Chapter 6- Robe of Scarlet

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"Winter," Mr. Rowan beckons from his desk, "Come hear a moment."

Silently I stand, walk passed all the dazed students and stop at his desk. His daughter's photo is still being used as a cover up for Kallin's rage.

"Sir?" I ask looking up from the frame.

"You are to do me a simple errand. Take this file to the main office." He says, not looking up from his work and hands me a file containing a large amount of paper.

"Yes, Sir." I turn, exit the classroom and walk down the hallway toward the exit. I walk out of the courtyard and look over to the One building. I hadn't seen Sonny since Saturday, and I wanted to see his usually cheery face. I fought the idea when the file I carried reminded me I was under oath at the moment. I continued toward the main office.

"You will be mine." I hear whisper as the wind picks up.

I look around to find the owner of the voice, and a shadowy outline of a person is in the distance. I can tell that whatever it is, it isn't friendly.

I run. Quickly toward the main office building and the shadowy being is passing through solid objects with great speed and is pursuing me. I watch as it gains speed nearly catching me. When I refocus to the path in front of me, a hooded robe of scarlet is in my way and I bump into it. We both hit the floor but in opposing directions.

"What are you doing, Two?!" I hear the headmaster scream. I didn't realize that he was next to the scarlet being. "I'm so sorry, Sir. You know how Two's can be." He helps the scarlet robe back onto it's feet.

"Come now, I'm sure there is reason behind her fright." The voice of the scarlet being was both caring and powerful. Once back on his feet, he pulls back his hood. He reveals gray stained hair, rather kept eyebrows, and rare sights of wrinkles. The only wrinkle that was apparent was the ones that creese between the brow as if he were constantly angry. He has a large black '13' etched into the robe right in place of his heart.

"I-I apologize. I was--

I fumble as I try to regather all the papers from the file that scattered on impact of me and the scarlet man.

"It's quite alright," He says dusting himself off, "Need not be so tense."

He reaches out a hand and I take it carefully, once I am steady on my feet he smiles. This smile; however, doesn't convince me.

"Headmaster." He says calmly.

"Yes, Senator?"

"Pick up the papers. I assume they are for you anyway."

"Y-yes Sir, of course, right away." The headmaster now is the one fumbling for all the papers.

"You look spooked, child." The scarlet Senator wears a concerned look.

"I," I pause, making sure I choose my words correctly--this man is one of the 13 Seat Council, "I was told these were important, so I thought it was best to run them over."

The 13 Seat Council are the ones in control of this province. They rank themselves by who is the one with most power 1 being the lowest and 13 being the highest in command. There are 6 women and 7 men. This man is Senator Kain Remoc Du, 13th seat of the council.

I remain completely tense. He examines the features in my face.

"Peculiar." He says with a grin. "You are the daughter of the Summers, am I correct?"

"I am." I respond.

His grin disappears and he pulls his hood back over his head. "Headmaster. Shall we carry on?"

The headmaster finally picked up all the papers and nods in response.

"Try to run with your eyes in front of you next time, Ms. Summers." The Senator walks past me without another word.

As his scarlet robe flashes beside me, an air of heaviness falls upon me. My knees give out and I collapse under sudden fear.

Is he here inspecting the academy? I ask myself, refusing to watch the gentlemen continue down the walkway. Just his presence made gravity seem to consume me!

I regain strength in my legs and stand, the scarlet being and the headmaster are no longer in my field of vision. If they sent Senator 13, I start to think as I return back to Mr. Rowan's classroom, This cannot be merely a divide inspection!

I let the thought linger a moment, then return to class.


Class felt like an eternity this evening. Today my mind was elsewhere. Mr. Rowan noticed, and he questioned what was on my mind. It was the Senator's visit, but I didn't tell Mr. Rowan the reason. It was odd for him to question why I wasn't paying attention. Usually my problem is that I pay too much attention.

"Well, I have errands to run. Start your session, Winter." Mr. Rowan says, grabbing a pile of papers, fitting his glasses in place, and with that he leaves Kallin and I in the classroom.

Kallin walks over to the front desk, and I just stare outside a moment.

"You haven't said a word to me." He says, I refuse to look at him. My mind is cramped with the Senator's presence and how my soul feels almost as if it was crushed.

"Today, I am not going to teach you." I respond, gravely. Everytime I get closer, and closer to you. This, this is starting to ache me.

"What?" He presses his hands against the desk, "Did I miss something?"

I look to him, his face reading utter confusion. I repeat myself, "I am not going to teach you today."

"Winter you-

"I refuse." I say, such torture hidden within those blue eyes.

He stands, "Hold on a second, didn't the old man say-

I walk past him, "I know what he said."

"Winter, can we talk about his?"

I turn to face Kallin before leaving the room. He stands motionless, with a mask of sorrow. Outside the window I see a flash of blue flutter by. My eyes widen. I whisper, "Paradise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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