friday is the fact that there is a 48 hour lapse that I can actually not think about school and what inane high school drama takes refuge in its walls. I find that my interpretation of TGIF is 'There's Greatness in Flaws'-- if my flaws were tallied as a single scratch on my arm, I'd definitely be armless.

It has been 5 days, each day the same as the last. No excitement, no

thrill, all routine. One thing that I noticed, which I really shouldn't have but everyone in the Two building is beginning to notice, Kallin sticks out like a red-bellied robin in the midst of blue-crowned Jays. In the best of ways. Every male Two brushes his hair to the left, Kallin's dark strands barely looks maintained at all, it spikes, it curls, his hair just screams 'outsider.'

Mr. Rowan asks a question, all heads turn to see what Kallin has to offer as a challenge. On Tuesday, Mr. Rowan just thought that Kallin was trying to act immature, well, unlike a proper Two. By Wednesday Mr. Rowan ignored the fact that Kallin's hand was the first to stand in the drowning river of Twos. When I left class I always heard Mr. Rowan say, "Kallin, stay after class," he'd sigh and throw his glasses on his desk, "Again."


I stare down at my blank notebook paper, the blue lines all bound to never touch each other, yet they all have one thing in common, the controlling red line that decided to name itself commander.

Jason, the Two to my right, is perpetually sucking in air quickly; only because the guy has his head anchoring his neck to its limit in the wrong direction. His drool already slithered all the way to the inside of his shirt. He kind of looks like a fish out of water.

"Okay class," Mr. Rowan says tapping his ruler against the backboard, "Who, has-- he takes a deep breath and glances over my head in Kallin's direction-- "Who has the answer to the question?"

I heard movement from behind me, and the sound of sticky flesh leaving the edge of the desk tickles my ear. I know that his hand is up.

"Oh for the love of Ones," Mr. Rowan hunches over and begins stomping and flailing his arms erratically, "Can someone else answer the question, beside the eager young Sparrow?!" His glasses fall off the bridge of his nose and are now a necklace of sleek design.

No one answers of course, yet, Kallin keeps his hand up high. Mr. Rowan, pinches the middle of his nose, and says, "Hand. Down. Now." His finger slowly points downward as he exaggerates the length of the words.

"Class is dismissed." He says quickly pointing at the door as a flood of sleepy zombies suddenly rise from the dead and herd out.

I stand and make my way to the door.

"You," I hear from behind me as my fingers freeze at the sleek handle of my escape. "Stay after class."

Mr. Rowan has definitely lost his head, at this point his ears are smoking with annoyance. I step away from the door and stand stiffly at his desk.

"You know you are the worst student that I have in this class, am I correct, Winter?"

I glanced at the time, knowing Sonny might worry.

"Yes, Sir. I believe my average is below 10 percent."

"Excellent, I have an obligation that I need you to fulfill." His leather seat squeaks at his sudden drop.

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