Gabe Dirty Imagine

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Kylie's POV
So I was going to a party with my boyfriend Gabe and I picking out my outfit so I wore a off the shoulder top with black high waisted pants and high heeled combat boots my hair in a messy bun

Im so excited to go to this party and all of a sudden I hear my door bell ring I ran downstairs and it was Gabe Gabe: *Picks Kylie up sound you around and kisses you* You Look so hot Kylie: ThanksGabe: Ready To go?Kylie: yep Soon enough we arrive ...

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Im so excited to go to this party and all of a sudden I hear my door bell ring I ran downstairs and it was Gabe
Gabe: *Picks Kylie up sound you around and kisses you* You Look so hot
Kylie: Thanks
Gabe: Ready To go?
Kylie: yep
Soon enough we arrive at the party
<< 20mins later>>
I'm trying to look for Gabe and I dont see him anywhere and started to get kind of worried
Gabe: BOO
Kylie: AHH Gabe I've been looking all over for you where have you been?
Gabe: * drunk* Calm the fuck down and have fun
Kylie: Gabe-
Gabe: Come here ill show you fun
So Gabe takes me upstairs into this bedroom
Kylie: Gabe what are you doing
Gabe: hush just take off your shoes and lay on the bed
Authors POV
So Gabe gets on top of Kylie and starts kissing her then he goes down to her neck and Kylie moans as Gabe kisses and bites her neck Gabe's hands move down her waist and lefts her up a little. Kylie tugs on Gabe shirt so he took it off Gabe placed Kylie's hand on his chest. Gabe takes Kylie pants and panties off and starts rubbing her vagina Kylie starts to moan louder as Gabe was kissing her chest. After about 6 - 10 minutes of doing that Gabe takes off his pants and stars sliding into Kylie she somewhat groans in pain but the deeper and faster Gabe got the more pleasure Kylie felt. They both were moaning in pleasure both of them reached their climate Gabe lays beside Kylie both of them out of breath.

A/N I was so uncomfortable writing this and I think I suck at it but I thought why not try something new. But anyway I'm doing a Q&A question thing on Wattpad or you can ask me on my Askfm @ KennethSanJoseLover

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