Chapter 5- The Butterfly's Flower

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Friday swiftly fades with the moon, and turns into its following friend, Saturday. One of the only days that I actually get to sleep a little later than 6 a.m. Not too late, but late enough.

Peppermint wakes me just about ten minutes to eight, I yawn, and let the pup out of my room to do his business.

Once Peppermint is out of my room, I close the door behind me and throw myself back onto my bed. I close my eyes to get some more rest when a voice beckons my attention.

"Winter," a faint whisper but I can hear it. "Are you awake yet?" It's Sonny. His thoughts attack my own.

"Yes, I am." I say really wishing I could just fall back to sleep.

"Good. I have to go to the academy today, I forgot to mention this to dad. So it's best that we both go."

"What am I supposed to do while I wait for you?" I ask, throwing my pillow over my face.

"I don't know," Sonny says sighing, "Think of something quick. I can't miss this practice just before the season ends."

"Fine," I throw my pillow from my face accidentally knocking over my lamp. The sound echoes through my room wall.

"Don't make so much noise!" Sonny's voice screams in my head.

"You don't have to yell!" I scream back.

I faintly hear him laughing in the back of my mind.

I sigh, "I'm going to block you out now."

"No wai--

I press the heart on my necklace and mute his argument.

I stand, lift my small lamp back to where it once stood and hear a scratch at my door. Once my side table is the way it was, I walk over and open the door to see Peppermint wagging his tail and hopping around with something in his mouth.

"What's this?" I grab the object, which is a piece of paper with poorly written words.

I read it aloud. "You can't ignore me forever, Frostbite."

I crumple the paper, look down the hall and see Sonny sticking his head out of his room just slightly. He sticks his tongue at me.

I mouth the words, "Oh, very mature."

He giggles and I can't help but laugh along.

We both suddenly hear footsteps from our parent's room and we close our doors and remain silent.

Once father is awake, Sonny convinces him that it was a last minute change in plan for practice sessions and father has no problem letting Sonny go as long as I go with him to do something useful with my Saturday.

We get ready and head out to the Academy.


"I don't understand why father wanted me to follow you. There is nothing I can do here." I complain to Sonny as I hold on to my notebook.

"Don't ask me about father's logic," He smiles, shrugging his shoulders, "For some reason he likes it better when we are together."

I sigh, as I stare at the Two building and then to the One building. "What am I going to do for 5 hours, Sonny?"

"Just," He says then hears a friend call his name from the One building. "I'll be there in a minute!" He yells back. He looks around a moment, then spots a wildflower out of place in front of the Two building. "You see that there?"

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