After Amber hung up with Britt, the cops pulled up.They started asking me all sorts of questions. I told them everything I knew and told them that she was a phsycotic jellaous bitch who needed to be put in a mental insatute. I guess thats what exactly what they did they stuck Amber in the street count mental insatute for the crimmaly insain. I called up Britt and Slade to thank them ever so much. "Hey Britt Slade you guys are life savers you guys saved my life! Thanks for getting that pyscotic bitch off my back."
"Your welcome Eli." Man Slade is so lucky I wish I could have Britt. "Oh and Eli im kinda sorry because you seamed like such a nice guy but I turned you in for rape."
"What Britt I never raped you!"
"Oh i'm not talking about me i'm talking about Slade."
"That..that was he.. Slade I told you not to tell here what happened last weekend!"
"What last weekend!? I was talking about the time on facebook when you told me that you were rapeing him over facebook! Slade you didnt tell me about last weekend."
Britt's POV
When I herd this i was astonished that Slade didnt tell me. No wonder he didnt tell me what was wrong when i asked him last night. Well good thing I called the cops. A few hours later when all the drama was setteling down and blew over. "well im glad thats over." Slade looked at me with a sadenned expression on his face. "Slade whats wrong?"
"I'm sorry Britt i should of told u."
"No Slade its ok you were in pain and emotional destress, i compleatly understand that you didnt want to tell me but I wish i could tell you i know how you feel but i cant." I tried to look down but Salde wouldnt let me he put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. "Babe dont ever say that. I would die on the inside if that ever happened to you." I gave him a small smile. "Slade you don't have to worry about that , because I will never get into that position likehat. You know why?"
"Why babe? Why do you think that will never happen to you?"
"Because i'm bad ass and i can whipp ass. If any creeper touched me." He smirked at me and said " Well I wouldnt mind if you whiped my ass."
"Oh really now?" I put on an evil but flirty smirk on my face I grabed the nearest dish towel,and walked behind him and snaped the towel at his ass. "H.Hey no fair babe." He has the most adorriable pout ever.
"All is fair in love and war."
"Well my beautiful butterfly....." He grabbed the towel nearest to him. "this shall be filled with love then." My eyes opened wide when I saw him twist that towel and snaped it twords me. "Oh no you dont!" I turn and started running around the house trying not to get snaped by him. I was running around a corrnor when suddenly I triped. "Ow hey thats no fair! Thats cheating!"
"Well like you said earlyer my darling all is fair in love and war." Then I realized that wasnt slade, that was Eli. "E..Elie what are you doing here? Your suposte to be in jail!