Why/ I love u

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Minnie's House

Princeton's P.O.V

Bruh, I really fucked up. I wasn't expecting for her to find out. Makayla was jus one of my hoes I was still talkin to,  but I got to get Jay back. And soon. I texted Makayla and told her I was breakin up with her.


PrettyboyPrince😍: We need to talk

MysideKay😋: What is it boo

PrettyboyPrince😍: This relationship ain't gon work

MysideKay😋:Wat u mean

PrettyboyPrince😍: I'm breakin up wit u Makayla

MysideKay😋: Y u breakin up wit me. I bet it has sum to do with that hoe Jay!

PrettyboyPrince😍: Nah it don't have nun to do wit her, its u. U boring and don't have no type body. I don't evn know y I fuck wit u

MysideKay😋: u kno wat Princeton, fuck u the only good thing about u is yo dick game. Yep that's right, u was a smash and dash. Bye Bye now.

PrettyboyPrince😍: stfu u was a side chick anyway.

I ended to conversation with that and blocked her number. Now I have to figure out a plan to get Jay back. Wait, I got it 😀

Minnie's P.O.V

Everybody was chillin in my living room having conversations wit each other. I was enjoyin the movie that was on TV when I felt someone starring at me. I looked around the room and locked eyes wit Bryson. He asked to talk to me in private so we got up and went into the dining room. Uhhhggg what does he want??

Me: Wat do u want Bryson

Bryson: Look Minnie I really like. Tbh I liked u ever since I first met u in middle school. I was gonna finally try to talk to u when we was at the skating rink but u got up and walked away. I wondered wat I did wrong so when I tried to find u, but I saw u talkin to that Lucas boy. That slick made me jealous so to make u jealous I got with Alissa but that obviously didn't work.  All I'm saying is, I was wondering if you would give me a second chance.

Me: Aww, that was very sweet for u to tell me all of this but, I already have a boyfriend.*lies😉*

Bryson: Really

Me: Nah I'm jus playin wit u. But I guess I could give u a second chance. That shit u did was real petty tho.

Bryson: ik and I'm sorry

Me: I accept ur apology

Bryson looked relieved at the fact that I was kiddin. I could see him leaning in for a kiss!. I braced myself. 

When he kissed me, I felt a spark. Like we was meant to be together the whole time. We jus gon see where all of this goes . Our kiss was interrupted by Nicki, Z and Jay irritating ass.😒😂

The girls:Awwww

We pulled back from the kiss and I glared at them

The Girls: wat

Me: Y'all always ruinin stuff *I said smiling*

The Girls: We kno. But u still luv us tho

Me: Wtevr

We all went back to the living room and finished watchin the movie.

Jay's P.O.V

Princeton texted me and told me to meet him at the park. I was still mad at him, but I wanted to hear what he had to say.

At the park

I was pullin up at the park when I saw a stage wit a bunch of lights around it. I got out of my car and walked over to the stage and saw a chair in front of it. Just then I got a text from Princeton.

CheatinAssNigga: sit in the chair

I looked around to see if I could see him, but I couldn't so I jus sat in the chair and waited. Rite after I sat down Princeton walked to the middle of the stage. He started to sing.

If there's a question of my heart, you've got it
It don't belong to anyone but you
If there's a question of my love, you've got it
Baby, don't worry, I've got plans for you, yeah
Baby, I've been making plans of love
Baby, I've been making plans for you, yeah
Baby, I've been making plans
Baby, I've been making plans for you

Then he came off of the stage.

Princeton: I am so sorry that I cheated on you. I guess I didn't know what I had until I lost u. I know it's only been a month and a half but it's been an amazing month and a half. Just the thought of losing u forever made my heart ache so I knew I had to get u  back soon. I promise I will never cheat or hurt you again. I like u alot and I hope we can move pass this

That was really sweet, but I don't fully forgive him.

Me: Princeton I would love to get back wit you, but don't think you're off the hook. What you did really hurt me. 

Princeton: I am so sorry, and I promise I won't mess this up again. 

He hugged me and we walked back to my car.

Me: did you plan all of this yourself

Princeton: yes, yes I did, but only because u mean A LOT to me

Me: aww

He leaned in for a kiss and I allowed him to get a lil peck but nun to much cuz I'm still a lil mad.


Yay! Everybody has a bae, but more drama will be coming up.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

~A&A Productions

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