His new girl

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Jordan's P.O.V

Me and the squad had fun. We talked , ate and skated but the funny part was that Minnie kept falling and bustin her ass. But she got mad cuz we was laughing and went to go sit down. After a while we decided to leave. Before we left I noticed that Bryson never cam back to the table.

Me: Minnie, Bryson said that he was comin to talk to u earlier before u came back wit yo food. Do u kno where he went?

Minnie: I saw him but when I looked at him, he jus stormed away like he was mad or sum

Me: oh ok

We walked over to the arcade to find Bryson and see him kissin this chick

Me:*Clears throat

Bryson: Oh... um, this is Alissa.

Alissa: *waves

The boys :Hey

The girls: *Sat there straight faced

Me: Anyways, y'all wanna come chill at my house

Everyone but Bryson: Yea

Bryson: yea but can Alissa come

Me: Yea I guess

Bryson: ok

Me: Do y'all wanna ride in the car wit us

Nicki: nah, we jus gon follow y'all in the car we came in

Me: ok

In Nicki's Car

Nicki: I don't like her

Z: how u gon not like her but u dont know her

Nicki: cuz she dress like a hoe

Jay,Minnie,Z: u rite

Jay:and how much u wanna bet she gon try to start sum wit one of us

Z: Tru

Minnie: We gon see

We finally pulled up to the house.It huge. We got out the car and walked to the door where everyone else was.

Minnie's P.O.V

We walked in Jordan's house and it was nice. He had a two story house. Rite now everyone is talkin to they girlfriends and future girlfriends. I asked Jordan if I could invite Lucas and he said yea so now I'm just waitin for him to get here.

*the doorbell rang*

Me: I got it

Everyone but me & Bryson: ok

I opened the door and let Lucas in. We walked in the livin room and everyone was lookin at him.

Me: this is Lucas, and Lucas this is Z, Nicki, Jay, August, Jordan, and Princeton

I purposely didn't introduce him to Bryson and Alissa, cause their irrelevant.

Everybody but Alissa & Bryson: hey

I started talkin to Lucas and I think I really like him. I heard some lip smackin so I turned around to tease who ever it was, but I saw it was Bryson and Alissa so I turned back around.

Bryson's P.O.V

I was tryin to get Minnie's attention to make her jealous, but she just started talkin to that Lucas nigga again. Now I'm just starin at her tryin to see where I went wrong.

Alissa P.O.V

(In the Media)

I'm Alissa, I'm light skinned I got hair that comes down to my shoulders, but rite now I got it in weave braids. My hair is black wit blonde highlights. I'm semi curvy. These girls think they so cute wit they big butts and big boobs, but imma put them in they place.

Bryson had just randomly started kissin me, so I kissed back. I must really have an affect on him. I was just about to start mentally complementing myself when I noticed that he was starin at Minnie. If she thought she was gonna steal my man she got anotha thing comin.

Jay's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch talkin to Princeton when our conversation got interrupted by the kissin noises of Bryson and Alissa. I swear they already annoyin me. I looked over where they were. After they were done kissin I saw Bryson lookin at Minnie. Then next thing I know, I see Alissa walkin over towards Minnie. I shifted from my position about to get ready if she was tryin to fight

Princeton: Babe, wats wrong.

Jay: I feel lik sum finna go down

Princeton: wym

Jay:Look *pointing towards Alissa

Princeton: oh, ok

Minnie's P.O.V

I was talkin to Lucas until Alissa tapped me on my shoulder

Minnie: *looks at Alissa wit attitude

Alissa: can I talk to you in private plz

I got up and followed her around the corner

Alissa: Look, I don't kno wat u and Bryson have goin on he's mine and imma need u to step off

Minnie: wat tf r u talkin bout. Me and Bryson have nothing goin on

Alissa: So y is he starrin at u then

Minnie: Bitch idk, y don't u ask him

Alissa: BITCH, who tf r u callin a bitch

Minnie: I do believe I was talkin to u cuz u tha only one here

Alissa jus Sat there lookin confused like she didn't know who I was talkin to. I don't have time for this childishness. Like she jus met that nigga and she already attached. Smh. I turned around go back and finish talkin to Lucas when she pushed me. I stumbled a lil but I didn't fall. I turned around fast and punched that hoe in the mouth. I continued to punch and stomp that hoe

The Girls P.O.V

We was jus sittin nd chillin with the boys when we saw Alissa walk over to Minnie and ask to talk to her. Us being nosy decided to sneak around to corner and listen to way she had to say. Then she started talkin all dis bs so I know Minnie got on that ass. Next thing u know Minnie was finna walk away until that trick pushed her. Minnie swung so fast and punched her in the mouth. We was finna jump in cuz we already dont like her but I guess the guys heard the noise and stopped us and broke up the fight. After Minnie got done wit her, she was fucked up

Everyone except Bryson: Damn u fucked her up.

Bryson: wtf u do that for Minnie

Minnie: that bitch shouldn't have put her hands on me

Bryson was mad so he took her home


Is Alissa gonna try to get revenge?

Minnie and Lucas cute ain't they? 😝

Comment and vote what u think is gonna happen.

~A&A Productions

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