Y u so Annoyin

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Nicki's P.O.V

Hey y'all, I just woke up. I started getting ready for school when I got notifications from the group chat me and the girls are in.

Minnie: I'm not gonna be at school for the next week

Z: Awww, y

Jay: I'm not gonna be there either

Z: y must u leave me

Me: so I see u just forgot about me Z

Z: u don't count your my cousin

Me: well then

Z: Minnie, u never answered y u were not gonna be there

Minnie: I am goin on a family vacation

Me, Z, Jay: we'll miss u

Z: we gotta get ready for school

Me: u rite, let me get out this house

Z: u pickin me up rite

Me: yea

I grabbed my shoes, hopped in my car, and went to pick up Z.

At Z's house

Me: are u ready

Z: yea, let's go

We got in my car and made our way to school. When we got out the car Z was givin me the signal that someone was lookin at me. I looked over and saw Diggy and some of his crew lookin at me. In Diggy's crew their were four guys Rocky, Roc, Ink, and Tyga.

As me and Z were walkin by Diggy and his crew we saw Diggy point at me. Then his stupid ass friend Rocky turned around and went 'DAAAMN' while lookin at me.

Me: I hope this nigga know that he made the fact that they were talkin about me obvious

Z: rite, stupid ass couldn't even play it off

Skip to fourth period

Me and Z were sittin down at our table talkin cause we finished our work. That's when Rocky's ugly ahh walked ova to where we were.

Rocky: Wussup Nicki. Z

Me: Uh..😒 Hi

Z: Wat do u want

Rocky: Lemme see yo phone Nicki

Me: No . Wat u need my phone for.

Rocky: jus let me see it

Me: No nigga

Rocky: *snatches phone and press power button* Hold up, who dis nigga on yo screensaver

Z: Her boyfriend

Rocky: for real

Me: yea, gotta problem *snatches phone back*

Rocky: mayb- *GCF by the bell ringin*

Z: bye nigga

Me and Z walked out of fourth period and got our books for fifth period from our lockers.

Me: that nigga so irritating

Z: Rite, but you know we got fifth period wit him so....

Me: man I forgot, DAAMN

The bell ring and we went to class.

Middle of fifth period

We had a substitute for this class, so nobody was doing any work. Me and Z was talking when Rocky came over, but it was to talk to Jalia who sat directly across from Z. Me and Z being the nosey people we are, we were watching them.

As soon as Rocky came over Jalia got up to walk away.

Rocky: why you leavin

Me: *whispers to Z* cause she don't like his ugly ass

Z: *laughin*

Rocky: what you say, y'all always talkin shit

Z: she said cause she don't like yo ugly ass

Rocky: while you ova there talkin shit you should be checkin ya nigga

Me: fuck is you talkin bout 

Rocky: he on Instagram wit anotha girl

Me: what?!? Let me see it

Rocky: *shows her the phone*

Me: Nigga, that's his sister

Z: yo stupid ass ain't even got yo facts straight

Me: come back when you get yo shit together

Z: Like damn nigga, u can't be dumb and ugly

Me: Yea nigga, pick a struggle

Z: Hahaha!!😂😝

Rocky: I-I-Uh Man whatever *walks off*

Me: he just mad cause he ain't have no come back

Z: u rite

Diggy: bruh, what happened why Rocky walk off, and why y'all look mad

Z: nigga please, you his best friend why would we tell you

Me: rite, so you can go back and start talking shit. We ain't stupid

Diggy: man you know we cool, I wouldn't do that

Z: boii bye

Diggy: *sucks his teeth* ok, whatever

I swear they be thinkin we stupid or sum. But off of that subject, me and Z decided we wanted to listen to music, After a couple of songs came and went, one of our favorite songs came on. Bedrock by Young Money Ft. Lloyd

Ooh (ooh) baby,
I be stuck to you,
Like glue (glue) baby,
Wanna spend it all on you (you),
My room is the g spot,
Call me Mr. Flintstone,
I can make your bed rock, ooh
I-I-I I can make your bed rock, ooh
I-I-I I can make your bed rock girl, ooh
I-I-I I can make your bed rock, ooh
I-I-I I can make your bed rock

After the song was over, I got a bright idea

Me: Z, I dare you to ask Roc if he got that Mr. Flintstone. I bet he wont know what it mean

Z: He prolly won't but I'm not finna do that. U do it

Me: Fine. Aye yo Roc, come here

Roc: Wat?

Me: Do u have tha- (GCO) by Diggy being nosey.

Go somewhere Diggy, I was talkin to him not u*pushin him*

Diggy: Bruh, u jus grazed my dick

Me: Boii plz, I can touch air anytime

Diggy: ?????


Wow, Cliffhanger

What will Diggy say to Nicki?

Don't forget to comment and vote what u think.

~A & A Productions

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